Its oke to be gae

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It has been one night since he had asked him out that evening, Alastor had stayed in his room that night, and angel had aloud him to nestle into his side. Angel groggily opened his eyes, and was stunned for a moment as he remembered yesterday's events. He furrowed his eyebrows for a second, attempting to recall wether it was a dream or not- this was until he looked down and noticed that the red deer demon was peacefully sleeping on his chest, his long spindly arms wrapped tightly around him, a gentle purr emanating from him. Angel looked down in awe, he didn't know it was possible to love someone so much. He reached out an arm and gently stroked his ears. Alastor twitched a little, before purring louder at the sudden contact, still fast asleep.

After a while of petting the red demon, angel was spaced out, lost in his own thoughts. He recoiled his hand airily, but was quickly jolted out of his mind by a sudden movement. (This is based on what my cat does when I stop stroking her🥺) He felt Alastor begin to repeatedly rub his head into angels side, attempting to get his attention so that he would continue stroking him. He nudged him until angel chuckled and placed a hand back onto him. He could hardly breathe because of how adorable this was. Alastor, of course, was still fast asleep, and had no clue what had happened.

Another ten minutes went by, and angel was surprised by Alastor reaching out his hands and stretching them out in front of him, arms still around angels waist. After stretching, he wrapped them around angel again and let out a sound that could be describable as a yawn. He began settling down to sleep again, until his eyes crashed open, as he realised where he was. "O-oh!" He exclaimed in a rather shocked tone. "I- I'm sorry my dear, I must have fallen asleep." He spoke, clearly flustered as he blushed and looked down. "It's fine, ya know, your so adorable when ya sleep. So peaceful." He dreamily stated, mildly annoying Alastor, but secretly enjoying the compliment.

Angel could tell that he loved compliments of course, as he could see his tail wag when ever he mentioned one to the demon. But he didn't let on the fact that he knew this. "What time is it..." Alastor mumbled, sleep laced his voice. Angel hummed as he looked over at the clock. "It's half twelve." He simply told, but at this, Alastor's previously relaxed and droopy ears pricked up, and he bolted from angels lap. "Oh my, I'm ever so late for work!" He expressed in a panicked tone. "Al, al, al, calm down, I'm sure Charlie won't mind, ya haven't literally ever been late and your the only one that does shit around here except nifty." He suggested reasonably. This seemed to slightly calm Alastor, until his mind moved into the next thing. "But what if they know that you slept with me?!" Alastor cried. Angel almost choked on thin air as he gasped at what Alastor had said. His face flustered as he said; "you gotta be careful at how you phrase things al!" Trying to steady himself. Alastor tilted his head in confusion, as angel rolled his eyes. "I'll tell ya later, I don't wanna spoil ya innocence." He shrugged as Alastor shot him a disagreeing look. But he knew they didn't have time to argue.

Alastor began hurriedly getting dressed, dashing around the room, as angel sat calmly on the vast and luxurious bed, watching him amused. Alastor stopped in his tracks. "Uh, ahem, angel." He began, getting the white furred demons attention. He urged him to continue. "Would you mind, you know, not watching?" He asked, slightly embarrassed. "Uh, sure?" He shrugged, not seeing what the big deal was. But then again, he was a porn actor, and the majority of hells residents had seen him naked. "Thank you my dear." Alastor chirpily cried as he continued.

Angel accidentally let his glance slide onto the mirror on the other side of the room, and he caught himself staring at Alastor who took off his shirt, facing away from angel. The demons jaw dropped as he saw how sculpturesque Alastor was. "Angel..." he growled warningly, somehow seeing him, despite not even turning around. "Sorry, sorry." He huffed as he casted his sight away from the extravagant looking mirror.

I think I love him~ angel dust x alastorWhere stories live. Discover now