CHAPTER THREE: Butterflies

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The bell rung. Elijah put away his sketchbook back in his booksack, and made his way to his locker. Nobody really noticed him in the hallway, that explains why a few people were bumping into him, he grabbed everything he needed for his English class out of his locker. Why did Palomino feel the need to put us together? Why? Out of all people Ramond Lopez?! He kept mentally questioning to himself, but it's not like he was mad or anything. He just didn't feel like dealing with Ramond and his antics, this year. He also knew that it would be awkward going to his house, since he hasn't been to the house in the last 5 years, he wondered if the house was still the same, the same color, he even wondered if the arrangement was still the same.

After getting what he needed, and got done rambling mentally, he started to make his way down the hallway. When he saw Ramond talking to his friends with his arm flung around Naomi's shoulder he started to walk faster, "Hold on guys" Elijah heard someone say, he narrowed his eyes, and eventually closed them, hoping the voice wasn't Ramond's and hoping the footsteps coming from behind him also weren't Ramond's .

"  'Lijah, you're riding home with me" Ramond said flinging his shoulder around Elijah, "Got it?"

"Sure" Elijah said with an aggravated tone and a forced smile. He shrugged Ramond off and turned left to go to his english class. Room 545. It was Elijah's second to last class of the day which meant a whole 2 hours before he had to see  Ramond, and see his family for the first time in 5 years. But at the same time, he didn't mind going to his house, like he wanted to see the Lopez family.


Why does time have to go by so slow?  Ramond thought internally. He was in his math class,  fidgeting with his pencil,  halfway to falling asleep. He had all of the notes he needed written down, everything written in the workbook, it was the perfect time to get a few winks before it was time for the next class. After all, that was the only class he had an A in. He left his spiral notebook,  and his workbook up in front of his face so Mrs. Kim wouldn't see him sleeping in her class. It didn't take him long to go fall asleep, he didn't even dream of anything because everyone knows,  when Ramond Lopez falls asleep it's a deep sleep. He couldn't hear or feel anything while he was sleep, he didn't hear the bell, the second half of the math lesson. He didn't even feel anyone nudging or poking him.


Mr Lopez?



He opened his red  eyes and blinked a few times with his head still laying on the desk. He saw Mrs. Kim standing looking down at him with her head tilted to her right side. "H-Huh?" Ramond muttered eventually sitting up.

"The bell rang" Mrs. Kim said quietly. "I-It did?" Ramond asked innocently while stretching.

"Yes!" Mrs. Kim cried. "Oh. Oh Shit". Ramond screamed. "Language, Mr.Lopez" Mrs. Kim said firmly.

Ramond's next class was History. He made plenty of left and rights in different halls, until he finally got to the history hallway.  He made it to Ms. Mason's class, and she was taking role so luckily he wasn't late.

"Ramond Lopez? On time?" Ms. Mason joked, "that's a shocker".

"Hey to you too Mason", Ramond laughed as he was walking down the aisle of desks. His smile faded away when he saw Landon and Naomi sitting by each other laughing.

"You're so crazy" Naomi cackled, slapping Landon's arm playfully. Landon chuckled. "Um, can I have my seat?" Ramond asked letting out a forced laugh. "You don't have to move Landon," Naomi looked around for other desks around the three.  "Just sit behind us" Naomi said pointing to the desk that was behind her. About 20 minutes later, Ms. Mason was still teaching her history lesson, Ramond had a hard time focusing due to Landon and Naomi's constant giggling.  Naomi didn't even look at him, her eyes were just focused on Landon.

I just want this class to be over , Ramond thought to himself. There was only 10 minutes of the class left, which meant 10 minutes left of school. Thank god. "Oh- um, there's only about 10 minutes left, so use this extra time to study, look over at some notes, or even socialize." Ms. Mason announced while scrolling on her phone.

Ramond didn't do any of the sort, but just watch Naomi and Landon talking and giggling in front of him, he couldn't help but ask, "What's so damn funny?", he said letting out a deep, forced laugh. "Oh nothing, Ray, just some humor " Landon said letting out a chuckle, smoothly shifting his eyes back on Naomi. Finally, the bell rung, which meant school was officially done for the day.


Elijah put all of his books away in his backpack and walked out of the door with everyone else. He walked down the hall and went outside of the school just looking around for Ramond. He was just standing then started to walk, until he saw Ramond and Naomi kissing. "I love you" Ramond said, she didn't answer back. Ramond let out a sigh and looked at Elijah, "You ready?" Elijah asked him.

"Yeah" Ramond said looking down. The boys started walking, and made it to the car. It was black 2019 toyota camry.

A/N: I couldn't think of any cars

"When did you get this car?" Elijah chuckled. "Um... I got it for my 16th birthday" Ramond laughed.



The boys just talked throughout the whole car ride, mostly small talk though. They even went back and talked about the memories they had when they were younger. They drove to the store and got some of the materials they needed for the science project.

"Alright we need baking soda, glowsticks, and a few beakers and..." Elijah went on and on about Mr. Palomino gave them. "You got it?" Elijah asked Ramond. " We're just gonna have to ask one of the employees where everything. Ramond chuckled.

They walked into Walmart and started looking for the materials they needed. It didn't take long for them to get what they needed, they even joked and laughed about the memories they had when they were younger.

They walked out of the store with the bags in their hands , laughing and talking. People were looking at them weirdly, maybe they were a little too loud, but they didn't care. Not one bit.

"Hey..uh...nevermind" Elijah trailed off.

"What is it?" Ramond chuckled.

"N-No, it's nothing. Just probably something old that happened when we were kids." Elijah trailed off

"Bro,  we were talking about memories the whole time we were in that store just tell me". Ramond cried.

"Does your family still remember me?" Elijah asked.

"I think so" Ramond said. "I guess we'll have to find out"

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