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^Roughly how alastor looks when mentioned^
(Swipe for the song I mention later)

Previously: angel literally fucking died

Alastor still couldn't believe what had just happened- angel, his only true love, had died in front of his tear-filled eyes. He sobbed, desperately clutching onto angel as though he could keep him alive, as long as he didn't let go, but we all know this can't happen.

In heaven
A bright white light hung over angel, as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Where am I- what happened?" He asked rhetorically, his voice hoarse, after not having used it in months.  "Alastor..." he spoke a quite tone as he remembered what had happened- of course, he could only just about recollect the fight, and being hit with something, everything else was a blur. He then remembered hearing alastor's voice while he was presumably in a coma- he remembered how broken it had sounded, as he spoke absentmindedly to the unconscious angel. "Anthony..." a booming voice spoke, startling him. "W- who's there?" He asked in a panicked and distressed tone. "You are in heaven, anthony..." he spoke, ignoring his question. So much for double hell...

"H- how? I died!" He cried in confusion. He looked down at his form, and noticed that he was no longer a spider demon, but he more resembled his human form, with some angelic features such as a halo and lighter clothes. "Your behaviour was so good in hell, and when you died, quite unfairly, may I add, we noticed, and thought it was time. You are redeemed, anthony." The voice stated as angel recoiled in shock. "W- what! No, no, no, I can't be! W- what will alastor do..." he asked desperately. "Alastor, you say..." the voice hummed as a sudden hologram-like screen appeared in front of angel. He saw alastor, he looked awful. He saw him screaming and crying over his body, but then, the word 'forward' appeared in the corner of the screen as it flicked past events in high speed until it stopped and said 'live' "this is what he is doi- oh..." the booming voice stopped as he presumably noticed what was happening. Angels mouth hung open, at what he saw before him...

In hell

Alastor was furious. This was all his fault. He stood up from angels lifeless body with a huge smile, the biggest and most threatening he had ever worn. His tearful eyes narrowed and dressed as they turned into radio dials subtly. He clenched his fists and green energy pulsates from them as his antlers began to grow. This was going to be disastrous. "A- al, c-calm down, ok...?" Charlie stuttered as they all backed away from the radio demon. He was shaking and twitching, hardly able to contain his anger. He stepped forward as they cowered closer to the door. The demon stared at them and suddenly teleported away. "Oh shit." Charlie spoke. This wasn't good...

Charlie, Vaggie, husk and nifty ran into the city of hell, searching for alastor. He wasn't hard to find, due to the amount of screaming and shrieking emanating from an area further down the street that was littered with demons running the opposite way. They bravely walked closer, and saw alastor- but not the one that they knew. He was huge, he had at least tripled in size, his long, skinny and lanky limbs hanging in front of him as he controlled the thousands of shadows running around and causing carnage. Many portals were opened and he himself was covered in blood. His antlers were huge and his ears were pricked up high. The four stopped in their tracks, as they saw the floating demon, red clouds hanging around his legs, clearly enabling him to float. Dead bodies lay lifeless and limp around the street, many with limbs missing and some completely tore apart. Alastor had even took bites out of some, which was evident due to the substantial amount of blood around his mouth.

"What are we going to do!" Charlie cried as she looked over at them, once they were at a safe distance away. "We could try reasoning with him?" Vaggie suggested, as they looked at her skeptically, but anything was worth a shot. They walked past the bustling crowds of demons attempting to escape as the got into a clearing in front of alastor, who was currently ripping a demon in half, he then dropped it and raised his fist to slam it down on a scurrying injured demon. He continued causing chaos until he heard a shout. He raised his hand to squash whatever was shouting, before stopping himself half way through, noticing that it was his friends. He stopped himself and grunted angrily, holding his hand back- something told them that he wasn't in control of himself. He had let his rage consume him and he couldn't control himself. He shook in rage as he cried and swiped at a building, causing it to topple over leaving a cloud of smoke. "Al- please, stop!" Charlie cried, he looked down, and saw them, all staring up at him terrified. He noticed nifty had tears welling in her eyes, as he stopped for a moment as his smile twitched and his eyes shaped into one of sorrow for a split second. "Leave!" He suddenly cried, he didn't want them to see him like this. "Now! Please! I will hurt you!" He pleaded, desperately. The others hesitated before leaving the demon who then began angrily smashing more things.

"Ok, plan b, we gotta find someone alastor likes, his friends!" Charlie chimed, desperate for ideas. The two lovers Charlie and Vaggie both looked over at husk and nifty, who both had previous connections with the radio demon. Husk sighed and rubbed his temples "uh, I think he use to mention mimzy, and some other over lord- r- rose? Rosie, yeah that." He corrected himself as nifty nodded. They agreed in finding mimzy first since nifty knew the location of her club, since alastor had taken her there numerous times.

Soon, the four found themselves standing outside of a very nineteen-twenty style club, from which they could hear some old swing music from around the era. They pushed open the door and entered the nice looking club, with an ancient looking bar stood on the right, with old drinks that matched the years of which alastor had lived. No wonder he liked this place so much, it was although they had just stepped into the nineteen-twenties. They look down the building and noticed a stage standing at the very end, where most of the inhabitants of the scarcely populated club were seated- all of them sat around watching a plump woman singing beautifully in awe. The woman could be identified as mimzy, and she instantly recognised nifty as they came in. She shone them a smile and continued singing, heading over to them as she wrapped up her song.

The demons clapped and whooped gruffly as she walked to the end of the bar thanking them graciously. "Nifty! Darling! It's ever so nice to be seeing you in this here club again!" She cried, enthusiasm lacing her voice. "And you husker..." she teased with a smile as he grumbled and rolled his eyes. "What brings you fine bunch here anyways?" She asked them as she leaned an arm on the bar, snapping her fingers as the bartender scurried off to fetch her a drink. Charlie gulped before rushing to explain, "its alastor, angel- he- he died, and alastor is on a killing spree." She expressed as mimzy gasped. "My, my, that is not good- we must find him at once- oh, but," she stopped herself, the others listening intensely, "we are going to need more help, we should stop by and get Rosie. You folks know who she is, yes?" She asked as the four nodded. "Good!" She clapped her hands together, "now we have no time to spare- I know alastor, and he can be quite nasty when he wants..." she spoke ominously as she hopped off her barstool and swiftly walked to the door, shortly pursued by the others.

Soon, they came by the ' ̶F̶r̶a̶n̶k̶l̶i̶n̶ and Rosie emporium' where the word 'Franklin' was scrawled out in black paint. Charlie shakily knocked one the door, but stepped back in surprise as it ominously creeped open and a figure loomed behind. "Who is it..." a silhouette spoke from the shadows. "C- Charlie, the princess of hell- I- it's alastor, he is causing chaos because angel d- died..." Charlie told her, slowly dwindling off at the end. "Ah- this isn't good..." she spoke as a slender leg stepped out of the door and into the light, followed by an equally slender body- Rosie. She was tall and slender, much like alastor, and her white hair peeked out of her flourishing pink hat, which was accompanied by her piercing, black eyes, that lacked any distinction or detail. "Where is he..." she drawled, knowing this would cause mass destruction.

Eventually, they had all made it to the spot where they had previously tried to reason with alastor- except now, only few demons remained, the others having escaped, or dead on the floor. Alastor was still causing chaos, as he was when they had left him. They stepped over multiple bodies to get closer to alastor, as Rosie concocted a plan. "I'll distract him, Charlie, try and throw this in his mouth..." she handed her the head of a black flower, "b- but this is Eden's bloom! It will kill him!" She cried as she clutched the deadly flower, "no, no, no, he's incredibly powerful, normal poison will not work on him, you have to use this, it will knock him out!" She explained. Charlie didn't know why, but she trusted her. She nodded and solemnly marched into a building with a small area at the top and steps that lead up to there, as this was the only way to get tall enough...

In heaven

"Oh dear- well, it seems we might have to send a few angels down to deal with him, since we can't have hell being destroyed, even if it does wipe out those filthy sinners- where would we keep the new ones..." the voice pondered, as angel began to laugh. "What? Why are you laughing, your lover is about to die by angels? Are you that sadistic?" The unnamed voice asked, wondering how he had been redeemed. "Oh," he spoke, hardly able to speak I case of another outburst of laughter, " y- you think that a couple of angels could kill him!" He broke down into another fit of cackles as the voice hummed in confusion. "We'll see..."

I think I love him~ angel dust x alastorWhere stories live. Discover now