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   "What?! How!?! Why!?!? No!!!" I almost yell, getting off the ground.

   You have got to be kidding me. Me killing someone else? No. Even though its Lucas. I cant kill him for being manipulative. Or because i hate him so much. Its just not right. I am not a killer. Well i dont want to be a killer. And lets not take out the possibility that Lucia might be lying and this could be some elaborate trap to find out if i want to murder the king.

   "No! Even though i hate him more than anyone ever. I cant kill him. Thats just wrong." I tell her, pacing back and forth.

   "Calm down Chantel. I am not going to force you to do anything. Just listen..... please." Lucia said, getting up and standing in front of me, halting my worried pacing.

    I looked at her, so so scared. She looked calm and she hesitantly placed her hands on my shoulders. I flinched a little, expecting her to like kill me or something. She noticed the flinch and immediately took her hands away. I felt bad and guilty. She looked hurt. I didnt mean to hurt her. Its just that, this was totally not expected and i will need some time to process it. But i needed to know the whole story and so i nodded at her.

   "My father did not lie about Caspian's intentions. I am sorry to say but he is evil. He does unspeakable things to those who do not bow before him. He has managed to stay hidden all these years not because he is lucky but because he is strong and twisted. He is very twisted. Even though my father is not as twisted as your father, he close enough." She said and i flinched when she spoke about Caspian.

   I dont think i can still process him being so evil. I am kinda still hoping he has a good side to him. I had hoped that when it had come to Lucia and it was true. Well i guess it was true. I am still not sure what to make of her or her plans. I am just going to keep an open mind and try not to freak out. I nodded at her, not exactly in the position to speak. She continued :

   "At first, he was good. He still wanted to be good. But after a few years, he stopped being good. He was ruthless. He did not care about anyone. After turning into a vampire, his true self was revealed. All he cared about was his power. He knew that if Edwin was his Heir, his power would grow. So he forced Edwin to take his place as the Heir. But Edwin wouldnt do it. He wanted nothing to with Father. So when he had the opportunity of leaving, he left.

    "After he was gone, i did my best to prove myself worthy of my Father. I thought he was being so cruel because i wasnt good enough. So i tried and tried. I didnt even let myself breathe. I thought that giving him more power would make him the good man he once was. But that didnt happen. He saw that he could achieve more power through me, so started training me.

   "He taught me how to become like him, how to kill without remorse, how to take what i want and how to be unapologetic. I refused to learn what he taught. I rebelled against becoming a monster. Each time i refused, he broke one of my bones. I still refused. No matter how much pain he would inflict on me, i refused to become a heartless monster.

   "He thought that breaking my bones wasnt enough, so he started tearing me limb from limb. He would almost cut of my entire arm and then watch me bleed. After i would pass out, he would get me healed. He did it again and again. I dont remember much about those days. I was just a prisoner in the dungeons. Sometimes i thought he had turned mad. But he hadnt lost his mind. He had lost his heart.

   "He knew exactly what he was doing to his own flesh and blood and he didnt care. I dont know how he turned into a monster. I assume it is because of becoming a vampire and losing Mother but i am not sure. He grew frustrated when i still wouldnt listen to him after he had tortured me in every way possible. He did something i never thought he would do, he threatened Edwin.

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