Is that you?

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previously: the gang tried and failed to reason with alastor, and so they went to find some of his old acquaintances, they found mimzy and Rosie and headed back- meanwhile, angel had woke up in a strange white room, where a disembodied voice spoke down to him, this was heaven, and angel, or anthony, was redeemed. He saw glimpses of alastors chaos, and so heaven are sending down angels to deal with him, as well as the hazbin hotel goers...

In hell
Charlie, Vaggie, husk and nifty were soon at the top of a building, with a clear view of alastor. Rosie and mimzy were below, distracting the demon, who grunted as he heard their shouts. "What now!" He cried, as he looked down to see- Rosie and mimzy? He hesitated for a moment, what are they doing here? He shook off his thought and continued, before he heard more shouts. "Alastor, stop this at once!" Mimzy commanded in a motherly tone, which caused alastor to hesitate. "Else I'll have to make you, alastor, which is something I don't want to have to do..." Rosie added, in a threatening tone. He weighed his decisions, he wanted to stop, but he couldn't, his anger had grasped complete control, the group noticed a tear glint in his eyes, as he swiped for them, causing them to both dash out of the way. "I'm sorry alastor..." Rosie whispered- even though she knew she couldn't defeat him. Mimzy ran up to the building and hurriedly climbed the stairs to the top, "he's lost control," she panted, "he cant stop himself..." she added, in a desperate tone.

They looked down and saw pink clouds begin to form around Rosie as she grew to almost the same size as alastor, we stepped back in surprise. The female overlord dashed her wrist forward as pink spikes shot at alastor, knocking him back. He growled and wiped them out of his arm, which they had pierced. He shot an attack back, knocking Rosie as she lost he balance and leant on a near by building. He snarled and bared his teeth as he began edging around her. She went in for another attack, but this only angered him more, as it had almost no effect on him. She shot more attacks, but he kept striding towards her. A panicked look spread across her face as she realised how close he was. He gave one final blow which knocked her back, as she tumbled over and shrunk back down, unconscious.

"We need to do it now!" Mimzy cried, as Charlie readied her throw, aiming for the clear shot of his open mouth- just as she began, and opened her hand to release, the ground shook beneath them, causing it to slowly fall. They grasped onto each other in attempts not to fall over, as the foundations of hell shook, and the sky split open. Dark angels descended from the sky, eerie illuminated smiles clinging to their faces. They saintly glided down, but quickly began attacking the huge radio demon from all angels with spears. As they tore through his skin, he groaned in pain, but he soon regained himself and opened more portals, allowing tentacles to grab the shocked angels as they desperately fought them off- but they were fatefully unprepared, as they all got wiped out by alastors sheer power.

In heaven
"H- how is this possible?" The voice asked, as it watched the radio demon kill the angels. As anthony laughed, the voice snapped, "you! Get out of here before I send you back down to that cesspool!" And before angel could speak, he found himself in a sunny, village looking area, with cheerful souls wandering around, mining their own merry business. "What the fuck-" he spoke quietly as he stared around- he suddenly realised that he was in heaven- like- actual heaven. He had two things he needed to do before he came back...

Angel pushed open the door of a white House, with a smooth birch door. He wandered in, seeing photos of himself and his siblings on the cream walls, sun poured in, as he called out, "ma?". A surprised voice replied, "a- anthony?" As hurried footsteps could be heard. Suddenly, a figure stopped in the door way, a tall figure, with a stature much like anthony's, "I- is that you?" She asked, tears forming in the crevices of her magenta eyes, "yes ma..." he choked out, also overwhelmed with the threat of tears. They dashed down the corridor, and met in the middle, embracing tightly. He wrapped his arms around her, as she did the same. "I can't believe it's you!" She cried as she released him from her right grip and scanned his face, wiping his tears with her thumb. "You look so grown up!" She cried, as angel chuckled, "yeah, this isn't what I looked like in hell, hehe..." he told, regretting he had said that as her face dropped. "Anthony- were you, angel dust?" She asked as he tensed at the mention. Shit.

He looked down and nodded, "are you ashamed, ma?" He sighed, before she grabbed his chin gently and picked up his head, "the opposite, I'm proud..." she expressed as he looked at her in a surprised way. "B- but why?" He asked her desperately, "well, you were dropped into hell, and instead of most demons, who just loath around, you climbed and climbed your way to the top- even if it was by doing," angels mum cleared her throat, "ludicrous things." She added. He chuckled as she hugged him once again. "Thank you ma." He said in a genuine voice, before she invited him to sit down. "Now, tell me everything..."

Angel had briefly told her everything, and had eventually gotten to alastor and what he was doing now. "The actual radio demon?" She verified, as angel nodded. "My, well you best be going!" She cried as she smiled at angel, "good luck, amore mio..." she kissed his cheek as they said their goodbyes. However, he had one more stop before he could go back down to hell...

After searching, he found himself in front of a red house, with a darker red door. He knocked, before opening the unlocked door. He noticed ancient pictures of a brown haired boy, and a brunette man, seemingly in his twenties holding radio equipment. He was certain he had the right place. "Eh, hello!" He called out, into the darkness. "Who is it?" A sing song voice replied with a heavy accent lacing her high pitch tone. "I- I'm angel dust- I'm here because I know ya son..." he spoke as he walked into a room where the voice had came from. Sun poured through the huge windows onto the light red themed room. And on a chair facing away from him, sat a woman, with a tight brown bun on top of her head. "Come, sit down." She invited, and so he did. He sat on the sofa facing opposite her, which aloud him to see her face- she was a spitting image of the man framed on the walls of the house- her eyes were a chocolate brown that dazzled like honey in the sunlit room. She looked like she was around her mid-thirties, and wore a brown dress with white frills that looked like it was from the nineteen-twenties.

"You say knew ma son?" She asked intently- she loved alastor with her whole heart, and would do anything to see him. "Yes, but right now- he isn't doing so good..." he carefully told her as her face contorted into a confused look. "My, what happened?" She asked. "Well, you know what overlords are- right?" He pondered, not sure if heaven goers knew about that stuff. "Oh, why yes I do, why?" Alastor's mother quizzed. "Well, he is one- the radio demon..." he cautiously told, not sure how she would react. She sighed, but a smile spread across her face, as she closed the book that she was holding on her lap, "I had a hunch that he was- when I heard about this 'radio demon' I couldn't help but think it must have been him."  She expressed, "so, what did you say was wrong with him?".

He explained to her what had happened, and how alastor thinks that he is dead. Angel told her that he would go back down there, but he didn't know how. "Well, you must simply break the only rule, sin." She stated simply, before adding, "I would recommend killing someone, otherwise you'll just get a slap on the wrist.". Angel nodded, and stood up from the comfy chair. "You'd best to down- wait, what if I came down too..." she added, as angel looked at her, shocked. "R- really? Your willing to give up heaven?" He asked her, as she nodded, "eh, it's boring down here anyways, nothing to do." She shrugged, as she stood up too. "You go, I'll be there soon, I just need to get some things ready." She spoke as she hurried into the corridor, waving goodbye to angel.

He inhaled sharply as he chose his victim- he didn't want to do this, but it was the only way...
Once he had decided on who to kill, he walked into a nearby restaurant, and picked up a small knife. "Ok angie, you got this..." he assured himself as he sighed and walked up to the angel, concealing the knife behind his back. The angel was minding his own business on the phone, when suddenly, angel jabbed a knife into his back, and then pulled it out, before quickly thrusting it in once again, over, and over, until the demon was dead for sure. "Anthony." The booming voice once again spoke. "You have broke the only rule in heaven, and so you shall be condemned to hell!" It cried, as the crowd of angels gasped. "Good, this place sucks dick anyways." He cackled as a white light levitated him and restored him into his demon form. He grinned evilly as he was suddenly shot down into the earth and flew down to hell, where he landed with a crash...

I think I love him~ angel dust x alastorWhere stories live. Discover now