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^^^Some art I did :) ^^^

3rd person
Suddenly, angel noticed something...

As Alastor stood up, angel covered his mouth in shock, trying not to gasp. This was why Alastor never let the demon see him in his pyjamas! A large fluffy white, red and black tail stuck out of a clumsily cut hole on the back of his silky pyjama bottoms. He let out a small and hardly able to be heard squeal as he fangirled over the tiny ball of fluff which was the demon overlords adorable tail. "What is it my dear?" He spoke, as he swung his neck around into an unnatural angle. Angel cringed as he heard bones crunch, but he hardly noticed due to the amount of excitement he felt.

"Oh, nothing- sooo," he said trying not to giggle, he wanted to see it more, and he knew that if he mentioned anything, he would panic and cover it. "Want me to get us some cereal or somethin'?" Angel shrugged, trying his hardest to retain a calm voice, with joy bubbling up inside his stomach, almost erupting out of his mouth. "Oh my! How I would love to cook you breakfast, it's the least I could do!" He cried, his usual jolly tone back in his voice. Angel was about to reply, when something stopped him from being able to form words. "Yes." Was all he could manage to squeeze out, but saying this only made him feel worse...

Alastor's tail was wagging at heigh speeds, clearly signifying that he was very happy about this- he did love cooking after all, but this was adorable, and angel couldn't recover from this blow. "Dear are you-" Alastor began after calming down. He was about to step closer, when he realised that angel was looking down in awe at his- tail. He gasped and instinctively recoiled a hand back to cover it. His face glowed bright red as he began babbling excuses, as he spun around, hiding it. "A- angel! I- uh-" he cried, static filling the air. "Y- your the cutest demon that I've eva seen!" He breathed, quickly. Alastor's face only grew redder as he began stuttering out responses. "I- w- what! I'm the radio d- demon, I'm n- not cute!" He squealed, in a higher pitch than he had intended. "No, your adorable." Angel smirked, now confidently, as he enjoyed the rare sight of a flustered radio demon. He let out an enraged squeak as radio static filled the air and his eyes turned to dials. Angel wasn't phased though, knowing he wouldn't hurt him.

"It's ok, I'm just messin' with ya." Angel drawled after a while of watching the show unfold in front of him- which was a raging and embarrassed Alastor. He placed an arm around his waist, instantly freezing Alastor. The radio dials in his eyes, and the static and strange symbols that hung around him all suddenly faded, as his face melted into one of pure humiliation while he looked away, all his previous anger gone- angel smiled until he realised that he had- a tear in his eye? "Hey, hey, hey, it's alright, nothin' to be embarrassed about." Angel quickly comforted, his voice changing into one of concern. "What's wrong, I'm only jokin'?" He asked, bending his knees slightly to see eye to eye with the deer demon. He reached out one of his many arms and cupped Alastor's face with his gloved hand, wiping away the tear in the crease of his crimson red eyes.

"C'mon, tell me what's wrong." He reasoned, as Alastor sighed, looking down at angels hand which was on his face. He placed both of his hands on top, making sure he wouldn't let go. Angel was slightly shocked at this, but didn't mention it. "I don't know, it's just- no one has ever seen it, and- I'm not- it's not very- you know..." he attempted to explain, but angel understood. He was an all powerful over lord with a tiny fluffy tail that wagged when he was happy, of course he would want to hide it. "I understand, but here in the hotel, you don't have to hide anything, k? There's no one here that's going to judge you, all the guests are trying to be better demons, and wouldn't even dare to say anything about you, everyone's petrified of you!" He cried, earning a chuckle from Alastor, "And I cant see Charlie or vaggie saying anything bad, or nifty! I mean, husk I can't rely on, but if he does, I'll beat the shit outta him, mk?" He smiled warmly down at the demon in red, as he nodded and pulled angel into a hug.

I think I love him~ angel dust x alastorWhere stories live. Discover now