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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  𝑷𝑶𝑮𝑮𝑬𝑹𝑺  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  𝑷𝑶𝑮𝑮𝑬𝑹𝑺  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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.・゜゜・ real life ❤︎ ・゜゜・.

LENNOX STAYED silent in the discord call with her undercover name, jonlennon. With that being said, Lennox was able to stay in the call without anyone knowing she was there. The weird thing was, her second twitter account has the same name as her discord, and so far, no one really noticed her presence.

Although all three of the dream team members are quite popular streamers and youtubers, people wouldn't believe how bad they actually are at flirting. As far as Lennox knew these guys, based on what there is on the internet, they are really freaking bad at flirting. Lennox chuckled to herself, even, she was better at flirting than all of them combined. For God's sakes, Dream was asking for advice to Sapnap, George, AND 300 other people in the discord call. He even told them to tell Lennox that he cured cancer, now that's a Tubbo moment, Lennox thought.

Lennox replied to Dream's tweet by saying, "Stop asking how to flirt back to Sapnap, lol. But, I'm down for a minecraft date!! <3," Before sending that though, she went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth and hair, getting ready for bed. Once she was on her bed, she decided it was time for her plan of action.

After a few seconds of her sending the reply, she heard an audible gasp.

"Wait... She's HERE?!" Sapnap yelped.

"DON'T LIE TO ME, IT'S NOT FUNNY," Dream started yelling, despite having a sleepover.

"He's literally not lying, she's in here... Hi Lennox, I am going to unmute her," George greeted.


"What? She's literally right here, I am going to give her talk power," Nonchalantly, George started to search through the settings to give Lennox talk power.

"Do it Georgie!"

"Sapnap, I mean, George, FUCK OFF! Literally FUCK OFF," Dream whisper-yelled.

Lennox giggled because the banter was funny, not knowing that the mic was unmuted for a second. The three guys stopped for a second and gasped.

"Shit..." Dream whispered.

"Give her back the talk power, her giggle is adorable, come on! Let her talk!" Sapnap instructed George to do so.

"You do it, Sapnap!" George countered.

"What? I don't have the options to do so, dumbass,"

"Shhhhhhh, GUYS THIS IS SERIOUS BUSINESS," Dream yelled again.

"Alright, I am going to give her talk power,"

"Hell no?! I'm a simp, I can't talk to her,"

Lennox was tired of listening to these fools debate and messaged one of the discord managers to give herself talk power.

𝑷𝑶𝑮𝑮𝑬𝑹𝑺 , dreamwastaken ✓Where stories live. Discover now