He's gone

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Ok so sorry about the lack of action it gets interesting here I promise :D also this physically hurt to write so yeah thanks a lot Lauren (jk Lauren if ur reading this)

Alastor had woken up two days after he had suddenly collapsed, presumably from the lack of food and rest his body had been aloud. He begrudgingly made a deal with Charlie that he would eat regularly and sleep at least once a week. He went back to angels side, who still hadn't moved.  He began to uncontrollably sob...

His face was still buried on top of angels chest as he inhaled his heavenly scent. He longed just to hear his voice again- see his smile! After all, he was never fully dressed without one. Eventually, the exhausted demon fell asleep, purring a little with his head resting on angel- his lanky limbs uncomfortably contorted around the cold metal frame of the bed. The others one by one left the sad sight, husk exiting first to head to the bar, Vaggie leaving next to attend to some hotel paperwork, and Charlie finally leaving after being left with her thoughts for another ten minutes. Leaving alastor once again alone, with angel.

Over the months, alastor's conditions had worsened, he looked positively awful. It was not looking likely that angel would wake up...
Alastor could be seen at least twice a week trekking through the hotel to get some food, too tired to use his powers. He lazily hailed himself through the corridors, dragging his feet as the few hotel guests that remained there would dodge him and cower in fear. The hotel had been relatively successful. Business had been getting better, at a slow incline, but since the fight and angel being comatose, they had decided on closing temporarily, but letting some of the more serious in redemption demons stay- the stress of all the staff about angel and alastor, and the impending threat of vox had been more than enough reason to close the hotel.

He opened the fridge and grabbed out an ancient looking meal that he could easily heat up, and a pot noodle. He would never have low enough standards to eat foods like this, but at this point, he was only eating to stay alive, because he needed to. Not wanted. All of his previous passions for fine dining and food had now been vanquished, leaving him an empty shell of who he once was. He sighed as he boiled the kettle as the staff of the hotel spoke in worried whispers- but this was a usual occurrence when he had been spotted outside of his room. Once the food was finished, the rugged demon headed back, his ears sitting low on his head, as per usual. They hadn't pricked up in their default happy manner as they use to for months- not since angel was ok.

One day, after the same emotionally draining routine, alastor was sleeping on angel- when suddenly, he was awoken by a sudden high speed beeping of the heart monitor. It took him a moment to assess the situation, but when he did, he felt his heart sink, icy cold fear and dread dripping down his spine. He choked a sob as he hoarsely called out for Charlie. "Charlie! Charlie! Charlie please! Nifty! Vaggie!? Husk- anyone for fucks sake please help!" He screamed in a desperate voice. A few seconds later, Charlie, Vaggie, husk, and nifty skidded around the corner, clearly hearing alastor's distress. He was screaming and crying, he was more hysterical then anyone had ever seen. "Angel please! D- don't leave no please!" He shrieked as Vaggie held him back. Angels body suddenly started having random spasms which caused alastor to scream.

Until suddenly, all was silent. The word just stopped- or at least, alastors world. As angel let out his last breath, he sunk down and once again appeared peaceful. It was over... the silent air was filled with a deafening beep from the heart monitor- a sound that alastor truly dreaded. "N-no..." he whispered, as they all stood frozen in shock, staring down at angels limp body, which was starved and frail- he was deathly pale and bone thin. He looked so peaceful, as light streamed in and bounced off of his emotionless, cold face. "H- he's gone." Nifty spoke quietly as she stepped away, her voice trembling. None of them could quite believe what had just happened. They all simply stood still, in their previous positions, frozen in fear. "A- angel..." was all alastor could string together, words failing to reach his mouth. He began to shake and tremble as he suddenly began to sob. "A-angel- p- please- wake up- please d- don't do this, come b- back, please, I love you!" He screamed, his voice shaking as well as his body. "It's too late al, I'm sorry..." Charlie cried through tears, holding alastor back knowing he might regret so,etching he was about to do, since she could see a green hue begin to form around his fist as he tried to break free of her grasp.

He dashed over to angel and held his face, staring at it like it could be the last time.  He remembered his smile, his laugh, how he would always make such crude remarks that made alastor roll his eyes, his face when he told him he loved him, and finally his face when he said goodbye...

No wait! I see you guys leaving!!!! Pls don't leave it gets happy I promise! Spoilers but this isn't the last of angel...

I think I love him~ angel dust x alastorWhere stories live. Discover now