Chapter 14

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At Star Labs after the final battle*

When everyone arrive they see Barry with red eyes and tears, inmediately Kara runs to Barry gives him a hug, as he let more tears, Overgirl again feels jealous for seeing her giving a hug to her scarlett speedster, wait her speedster, maybe in the future, this thought confirms her feelings. But returning to real time, she sees Supergirl hugging Barry, then Oliver asks.

"Barry, whats going on?" Oliver says after seeing his friend face.

"I...... we...were fighting Thawne....through the city, it was a intense battle, .....he then knock me down, then he took Blitzkrieg......, he.....kill him infront of me, again I loose someone in my life, again I couldn't save a person I care, why I am still the one that looses" he says Barry and finishes getting frustraded.

After hearing that Thawne kill Blitzkrieg for defending Barry they low their heads to show respect for the speedster, knowing he died defending what was important to him and everyone else in the cortex.

"Barry I'm sorry buddy, but his dead was not for nothing, we beat the invadors, he might be gone, but he will be remember more than the Fuhrer go redeem hilmself, he will be always remember as a hero for us, thanks for his help and dedication" Oliver says to Barry with courage and trying to cheer Barry saying that Blitzkrieg was the hero in this chaos.

"I've know, I'll always be gratefull with him for saving my life, Overgirl, and all of you who are my friends and most importantly, my family" Barry replies back at him.

"Thank you all, for giving me this minutes, I know you all leave your current missions to help us with this Earth X problem, I am gratefull again for you guys being here in our side everytime" Barry finishes looking to his superhéroes family and friends.

"Hey Barry we never abandon one off us, I already say it, if anyone needs a hand, we will be always there for them, that something that will never change" says now Sara stepping close to the scarlett speedster, as Barry nods and smiles despite the broken he is for his friends dead.

"Sara is right Barry, we all gonna be here, no friends leave one or other, they are always for them and help no matter what's the situation" says now Ray Palmer talking.

"You'll have always my help and support Barry, you know it, since our first encounter sometime ago, I will always be on your side, no matter what, you mean a lot to me" Kara says now and once again like for the fifth time, Overgirl don't like a bit seeing this but she controls herself, the worst battle is over, she doesn't want another but for something less dangerous.

Then everyone give him and also Overgirl condolences for Blitzkrieg, and Barry told them that he will be grieve like he deserved, he needs a good bye and that will be in a good days, after all of this.

"Well we will stick around here also for some time, we need a bit of rest and relax after all of this fights, maybe if something happens another team up can be made" Sara says to everyone that the Legends will stay in Earth some time before returning to the temporal zone and continue their own fights.

"Well I think after this, you will be married or not Ollie?" says Barry with some fun, trying to cheer up a bit.

"Yeah, we will, just give sometime, this was exhausted physically and mentally, so we will have some time for ourselfs, then we will plan our wedding, but this time it will be more simple, just with each of you, you are also my family" Oliver finishes looking at the gang with a smile.

"You're smilling Ollie, your going soft I see" Sara says again joking with him.

"Yeah don't tell anybody this" he replies back in a neutral face.

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