Please don't leave again

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Ok so I think I'm going to write a mini alternative ending for this one because I think it would be funny but imma keep the actual one cannon to the story since it is radio dust and I think it's key to their dynamic so yeah but enjoy the alternative ending lol.

Previously: Mimzy and Rosie had both tried to help stop him, Rosie had fought him and lost while mimzy went up to help the others, but in heaven, the mysterious voice had sent down angels, and just as they were about to take Alastor down with a poisoned flower from Rosie that was powerful enough to knock him out, the ground shook, causing Charlie to miss, as angels came down from the sky- but Alastor dealt with them easily. Angel visited his mother, and then alastor's mother, who then decided that she would come down to hell, but once she had sorted out things up there. Angel killed an angel and got condemned once again to hell...

"Good to be home..." angel spoke as he deeply breathed in hells polluted air. He noticed the streets were empty and bodies piled up, he dashed down hell to were screams could be heard, only to see the huge alastor tormenting random demons and smashing buildings, he was on a rampage, and it was worse than angel could imagine. He noticed charlie, Vaggie, husk, mimzy and nifty on top of the building, and so, being a jumping spider, he readied himself before jumping up there. "Angel!" They cried, in shock, "how did you-" Charlie began before being interrupted, "no time to explain, I gotta stop al!" He cried as they agreed. "You guys stay here, I'm going to go down..." he spoke gravely, "don't angel! He has lost control!" She told him before he jumped down. "trust me..." he instructed her, as she closed her mouth and nodded.

He jumped down, and landed with a thud. He stood up and walked into a clearing in front of alastor. "Alastor!" He shouted, the demon stopped in him tracks. "Al!" The voice once again shouted. He looked down, and felt his heart stop. "A- angel..." he whispered hoarsely. "H-how are you-" he was cut off by angel, as he shouted "come down, please!" Desperately. Alastor began twitching, as he groaned in pain- he appeared to be fighting himself internally. He began shrinking with painful bone crunches, followed by his antlers all shrinking back into proportion. He glided to the ground and fell to the floor. Angel scrambled over to him and alastor lifted himself up to embrace him. Hot tears ran down boths faces. Alastor wrapped his arms around angel and wept into his shoulder, "I'm so sorry..." alastor sobbed as he looked up at angel, his ears flat on his head. "No, no, no, don't be sorry! What for?" Angel asked, as he wiped away alastors tears with his thumb and cupped his face with a gloved hand.

"T- this is all my fault... it's my fault that you d- died, and now I have k- killed all these people, and hurt all my friends." His voice crackled with radio static sadly. A door of a near by building burst open and Charlie, Vaggie, nifty, husk, and mimzy all trooped out and dashed over to angel who was cradling alastor on the floor, who's face was buried in angels side and his long arms were wrapped around his waist. Rosie, who was on the ground too, began to regain consciousness, and rushed over to the scene, were she saw alastor crying into angel.

She rushed over and quickly joined the group who were now circled around them. A few random demons were gathered around them, but still keeping a safe distance, to try and see what was happening. "P- please don't leave again..." Alastor whispered into angels ear as angel looked down and felt his heart melt as he saw the deer demon in his arms with tears welled in his eyes and his ears flattened. "Of course I won't leave ya." He chuckled as he gently began stroking his ears. He felt Alastor tense for a moment, before involuntarily melting into him and beginning to purr. The group all looked at each other and mouthed 'aww'. Except husk of course, who rolled his eyes and laughed at how soft the radio demon was.

I think I love him~ angel dust x alastorWhere stories live. Discover now