ᴠɪɴᴛᴀɢᴇ x ɴɪɢʜᴛᴍᴀʀᴇ x ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ

793 4 12

Requested by X-Outcasts
(Nightmare belongs to X-Outcasts. All characters are in high school and they all are in the same class UwU)
It was like one day..

And then..

"From this day on, we are at war."
Emperor gave a glare and his signature smirk to Vintage, who stood in front of him with a death glare.
"Hmph. Like I'd lose to a king,"
Nightmare, a simple girl who had nothing else better to do, ended up in the middle of this situation.
She figured,  starting from this day... Emperor and Vintage will do whatever to get the attention and love of Nightmare.
(Time Skip to The School Sports Festival)
"It's time to start...THE ANNUAL 16TH SPORTS FESTIVAL!!!!!"
"*May all the sport festival participants line up at the 100 meter race?*" The announcer asked, everyone noticing that the races were going to begin.
As Nightmare tied on her ribbon to her head (Like a headband), two string auras entered the battlefield. (I'm just kidding..its the starting line of the race)
"*WELLL!!!! Look at this!!*" The announcer, who sprung up from their chair, yelled, "*WE HAVE OUR SCHOOL PRESIDENT AND KING, EMPEROR, ALONG WITH VINTAGE!!! THE STRONGEST X RANK PLAYER!!!*"
Nightmare deadpanned at the two.
'Seriously? Those two will be participating?' She thought, as annoyed as ever.
"*AND THE FASTEST RUNNER IN CLASS C-2, NIGHTMARE, IS PARTICIPATING AS WELL!!!*" The announcer excitedly yelled as Nightmare made her way to the starting line.
Emperor was the first to speak.
"Well, well, it's a surprise for you to join in~. You should've sat and watch as I beat this rat," Emperor smirked, aiming a quick glare to Vintage.
"Shut it. Unless you want me to kick you off that throne," Vintage death glared.
The two high rankers started bickering at each other, having a glaring contest.
Nightmare deadpanned at the two, not looked at the, at all.
'Jeez...they're so loud and annoying..'
Nightmare silently sighed to herself. 'Oh my cod get me out of this...at least some else other than those two to talk to..'
"Oh, hey! Nightmare-Senpai, I didn't recognized that you were participating!"
Nightmare turned her head to her right to find a shorter inkling with pink tentacles.
"Oh, Cherru," Nightmare muttered.
'The cod fish have answered my prayers..'
"Your in the race?" Nightmare asked, GRATEFUL for Cherru.
"Oh! Yeah! But I won't be running the next one! I just want to do the first and last race!" Cherru smiled.
"Huh? Wouldn't that be hard? Y'know the last one?" Nightmare asked, a bit confused at her smaller friend.
"Oh thats because-!"
"Ack! I'll tell you later!! Good luck!!" Cherru waved bye to Nightmare and jogged over to her aisle for the race.


So far, Nightmare was at the lead. Good start. However, it would've been a better start if she didn't have those two attention seekers in front of her.
She can tell, by just looking at the two, Emperor and Vintage glaring at each other. Nightmare luckily noticed an opening she can take, to win first place.
That opening succeeded and Emperor nor Vintage noticed her run past them because they were to busy glaring at each other.
"*WOW!! AND FIRST PLACE GOES TO NIGHTMARE!!!!!!*" The announcer stated as everyone clapped.
As the rest of the runners ran by, Nightmare quickly avoided Emperor and Vintage..
She went to Cherru to avoid them.
"OH!! Hey!! Congrats on winning on the first race!" Cherru clapped as sweat rolled down her rosy cheeks.
"Thanks, you should rest. I'm going to participate in one more race and I'm done for the day," Nightmare stated as she and Cherru walked over to the water station.
"Oh, by the way why were you-"
"AH, THERE YOU ARE!" A familiar king-like voice yelled.
'Ugh, seriously..'
Nightmare turned around with  a mental frown.
"What is it Emperor?" Nightmare asked in an annoyed tone.
"Well! Me and Vintage agreed that..if Vintage or I get more points in running this Festival, than we will date you!"
"What no-!"
"I think that's a great idea!!!" Cherru butted in with her hand raised and a smile.]
Nightmare quickly turned to Cherru and slightly glared at her.
"Whhaaaaattt???? I heard the word 'date' so go for it!" Cherru winked.
"Well then its settled!!"
>200 meter race-> Vintage
>210 meter race-> Emperor
>220 meter race-> Vintage
>230 meter race-> Emperor
(It kept going unit the last morning event.)
It was now a tie.. Vintage to 4 and Emperor to 4.
Who ever would win would win Nightmare's heart..
'Well, not really..I still hate those two..' Nightmare took a fast drink from her water bottle.
"I'm sorry for butting into your business Senpai.." Cherru sighed out sadly.
"It's fine..," Nightmare responded.
"Well..! The Obstacle course is about to start..I'll fix your business! So leave it to me!" Cherru stood up and jogged away, giving a heartfelt smile to Nightmare.
Everyone, including Emperor and Vintage all started at the line.
The runners ran their was though the simpler obstacles like 'avoid the fence' and others.
Next..was the standard steep wall.
Emperor and Vintage easily passed it due to their flexibility and fastness.. others couldn't.
As the two got closer to the next obstacle, the water jumps, a few others have caught up to the two.
Like usual, the two high rankers passed the water leaping level and towards the garden area to the dodgeball gauntlets.
Like dancers, Emperor and Vintage dodged the dodgeballs easily.
And with that, the two where on their way to the finish line!
'Ugh! I...must win!' Vintage seemed to pick up his pace.
Emperor, who seems to notice everything, caught Vintage going faster and went fast as well.
And as they were about to reach the finish line....
Someone ran past in between the two with a determined smile on their face.
Nightmare grew shocked.
In the end, Nightmare didn't choose between the two and simply left them to perishhhhhhh.


Long but good!
Cherru is my OC btw.
Thanks for requesting! UwU

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