Chapter 20

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Abby: Z z Ziva. Tony: runs into Ziva rooms before entering the bathroom and screaming ZIVAAA.
Ziva:*dead*. Tony: MCGEEEE HELP.  McGee: goes and helps Tony* with what. Tony: *points shakily towards Ziva*. McGee: goes to get her down. Tony touches her neck. Mcgee don't she's already gone. McGee: no she can't be. Tony: McGee I check I'm sorry. Takes her down and brings her to gibbs room. Ducky. McGee: no don't take her to Gibbs. McGee: no bring Ducky here. Tony: please McGee let me bring her to ducky and the rest of the team. They need to see her. McGee: no bring them here. Tony: why McGee. McGee: cause I loved her more than a co-worker or friend. McGee: no Gibbs. Tony:* sits on the ground in the hallway and hugs her body * Ziva why did you do this. Tony: McGee go get them then. *still clinging to Ziva body*.  McGee: fine *goes to Gibbs room and loses it and tries to get to Gibbs wanting him to pay*.  You killed her you killed Ziva. Abbie launches herself at Gibbs and attacks him, you bastard.  She was my best friend.  I hate you. Gibbs: *gets scared cause he has no clue what they're talking about. Tony stands up with zivas body and grabs the note. *walks to the door of gibbs room. She left a note, guys. Gibbs: wait I kept saying Kate and not Ziva. Ducky: that's not all you did Gibbs. Tony: guys I'm right here. I have ziva with me and McGee asked me not to show her to Gibbs. So come get the note she wrote for each of you. Gibbs: told her that Kate was a better agent and forgetting her birthday but not the rest of you guys. McGee: takes the note. Tony:
I loved you tony. You showed me that I could always count on you to support me and help me in my time of need
You showed me confidence and tried to teach me not to care what people thought. And you will always be my friend.
I could rely on you for a hug or even just a random story that made me feel better. And I'm very grateful for you
I don't know you very well but what I do know is that you accepted me from the very beginning. Thank you
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with them. I will always be grateful for you
I'm sorry McGee I planned to stay with you forever but I can't take the pain of not being an NCIS agent but I also can't deal with Gibbs hating me. I love you. Please don't grieve too long you deserve to be happy. Tony: duck can you come hold her, please. She wrote a not for Gibbs. Gibbs: what does it sayTony: hands Ziva to ducky before walking in the room. I'll read it to him. Tony starts reading the note, Dear Gibbs,

It’s with a heavy heart that I write you this note, knowing the amount of pain it is going to cause you.
Gibbs, I want you to know that I love you dearly and will always love you. If I am given the opportunity to live again I will still choose you as my work and our family will still be my place of happiness.
But unfortunately, I know that there is not going to be any such opportunity.
Gibbs, I didn’t want to do this, but I was compelled by circumstances beyond my control to take the plunge.

I tried my best to pull through, but my best was not good enough. I battled alone for about thirteen months now until my strength failed me. you could not decipher what I was going through and maybe I should not blame you for that.

My one and only friend Abbie came very close to understanding what I was passing through but it was too much for her mind to comprehend.

NCIS, I know that you loved me and did everything you could to prove that to me but I was not feeling loved.

You provided for me more than I even wanted, took me to places that most of my mates have not even heard of, yet despite all these, my heart was longing for love.

I needed someone who would love me for who I was. I needed someone who could reach the depth of my soul and feel the vacuum there.
And I was alone all the while, despite the fact that we laughed together and had gist as a family.

Gibbs, I loved you like a father but you treated me like I was nothing. You always compared me to kate. Nothing I even did could compare to what she did. To you, I was never a good enough agent or person. I tried so hard to please you but nothing worked. Gibbs: *pulls the covers over him and cries*. Team: sniffling a bit
Gibbs: just leave everyone I don't desvered anyone just leave me here fire me I don't care Vance. Mcgee: no I'm not leaving you to do what Ziva just did no matter what you did. Even tho you deserve to. Team:*starts sobbing and hugs zivas body together*. Gibbs: JUST LEAVE WAIT OUT THE DOOR I DON'T CARE JUST LEAVE. Mcgee: NO I ALREADY TOLD YOU IM NOT LEAVING YOU FUCKING IDIOT. Ducky: I'm not going to do the autopsy we know how she died. Gibbs: just stays under the covers. Mcgee: rips the covers off him. You really are an idiot, aren't you? I told you I'm not.  Ya maybe you could have treated her nice but you didn't directly kill you. So no I'm not leaving till you beat the cancer then I'm leaving. (you can if you want)
Gibbs: you don't have to leave cause after treatment I'm going back to Stillwater and living there.
Gibbs: gets up and walks out the door before grabbing Ziva and laying her on the floor before performing CPR continuously.  -ten minutes later'-. McGee: Gibbs it's no use. Gibbs: snarls at him. I will do it till I drop dead if I have to* continues CPR*. If she stays dead then ill die too. Tony: that's not going to happen you don't have enough strength. Gibbs: picks her up and walks to her room before locking the door and laying her back on the floor. And continues doing CPR. Ducky: it's been 5mins before he started CPR. Gibbs: keeps doing CPR before getting light-headed. Keeps doing it even tho he's light-headed. Ducky: goes to help. Gibbs: pushes ducky away. No ducky I have to do this I can't lose another daughter* does CPR for 19 more minutes. Ducky: let me have a turn before you pass out. Gibbs: is extremely dizzy but keeps doing it till she gasps and starts to cough. Gibbs: passes out before starting to have a seizure. Ducky: *lays Gibbs on his side then puts a pillow under Gibbs head*  Ziva you ok. Ziva: nods. What happened to him. Ducky: he was doing CPR on you passed out and had a seizure. Ducky: for almost half-hour with no help. Ziva: stares at Gibbs in shock.  Why. Gibbs:* stops seizing*. I couldn't lose another daughter.  *has another seizure*. From exhaustion. Ducky: sighs* he needs to learn to rest. Ziva: starts crying please be alright Gibbs
Tony: breaks down the door before running in. Ziva you're alive. Gibbs you di.. looks and Gibbs in shock ducky what happening. Ducky: exhausted seizure. Tony how long did he do for for
Mcgee: walks into the room before seeing Ziva alive. Launches himself at her. How. Ducky: half an hour of CPR. Tony: shakes his head
Gibbs: stops seizing but has a heart attack. Ducky: Gibbs you ok. Gibbs: *is having a heart attack*.Ducky: someone go get a doctor. Ducky: Gibbs what's wrong. Palmer: runs and gets a doctor. Gibbs*heart stops* ducky: tony start for. His heart stopped. Ducky: where's palmer with that doctor. Palmer runs in with the doctor not far behind.  

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