I quit

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⚠️tw: abuse⚠️

Angel arrived to work, the red hue of hell growing dimmer, and dimmer, as the what you could call 'sun' set over the city of hell. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." He whispered in a hushed tone. He was late. He bustled into the studio, where his boss, Valentino was already waiting menacingly. He was seated on a chair that somewhat resembled a throne, spread out across it, awaiting angels arrival. Vox, his boyfriend, left the room, knowing this was about to get messy, as val didn't take kindly to lateness. "So, angel dust, where have you been..." he drawled, drawing out each word. "I- I'm sorry, I got caught up, I didn't mean to be late- it won't happen again, I swear." He stuttered, looking down. "Look at me..." Valentino cried, angel froze, fear dripping down his spine, "I said look at me." He sharply yelled, as angel snapped his head up.

Valentino lifted a slender finger up and gently brushed angels chin, who then flinched and shivered. "You know what I do when my staff are late, yes?" He whispered, in a hushed tone. Angel nodded his head, letting out a small squeal. Without warning, val snapped his hand up and slapped angel across the face, causing him to fly across the floor. "Don't ever be late again, am I clear?" He asked,  his voice held a dangerous tone. Angel nodded, whimpering. "Good," he spoke sweetly as his long tongue licked around his lips while he slumped back into his seat. "Now go, get ready, I have some clients for you." He demanded as angel scuttled off into the dressing room.

"Stupid, fucking, dick!" He cried to himself, hot and salty tears poring from the crevices of his eyes. He kicked a small stool out of the way and slumped onto his dressing table, crying into his arms. After he collected himself, he sighed and grabbed some makeup, covering the newly formed bruise. After a while of getting ready, he sheepishly headed back, as val smiled menacingly at him. He gave him the room number that his client was waiting in, and begrudgingly headed into the room.

Time skip, bought to you by: my smut- hating ass :)

Angel panted, as he exited the room. "Thanks for the good time babe~" he waved flirtatiously, clearly lying- he had hated every moment of it. "No problem." The gruff voice replied as angel sighed and headed to Valentino. He handed over the money, and suddenly, he froze. "This is all..." his boss said in a quite tone. "YOU SHOW UP LATE, AND THIS IS ALL YOU GIVE ME!" He threw the money and hit angel with the back of his hand. He scurried back, and held his face. Val kicked him, as he was already on the floor. He screamed in pain, he had enough. He stood up and cried, "I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE, I QUIT!" In a shrill voice. Before Valentino could say anything, he rushed out, tears pouring from his eyes, not caring who saw him as he barged past low ranking demons.

(Time skip but backwards? Basically this is about 10 mins after angel left)

Mean while, at the hotel, alastor had trudged back into the hotel lobby, looking down- he presumed that everyone had went to bed by then. All eyes from the other room remained on him as he solemnly walked in, his ears hanging low- he missed angel already, I'm seriously going soft, he thought. He slid himself carelessly onto one of the rickety bar stools as husks ears pricked up in surprise. He turned around and placed down the glass that he had been cleaning at the time. "Alastor? The fuck are you doing at the bar?" He asked, hardly keeping the surprise out of his otherwise uncaring tone. Alastor looked away, and stuttered; "a- aren't i aloud a drink once in a while?". Husk grunted and slid him a glass of scotch. He was tempted to get drunk, but he didn't really want to- you see, the bar was closest to the entrance of the hotel, so if he sat there, he could inconspicuously wait for angel.

To put it bluntly, he looked like shit. He looked tired, and his red trademark waistcoat was missing, revealing his small tail that he had completely forgotten to cover. Large bags had developed under his eyes, but they were the best they had looked in a while, since his sleep had been improving whilst Angel was at his side. He sat at the bar, occasionally sipping at his drink, unaware that he was the centre of attention for the people in the other room, all watching from behind the tainted windows. They were sat around sofa in a staff only area, when the noticed the re-arrival of alastor. Every small sound that was made caused alastors ears to flinch as he excitedly turned around, only to see that it was nothing but another random and unpredictable sound of hell- possibly someone being murdered, or a gunshot.

Suddenly, angel burst through the door on the other side of the vast lobby, not caring how loud he was, since everyone was presumably asleep on the other side of the hotel. Or so he thought. Alastor had been eagerly awaiting angels arrival, and since he wouldn't normally sleep, he had been sat, wide awake, simply waiting. When he heard the slam of the large oak doors, he knew it must be him. He bounded away from the bar, knocking over the bar stool and causing the now asleep bar tender to stir but not awaken, only to be shocked by the sight before him. Angel, with tears streaming down his face- Alastor rushed over to him and pulled him into an embrace. "Angel! Dearest! What's wrong!" He cried quickly, hugging angel, who was taken aback by how protective his now boyfriend truly was. It melted his heart as he looked down at the radio demon, who's ears were sitting flat on his head, as he glanced up at him, his eyes filled with worry. Angel sniffed and remarked, "I- it's nothing." As he shrugged off his previous thoughts.

Alastor looked up at the demons bruised face, concern and anger bubbling up inside of him. He spoke, but this time, in a tone filled with danger, "who did this to you..." through gritted teeth. Angel gulped as he hesitated, before quietly responding, "v- Valentino, I quit and- and..." he trailed off and descended into tears, he opened his eyes and looked at alastor who was no longer hugging him, but was standing in front of him, shaking in anger, a scarily huge smile glued to his scrunched face that twitched in anger. "A-al..." angel stuttered, as the demon before him trembled in rage. "I- I'm going to k- kill him..." he quietly spoke, hardly able to maintain his usual posture and tone. Angel knew shit was about to go down when he heard a bang at the door...

Angel is right, shit is about to go downnn

Stay tunedddd

I think I love him~ angel dust x alastorWhere stories live. Discover now