1. "Home sweet home"

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Author's note.

Hii everyone, first of all thanks for reading, and I hope you like what I've written.

I'd also like to mention that English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if you find any spelling mistakes. With that said, I'd appreciate it if you could point them out to me in the comments, thanks!

That's all, enjoy ❤️


"but we should always keep in mind that these creatures are far superior to us, we don't want to piss them off" everybody laughed.

"Don't you worry, we are not here to hurt you. All we want is peace, and I can feel that it's closer than it's ever been before..."

I changed the radio station before I could hear the end of the conversation. I never fully understood the whole problem people had with vampires. I mean, yes, I can see them being a threat, but I thought that as a society we were done condemning the things we didn't understand.

I focused on the road for the first time in a minute and let the radio become nothing more than background music. The weather was warm in Santa Mon, the small town I was born and where I was headed, which was common in July. The landscape always made me feel conflicted, in one side I felt right at home, where I needed to be, but there was a part of me that always felt a certain darkness coming from that apparently harmless town. I shook the disturbing feelings and tried to focus on the happy ones. I was finally going to see my people after what seemed like ages, and I was going to feel safe and warm, or at least I really wanted to.

In the midst of my reflections I felt my phone vibrate on my left pocket, I immediately pulled it out and answered the call without even reading the caller ID.

"Is there any chance you could ever not be late for something?" my younger sister Sophie was annoyed, as usual. Even though I knew she was asking a rhetorical question, I felt like answering a thing or two, but I kept that feeling to myself.

"I'm late?" I asked, knowing the answer.

"Yes, as always. Mom is pissed." my mother was never pissed, she was truly a darling, but the only times she got a little heated was whenever I was late for something, which happened pretty often when I used to live here.

"Tell her I'm sorry, and that I'll be there in twenty minutes." I was actually pretty sure I could get there in ten, but I didn't want to test my luck. I heard my sister grunt and that she hung up the phone.

I kept driving until I saw the big white wooden house I grew up in show up in my windshield. I immediately smiled, but it wasn't a happy smile, it was a nostalgic one. I used the rear-view mirror to make sure I looked presentable after the long drive and I was surprised when I realised I did. My brown hair fell on my shoulders and curved on the sides on my face in a messy way, my brown eyes were a little red from lack of sleep, and I was wearing little to no makeup, but I didn't look too bad. I knew how my mom felt about my messy hair, so I put it up on a ponytail to avoid her having to make a comment about it, and as soon as I did that, I left my car and headed towards the front door.

Before I could take one step away from my car, a horde of people came out of everywhere to hug me. When I said I hadn't come here in a while, I meant a long while, so everyone I knew before I left was there to welcome me with a hug. The first one to hug me was Merissa, my childhood best friend and the most beautiful woman I knew. Merissa was about two inches taller than me, she had beautiful long red hair and dazzling green eyes that made everyone in town melt away.

Immortal Love Book #1. AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now