♥︎ Jack x Reader ∥ A Secret Romance

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• 869 words • female reader •


"Morris! Oscar! Wake up! You're goin' to be late for work!" (Y/N) Delancey called out to her two older brothers.

   "Yeah, yeah, we's comin'," Morris replied groggily. He and his brother walked down the stairs and sat down at the table. (Y/N) placed two plates of bacon and eggs in front of them.

   "Where's Mom and Dad?" Oscar asked, picking up his fork.

   "Mom went out to the market. Dad had to go to work early," (Y/N) replied.

   "Ugh, Dad's always at work," Morris complained.

   (Y/N) untied her apron and set it aside. She grabbed her bag and headed towards the door.

   "What, you ain't gonna join us for breakfast?" Oscar asked.

   "I already ate," (Y/N) replied. "I'm headed out with Olivia, from next door. We's gonna be out pretty much all day."

   "Alright, have fun," Oscar said. "But be careful. And tell us if anyone tries to hurt ya."

   "Yeah, we're ready to bust some heads open if anyone tries to mess with our little sister," Morris added.

   "Okay, no one'll be bustin' anyone's head open," (Y/N) said. "But thanks. I know you're just tryin' to be considerate."

   (Y/N) walked out the door and down the street. But she wasn't headed for the market with Olivia. She was headed for the Newsboy Lodging House.

   (Y/N) peacefully waited for the newsies to come out. When they did, some waved to her and she waved back, but she kept waiting for someone special.

   And then he walked out the door. It was Jack Kelly, (Y/N)'s boyfriend.

   "Why, hello there beautiful," he said with a smile when he saw her. "How are you on this fine day?"

   "Oh, I'm great!" (Y/N) replied. Jack walked over to her and kissed her.

   "Now, I've got to get to work now, but I'll meet you at seven by the Brooklyn Bridge alright?"



Jack walked onto the Brooklyn Bridge after he had sold all his papes. He saw his girlfriend sitting down on a bench reading a book. Jack went and sat next to her.

   "Was you waitin' for me all day long?" Jack asked.

   (Y/N) closed her book. "No," she replied. "I bought a book first."

   They both laughed and Jack grabbed (Y/N)'s hand. They stood up and started to walk down the Brooklyn Bridge.

   "So, was today a good day at work?" (Y/N) asked.

   "Yeah," Jack replied. "Your brothers were bein' assholes as usual, though."

   "Yeah, they's like that."

   "How on Earth do you live with them? Like... ev'ry day?!"

   "I honestly have no idea."

   "Well... speak of the devils." Jack said, stopping.

   Morris and Oscar were walking in their direction. When the two saw Jack and (Y/N) - fingers intertwined - they also stopped in their tracks. It took them a few seconds to process what was going on.

   When they finally processed what they were seeing, they both clenched their fists. "The hell are you doin' with her?" Morris said.

   "Hey, Oscar! Morris!" Jack said cheerily, though (Y/n) knew he wasn't cheery at all. "What a surprise to see you two here!"

   "Uh... Jack..." (Y/N) said.

   Oscar was breathing heavily with anger. "Oh, you're gonna die today, Cowboy."

   "I thinks you should run," (Y/N) whispered.

   "I thinks you right," Jack whispered back, before taking off as fast as he could.

   "Get back here, cowboy!" Oscar yelled, and he and Morris began to chase him.

   "Boys, stop!" (Y/n) called out as they past her. She picked up the front of her dress, and ran after her brothers.

   The four of them ran through the streets of Manhattan. Jack ran through twisting alleyways, trying to lose the Delancey brothers. But, his attempts were unsuccessful. The two brothers were right on his tail. 

   (Y/n) struggled to keep up with them. She stopped running and bent over, panting. She placed a hand on the wall next to her for support. "I really... need to... get... more... exercise..." she said between breaths.

   As she tried to catch her breath, she heard some noise coming from behind her. She stood up straight and looked around her. "Hello?" she called out. "Is someone there?"

   She heard more noise, then someone grabbed her from behind, placing their hand on her mouth so she couldn't scream.

   She was about to kick her attacker, until she heard them laugh. She could recognize that laugh anywhere. It was Jack's.

   He let her go, still laughing his ass off. "Jack! You scared me!" (Y/n) scolded him, lightly slapping his arm.

   "Sorry beautiful," said Jack.

   "How did you get away from-" (Y/n) began.

   "Not here," Jack interrupted. "Let's talk somewhere else before those knuckleheads find us again." He hooked his arm with (Y/n)'s, and they began to walk out of the alley.

   "You know I'm gonna have to deal with their blabberin' at home, right?"

   "Yeah, I know," Jack replied. "So, I'm gonna give ya somethin' to give you the strength to deal with 'em." Jack leaned in and kissed her.

   "That was pretty cheesy, Jackie," (Y/n) said with a smile. 

   "Yeah, but, you loved it."

   "Yes I did."


A/n: Idk if anyone reads author's notes, but if you're reading this...

1) Can you please check out my book "Newsies Songs Meet Google Translate". I would really appreciate it. :)

2) I love and appreciate all of you <3

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