Chapter 4

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Jenny: PAPA *starts crying. Teddy moves the coffee table and lays Gibbs on his side. Tony: Jenny it's ok. Pulls her close to me. It's ok
Gibbs: stobs shaking but doesn't wake up.Teddy: GUNNY wake up *tires to wake Gibbs*.Jenny: PAPA.
Gibbs: groans before throwing up blood.Tony: Gibbs plz wake up. I can't go on without you. I and Jenny need you. Please, Gibbs. I love you. Teddy: ok we're taking you back in this isn't normal for the stomach flu.
Gibbs: groans. Ow, what happened. Teddy: you had a seizure and I'm taking you to the ER only me Tony stay here with Jenny. Jenny: I want to go with PAPA. Tony: I know sweetie how about you have a eat sleep and showed first then well go see papa
Gibbs: princess it'll be ok I'll see you after. When don't you colour me a picture? Jenny: ok
Teddy helps Gibbs to the car with a trash can. Gibbs: doubles over in pain. Teddy: *gets in and speeds to the hospital*.Gibb: ow fuck. This shit hurts. Throws up the blood.
Teddy: we're almost there. Gibbs passes out from the pain. Teddy: speeds more to the hospital while trying to wake Gibbs up*. Teddy: pulls up to the hospital gets out and goes in to get help*. Tony: come on Jenny let's go see papa.
Gibbs vomits blood. Teddy goes to the nurse* hey my friend has been throwing up for a few days now and just now started throwing up blood plus he has stomach pain then a seizure along with passing out from the pain he's out in the car right outside. Nurse: runs outside with a stretcher put him on here.Gibbs: groans. Teddy: helps move him onto the stretcher. TONY where are you.Teddy: he's home with Jenny. Gibbs: tony I want tony. Starts thrashing around. Teddy: GUNNY calm down or they will sedate you *pins Gibbs down*.Gibbs: please teddy I need tony. I need to know he's safe. Still thrashing around. Screams TONY.
Teddy: Gibbs he's home with Jenny he and Jenny are safe. Gibbs: please Teddy, please. I need him, please. I love him. Tony tony TONY. SCREAMS in PAIN. TONY. Teddy: can you give him anything doc. Doctor: at this point, I'm not sure anything but this tony person would help. Teddy: grabs the phone dials Tony's number*.Gibb: tony tony tony. Start thrashing around and screaming. Tony, I need tony*cries* Tony. Tony: answers the phone and hears Gibbs screaming in the background. Teddy: get here now he's in a lot of pain. Tony: I can hear ill be there soon.Teddy: Tony's coming Gibbs.Gibbs: TONY. Screams. Tony. Starts thrashing around again tony. Teddy: *puts phone by Gibbs*.Tony: Gibbs calm down, the love I'm ok Kenny's ok were on our way.
Gibbs: calms down hearing tony's voice. Teddy: sighs*.Gibbs: looks at teddy. What. Teddy: I was holding you down so you do ou didn't hurt yourself by the way you're strong. Gibbs: you have to be strong to do what I do but thanks. Tony: hey I'm pulling up right now and Jenny's asleep though but can you please let the doctors help you please honey
Teddy: I'll make sure he's good
Jenny: sleeping in the backseat in the car seat. Gibbs gets a little nervous and uncooperative. No no, I don't wanna, go away. Tony, I want tony. Tony: comes in and hands a sleeping Jenny to Teddy then goes to Gibbs* hey hey it's ok I'm here.Gibbs: tony. Pulls him to me and cries in his chest. Don't ever leave me like that again. Tony: it's ok I didn't leave you Teddy took you here so I could stay home with Jenny. Gibbs: looks around frantically for Jenny. Jenny where are you. Teddy: shh she's right here asleep now let the doctors see what's wrong with you so we can leave this horrible food place no Offence doc
Doctor: none taken the food is bad here but it's quick. Gibbs: nods but grabs tony's hand. Please don't leave. Tony: I won't only if the doctor says I can't go into the room with you ok. Gibbs: then I sure as hell won't either. Doctor: will sedate you then you choose. Gibbs: like hell, you will. : glares*
Teddy: doc comes with me for a sec. Doctor: ok, behave Marine *follows Tony out of the room*.Jenny: sleeping soundly on Teddy's shoulder.Tony: you best not mention sedation bc he will run. Especially if he's can't protect his family. He's already lost on when he was sedated. So I would advise that you sneak up on him if you must. Doc: ok *goes back in*
Gibbs: curled up in bed in a lot of pain. Teddy: rocking Jenny to keep her asleep*.Gibbs: tony it hurt. Tony: ok we're getting looked at.Gibbs: nods before laying straight so the doctor can examine me.Tony: good boy.Teddy: that won't last long him being good.Gibbs: glares at teddy. Ima is good just to prove you wrong. Tony: why
Teddy: he kept getting everyone in trouble with disobeying our DI. Gibbs: don't tell him that.Tony: how bad. Teddy:bad. Gibbs: hides in Tony's sweater. I've changed. Tony: Yes you have. Teddy: the DI was just glad he changed.
Gibbs: I mainly changed for tony. I heard people talking about him and knew the I wanted him. Tony: ok now let's see what's wrong with your stomach. Gibbs: nods. Tony doesn't leave plz. Whispers I'm scared. Tony: I will never leave you. Gibbs: good. Imgonnabesick.Tony sits Gibbs up and puts a bowl near his mouth. Gibbs: heaves into the bowl
Jenny: PAPA! Teddy: shh it's ok he's ok. Jenny: dada I wanna help.Teddy: in a bit sweetie. Gibbs: come here, princess
Tony: doc can you hurry up and check him.Teddy: not yet Gibbs let the doctor look you over
Jenny: PAPA. Gibbs lets her at least stand next to me so shes not freaking out. teddy: ok *puts Jenny next to Gibbs*.Gibbs: it's ok princess. Papas all right. Places a kiss on her forehead. Now the doctor gonna give me a check-up ok. Jenny: ya ok papa. Tony: smiles.

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