Breakfast and Tears

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3rd person
Angel sat at the other side of the vast room in the equally as vast hotel, where a particular demon sat- one that wore red- one that he liked to refer to as a 'strawberry pimp'. He chuckled as he thought this to himself. He rested his head in his top set of hands and folded the others around his slender waist. Suddenly, Alastor's ears twitched, and he quickly moved his head over to angel, glancing in his direction. Angel quickly looked over and blushed- as did Alastor. I wonder why was he staring at me? Alastor pondered, looking in the other direction, his hand covering the majority of his face- he stopped for a second, confused. Why did his face feel so hot? Was he ill? He removed his hand, looking at his fingers as he removed them, wondering if there was something wrong, until he suddenly started feeling ok. That was weird. He thought, re-opening his book.

Angel POV:
I could have swore Alastor's face was red, but before I had a chance to look, he looked away. Was he embarrassed? No, he couldn't have been, why would he be? Anyways, I sat up and headed into my room, because I needed to feed fat nuggets.

3rd person
"Hey nuggie." Angel sighed as he slumped down onto his large, pink four- poster bed. He huffed as he rolled over and stroked the pigs stomach, allowing his long, spindly legs to kick the air behind him as he rested his head on his hands- his trade mark pink boots remaining on his feet, along with his matching gloves. "What am I goin' to do nuggs?" He asked rhetorically to the confused looking pig. Fat nuggets noticed that the demon now appeared sad, and so he nudged his hand and nuzzled into the crook of his neck, instantly earning a smile from angel. "Alright, alright." He huffed, trying to keep a huge grin off his face as he removed the pig and placed him by his bowl. Angel grabbed the near by sack of food and began pouring a generous amount into the hot pink bowl, that perfectly matched the colour scheme of his very pink room.

"I don't know what it is about him!" He exclaimed as he once again fell onto his bed, facing the ceiling. "He's such an asshole- but I still like 'im, and not like how I 'like' my clients either- it's like something I have never felt before- my stomach goes all weird whenever I see 'im, ya know?" He explained to the pig, who was gazing up at him, with a blank look on his face. "Hey, who am I kiddin', he's the radio demon for gods sake, why would he like some- some-" he started to feel hot and salty tears forming in the crevices of his eyes, "some slut..." he cried, as a large sob erupted from his mouth.

Before he could help it, tears streamed down his face, causing his hardly noticeable eye makeup to drip down his white fluffy fur. Fat nuggets sadly cuddled up to him, licking the side of his face, earning a chuckle, "sorry nuggs, I'm sure ya don't want to see me wallowin' in self pity all day, I'll probably get some sleep." He shrugged with a sniff, as he rolled over and pulled the covers over him. The pig nestled into his side, as angel quietly cried to sleep into his pillow...

Meanwhile, in Alastor's room, he lay, awake, staring up at his dark red, lavish ceiling. His room was rather luxurious, with fancy seeming imprints encrusted into walls and the ceiling, with matching patterns around his room, such as on his bedcovers, and curtains. He lay there, thinking about angel, and his past life- his mind seemingly alternating between the two thoughts, as if his mind were trying to have a competition to see what could make Alastor the saddest. Alastor wasn't much of a crier, as the only emotion he ever truly portrayed was happiness (despite it usually being at the suffering of others) and anger. But at night, however, it was a completely different story. Alastor's thoughts would get the better of him, causing him to break down into tears, his happy mascaraed completely disintegrated, with a frown glued firmly to his face, something only him would see.

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