Chapter 3

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Tony: frowns.Gibbs: groans. I'm ok now I think.
Tony: ok *holding a sleeping Jenny* you think you can take Jenny or not right now.Gibbs: ya hand her over, please. Tony: hands over a sleeping Jenny*. Gibbs: grabs tony sweater and rolls it up before pulling Jenny onto my chest and lays on my back falling asleep. Tony: smiles* looks like they want a nap. Gibbs: starts snoring Jenny's: snuggles closer to Papa. Tony: puts a blanket over them* now it looks like they are staying another night. Doctor: no you can take them home. They'll be more comfortable at home. Tony: you want to move a sleeping Marine be my guess I did that once and landed on the floor of the place we work at.
Doctor: ok ok they can stay but how do you suggest we get them inside. Or should we just put the seats up and get a little mattress and stick it on the floor of the van. Then slid them onto it. Tony: let's do that Idea. Doctor: ok ill be back. Heads inside and grabs a mattress and some blankets. Your gonna have to lift them for a sec. Tony: carefully lifts Jenny. Doctor: gets a retired marine lift, Gibbs. Jenny: sleeping soundly. Doctor: sets up the bed quickly. Retired Marine sets him down. Tony: smiles down at Jenny and amazed at how the Retired Marine can lift Gibbs and keep him asleep*. Retired marine: it's all about practices and how you do it.* Smiles* take care of him. Tony: still I just say his name when he dozing off and he has punched me in the eye. Retired marine: once a Marine always a marine. I've had a couple of bruises, and stuff but practice and you'll get it eventually. Tony: Yeah.
Gibbs starts to wake up. Hears a voice that's similar to his old marine buddy. Teddy is that you. Teddy: hi
Tony: wait you two know each other and second why is your name Teddy it sounds like a stuffed animal *lays Jenny down in the Van*.
Gibbs: ya we know each other. And teddy is just a nickname. We were marine buddies the entire time I was in the Marines. Tony: ok
Teddy: yep and we called Gibbs the starter or the sneaker.Gibbs*oh boy, not that again.
Teddy: anyways what you doing here Gibbs.
Gibbs: Jenny and Tony were both in the hospital
Tony: we call Gibbs the no-fun person in the office but he treats our lab person like an angle. Teddy: *laughs *sounds like ok Gibbs you've gotten really pale. Gibbs: gags.
Teddy: steps back*whoa*
Tony: hands him a bowl. Gibbs: vomits into the bowl. Teddy: um is he ok.
Tony nods before rubbing his back
Jenny wakes up and gags. Dada*cries*
Tony: can you take Gibbs for a moment.Teddy: sure. Sits beside Gibbs and rubs his back. It's ok to get it all out. Gibbs: vomiting
Tony: helps Jenny.Gibbs: groans. Before heaving violently, sits back and rubs jenny's back your ok sweet pea. Jenny: yucky med
Tony: yeah but it should be out and if you Teddy and come over to help if you're not busy.Gibbs and teddy: walks over.
Teddy: sure I know how stubborn Gibbs can be.Tony: the only thing is going to him and no coffee.Gibbs: but I need my coffee.
Heaves before vomiting violently.
Tony: I don't think you can hold water down.Gibbs: nodes sadly. Can we go home, please? Tony: yeah *goes to get into the driver's seat. Gibbs: are you coming teddy
Jenny: papa my tummy hurts.Tony: I think sneaker wants cuddles.
Gibbs: if you don't mind*blushes*.
Tony: I don't mind.Gibbs: cuddle me, please.
Teddy: fine since you said please and no never say please.
Gibbs: ya reaches my arms out and pulled him down
Jenny: curls in between Papa and teddy. Teddy: smiles
Tony: drives home. Gibbs: well I guess this will have to do.
Tony: smiles and carefully drives home. Gibbs: falls asleep. Teddy: it's been a while since I have seen Gibbs he looks sick.Tony: we've worked together for years and he's never been sick enough to admit it. Somethings gotta be wrong. Teddy: yeah has he worked sick before. Tony: multiple times. He's too stubborn to take a day off. Teddy: that's a Marine for you.Tony: Yep. Arrives at home. Teddy: carries Gibbs into the house and up to bed*.Gibbs: sleeping soundly. Jenny: waking up not feeling Papa near her. Tony picks up Jenny and brings her inside. Jenny: data. Tony: shhh princess we're going inside.Teddy: tucks Gibbs into bed with vomit bowl and trash can next to him.Jenny: in dada papas bed.Tony: Are you guys hungry? Teddy: sure what you got and Gibbs is asleep in bed so I don't think he's up for eating*
Jenny: sleepy dada.Tony: its ok sweet pea sleep with Papa.
Gibbs: don't let tony cook hell burn everything.Teddy: ok you need to stop sneaking up on people and I'm sure he's not that bad.Gibbs: sorry it's a habit. And yes he is. Tony: nearly burned down the office heating up a tin foil wrapped burrito in the microwave. but it got all of us out of a sexual abuse meeting. Teddy: I'm not letting you anywhere near the kitchen. Tony: it was one burrito
Gibbs: I'm good
Jenny: sleeping soundly on the couch.Gibbs: we had a safety course cause of you *gags*.Teddy: grabs the bin and shoves it under his mouth.Gibbs: vomits a lot again.Tony: awe my poor baby. Tony: your ok baby you're ok. That's it just get it all out.
Gibbs: looks down and pales in terror.
Teddy: what's wrong. Gibbs throws up blood in my hand. Tony: ok it's probably from you throwing up so much it's making your throat raw. Gibbs: throws up even more blood. Are you sure? Tony: you haven't gone a half-hour without throwing up. Teddy: have you had the other system. Gibbs: extreme stomach pains. Teddy: ok should we go back or just wait overnight.Tony.
Gibbs: I'm sure it's just a really bad flu. vomits heavily before passing out and having a seizures
Jenny wakes up to see her father having a seizure.

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