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Ok so as I said this chapter will be more radiodust since I kind of drifted away from that, so yeah I hope u guys enjoy this and then we get into the next plot! After than I'm not sure what so I will probably turn this into one shots or something idk. Also some of this is based on a comic my friend sent me once the hoodie bit lol.

Previously: they all eat dinner, Alastor is a little embarrassed about eating food of his own species (deer heart) in front of his mother, but she assured him its ok. He goes to wash off and returns to see his mother showing them all baby pictures of him, and pictures of him when he was alive until relatively close to when she had died. He tries to stop them, but angel persuaded him to let them, and so he joins in, cozy, and next to the fire.

Alastor felt his eyelids become heavier by the second as the others flipped through channels on the tv, having finished looking through the photo album. He involuntary aloud his head to fall upon angels shoulder, but was too tired to even think straight. Presumably because of the relaxing and warm atmosphere. He took one last glance at angel, and felt his eyes droop as he blinked out of consciousness. Angel felt the sudden weight on his shoulder, and looked down at Alastor, who was now peacefully asleep on his shoulder.

He smiled down at the demon as he gently placed his arm around the red demon and redirected his attention to the tv. Suddenly, he felt movement and a big shuffle as Alastor repositioned himself to have his long, lanky arms wrapped around angels torso and his legs too, the blanket around him covering he and angel up to his chest. The others all turned to look and their faces all melted into one of awe. "Aw, that's so sweet." Charlie squealed quietly as nifty jumped up and down excitedly. "I'm so glad he found you, angel." Abigail calmly spoke as her ears slightly drooped in happiness as she looked down at him.

Angels face went slightly red as he chuckled, "yeah, I'm glad I found him too- I probably wouldn't be here if I hadn't..." he spoke with a sigh as he smiled down at Alastor. He impulsively reached out and gently began petting Alastor's sensitive ears absentmindedly as the others watched tv and he gazed down at the demon. All was quiet until a small purr began emerging from Alastor. Everyone whipped their heads into their direction. "Is he- purring?" Vaggie asked, as Charlie's eyes widened. "No-noooo..." angel chuckled as he removed his hand, since he knew Alastor would not appreciate everyone knowing his secret.

They gave him a disbelieving look as Abigail raised her eyebrows, causing angel to chuckle nervously. "Ok, ok, fine. He just, ya know, doesn't really like people knowing- ya know?" He told them in a hushed tone, as not to wake the sleeping radio demon. "Aw, that's so cute." Charlie spoke out as the others agreed, except husk who rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Oh my gosh! This is adorable!" Nifty shrieked as she snapped a photo quickly, as Rosie chuckled. Usually, Alastor would cause the camera to glitch and distort if anyone attempted to take a photo of him, but now that he was asleep, he couldn't do this. She looked down at the photo and excitedly wizzed around the room. "I'm so glad he found someone." Mimzy sighed happily as she grinned at angel.

Alastor noticed the sudden lack of contact from angel, and like he had done before without realising, he began nudging him with his head, until angel began petting him again. "Ok, ok." He laughed as he placed his hand into his ears and calmly stroked them, causing him to settle back down. The others all gawped at this, since this was the all powerful radio demon, subconsciously begging for angels touch. He once again began purring loudly as the others all silently fangirled- even husk admitted that this was "pretty damn cute".

Alastor's face was hidden in angels side, as they all sat contently watching the tv. They were startled when they heard movement from Alastor, who stretched his arms out in front of him, and began to wake up. He groggily sat up and rubbed his eyes, his smile missing, replaced my a neutral look. He looked around confused before realising everyone was staring. He looked away, embarrassed, before stating, "I'm v- very sorry my dear, I must have fallen asleep..." to angel. The others all stared at him chuckling, as he tilted his head in confusion. "Uh, al, you were purring again." Angel quietly explained, causing him to fluster a bright red, that almost matched his hair. "Oh- I, Um-hhh" he tried to talk before devolving into an uncomfortable hum as he hid his face into angel, who chuckled. "S' ok al, they aren't laughing at you." He told him as they all agreed.

I think I love him~ angel dust x alastorWhere stories live. Discover now