Rebirth (Twilight - The births of the next generation)

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Carlisle closed the ancient looking leathery tome and chuckled quietly and contemplatively. I remember a point when we thought Breaking Dawn would be the last chapter for awhile in our family history. At least for another century or so.  It seems that in the past we’ve been able to live our lives rather unobtrusively.

Bella’s POV

Edward and Bella lay glittering in each each others  arms in the ivy covered cottage – illuminated not just by the glow of the rounding moon but by the eternal afterglow of true love – not to mention sex.  He pushed aside the siennaed ebony of her hair and smiled puzzledly . After a hundred years or so my eyesight must finally be beginning to go. Bella moved her head from the marble crook of his arm. My love I could swear I can a see pink in your cheeks, the way you used to blush. He tipped her face so that he could kiss each cheek.This time Bella was the one to move her face so that she could claim him with her lips again and again into the everlasting night.

Rosalie’s POV

The melody that normally filtered through a vampires voice rushed harsh and jagged and eager as Emmett’s bearlike arms wrapped tightly and tenderly around Rosalie’s lithe arching frame as she let out a mewl of need and pressed herself against him, “Emmett”.  I love you Rose he growled softly lowering his head to lave one of the twin pink marble peaks of perfection. Her eyes flew open at the same time Emmett jerked away in surprise as he felt his mouth sink slightly into the swollen flesh. W-what? Rose mumbled as she scooted into an upright position. My skin, it its not quite as hard and yet, she reached out for a vase and crumbled it in her hand. I’m still as indestructible as ever? Emmett’s look of concern eased from his creased brow as he realized she wasn’t hurt, or ill. Her toes curled as his tongue pushed into the turgid flesh and released her until she unraveled in his arms, sensations doubled as he sank into her wholly.

Alice’s POV

How come you get to be on top? Jasper teased running scarred hands down the perfect length of her body. Alice laughed her musical tinkling laugh and twisted underneath him – because I can she teased back. Jasper felt her breath against his ear and jerked back as he felt a whisper of heat next to his skin. He traced the curvature of her lips. I could almost swear I can feel warmth when I touch you – physical warmth. It’s amazing, you’re amazing. I love you Jazz, she blew her sweet breath against him as he drew out the intense pleasure their bodies drew from each other. Magic, he breathed.

What a weird moon last night, Esme said over the newspaper spread out on the “kitchen” table as she fed Renesmee.  Was it ever Alice agreed as she came skipping down the stairs. Bella sighed – I’ve been a vampire for over 20 years and I still can’t move as gracefully as you she bemoaned, only half joking. A regal voice floated across the kitchen, you are the clumsiest vampire I’ve met. Rosalie’s eyes twinkled with a kindhearted dig. Bella’s and her relationship had been rocky starting from Bella’s time as a human. But the birth of Renesmee had bonded the two as sisters. And together the three of them were inseparable. Sisters of the unbeating heart.

The guys filtered in to the kitchen from their different respective rooms of the house. Emmett came in from the garage wiping his hands on an oil rag. Carlisle from the library, Jasper from the living room from talking with Edward who was playing the piano. What on earth have you done? Edward asked wrinkling his nose as they entered the room. The smell in here…it’s well. You all  smell differently. Your scent has, changed – all of you. Now Jasper stepped forward. Now this doesn’t make sense he queried in his soft southern drawl. Now I’m used to Bella’s emotions being like this but the only time I sensed feelings like that in this house is when she was, when she was pregnant with Nessie. Rose – Alice? I’m sensing maternal feelings really really strongly in the room right now. But just physical and evisceral maternal emotions. Now it was Carlisle’s turn to speak up. The only way that could happen is if all of them were mothers…he paused, disbelieving horror dawning in his face. You all couldn’t be, it IS impossible, I mean unless. Nessie let out an impatient shriek for all of them to touch her. Just to quiet her they did. An identical image appeared to all of them. Of Renesmee patting a shimmering stomach and then of her playing with 3 tiny perfect babies. Each staggered back – pregnant? The image slowly shimmered away as they moved back until the thought solidified in their minds as the ultimate truth. Pregnant...

Rebirth  (Twilight Saga - Pregnant with the next generation)Where stories live. Discover now