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^Song I imagine in the battle XD^

Ok once again I'm so sorry I just feel it would be better to have this all as one chapter

Previously: Alastor goes shopping to purchase food for the hotel goers, until he eventually finds himself being hit in the head until he blacks out- the last thing he saw was a blur of blue...

Alastor groaned as his eyes blinked slowly open, the dingy light of the room streamed directly into his eyes causing him to cringe and attempt to shield them with his hands- which is when he realised they were chained up. Everything hurts. Where am I? Where's angel? Why am I here? How did I get here? His train of thought was interrupted by a menacing and somewhat robotic sounding cackle. He snapped his head up at an unnatural  angle, to see who was lurking in the shadowy corner of the small room.

Small footsteps clopped on the floor as the figure emerged from the darkness, revealing him self as vox. "Hello, Alastor." he spoke in a menacing tone, as Alastor bared his teeth, growling. "What do you want." He spat, snarling. "Oh, I think you know very well what I want..." vox told him, as he stepped closer, and knelt down to the snarling demon, who's teeth were bared. "To kill you." he simply stated. Alastor didn't move, nor let his smile fall- refusing to let his guard down.

Alastor pulled on his restraints, desperately trying to free himself as vox gracefully trod around him laughing robotically. "You see, Alastor." The overlord drawled paying no mind to Alastor as he growled, simply walking past him, "this is why you don't mess with higher powers then yourself, you mortal scum." He spat, stopping to look him in the eyes, inches from his face. "I will rip your throat out." The red demon snarled as static began to appear around him. "Oh, i don't think you will." He told him airily as he stopped pacing. "You see, your little lover, angel, is wOrRiEd SiCk AbOuT YoU?" He mocked as he faked an exaggeratedly shocked face. "And when he comes looking for you, we will capture him, and make sure you get to watch him die, a slow, painful death..." he spoke, his voice dripping with morbid enjoyment. "Oh, and don't bother trying to use your powers, I had a power dampener chipped into you while you where out." He laughed, as Alastor turned his wrist to see a small devices glow just about emanating from under his skin. Vox did have his way with tech.

Alastor pulled on the restraints so hard that the wall shook, and vox stepped back, a little surprised. He then cleared his throat and re-examined his posture, straightening his bow tie. "If you try anything funny, I will make sure personally that he does not survive to even get here." He growled, before lightly saying: "cheerio!" And exiting through the decaying door. He guessed he was in some kind of kinky cellar, considering it had chains and was in the porn studios. He gathered his thoughts and brainstormed ways to get out of this. He said that if he tried to escape that angel would die immediately. So he had to wait until his angel could come to his aid before trying...

Four days passed, and alastor was starving. He looked relatively famished, and his usually ashen complexion appeared a ghostly pail, from being in the dark and dank cellar for so long with such a lack of light. The door was suddenly kicked open, and the figure of a man appeared in the doorway, being restrained by another man. It was incredibly dark in the room, and the sudden light caused Alastor an amount of confusion, as he squinted to identify the silhouette. "A- angel...?" He managed to ask, in a hoarse voice. "Al?" The voice of the shadow spoke. "Angel!" He cried out, lurching forward, but the rusted the chains pulling him back. Angel dashed over to his side, and tried to wrap his arms around him, "are you ok? Oh my god you look awful, Alastor-" he swiftly spoke, breaking down into tears, before being pulled back by vox. "Uh ohhh, looks like I found him." Vox teased, as he stepped out from behind angel. "No..." Alastor whispered, as he shoved angel into the room.

He grabbed the chains on the other side of the room and aggressively shoved the white furred demon down into the floor with a thud. He chained him up, and announced, "tomorrow, you will both feel pain like never before," Alastor began to growl, ripping at his arm with his sharp nails causing chunks of his skin to silently fall apart. "I am going to tear you precious angel limb from limb while he is alive." He spoke airily, as he theatrically prayed around in a graceful manner, as Alastors fist began to clench, and a green mist appeared around them while he madly scratched deep into his arm, finally freeing the small device. "Yes, I will rip off his arms like the itsy-bitsy spider he is while you watch- in fact- I think that would be more painful for you than when I actually kill you!" He laughed hysterically.

"In fact, in fact, I think I might just start right now..." he began, as wires began spawning from behind him, snaking around angels limbs. Alastor screamed, as radio static filled the room, and symbols burst from around, causing vox to cringe in confusion. He turned to see Alastor hovering, having broke off his chains. His head was tilted sideways and a black ink like substance with the consistency of tar leaked out of his mouth. Vox snarled and backed away, noticing the gaping hole in his bloodied arm. Angel smiled, "uh ohhh." In an amused tone while his boyfriend edged nearer to the tech overlord. "This is going to hurt quite a lot!" He spoke in a low growl, yet in a cheerful manner.

Vox snarled and readied himself for a fight. He let out a burst of electricity, causing the foundations of the building to shake and start to collapse, allowing sunlight to flood in. Alastor groaned and dashed to angel, ripping the metal restraints with ease and escaping out of the ruins. He placed angel in a safe place, and looked up at Vox, who had his arms open at his side, and was gently floating down to alastors level, with electricity crackling off of him, and wires snaking out from behind him. He landed around five meters away from Alastor, and they glared for a second, before both suddenly charging and summoning all of their power. Alastor commanded an army of shadows of all shapes and sizes to rush toward Vox, while he sent wires in alastors direction. Alastor struggled to hold off the wires, desperately clinging to his throat and limbs, until he released a ball of green energy, causing them to all gently fall away and recoil back. Vox had a huddle of shadows attacking from all angles, and he soon did the same with blu, electrical energy that pulsates off of him. It was back to just them.

Vox sent waves of electricity towards the radio demon, who dodged them with ease, due to his quick reflexes, and slim, hard-to-hit stature. Vox growled as he send in multiple beams of electricity, until one hit Alastor, knocking him back. This just angered him more. He snapped his fingers and threw his arms in front of him as portals opened, and black tentacles emerged out of them, all rushing for Vox, who desperately fought them off. After a while of struggle, he managed to slice them in halves. The two stated at each other, until both yelling and dashing towards each other, and throwing punches. This wasn't alastors style, since he preferred not to dirty his hands- but that wasn't to say that he didn't have extensive skills in close combat. He threw numerous punches at Vox, who his the radio demon square in his face, breaking his signature monocle.

He rapidly punched Vox, skilfully dodging the TV demons attacks, until he hit his screen, temporarily dazing him, before pulling his red gloved hand back slowly, while a green hue began forming, Vox's eyes opened in fright as he threw one last punch, which sent green lightning all throughout the street, knocking Vox back into rubble- he was now barely conscious. Alastor summoned his cane, and began broadcasting. His face appeared on all tv screens, as he happily cheered, "Alastor here, and today, I'll show you what happens when you try to harm angel!" His voice cracking with excitement, as the camera that he had summoned with his abilities (that hovered) turned to Vox, who was in the rubble, screen completely shattered with the word 'error' barely readable underneath the cracks.

He then went on the explain about what he would do if this ever happened again, and shut off the broadcast- he would never usually broadcast on the tv- since he disliked technology such as that, but this needed to be seen- for him and angels safety in the future. He dashed over to angel, who was still outside the cafe, behind a small stone wall that offered little, but more protection than being in the open. "Al! That was amazing!" He cried out as he embraced the demon, who hugged him back, covering him in dark blue, oily blood. "Let's head back, I'm so happy to see you again, what happened? How did you get there?" He asked, as Alastor simply enjoyed seeing his lovers face again. "I'll explain when we get home, dear." He spoke as they wandered over the horizon.

I think I love him~ angel dust x alastorWhere stories live. Discover now