8. "Vampire attack"

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I wasn't sure how to continue with my life after that night. I had very conflicting thoughts about Dennis that made me question everything. But also, Harry was so sweet and nice, and my mom would've just loved it if I went on another date with him. I was sure of one thing; it wasn't a competition. Because if I had to choose between Harry and Dennis, I would've chosen Dennis a hundred times, but I didn't even know if Dennis wanted me. Kicking me out of his house wasn't exactly a demonstration of love, and if he still had his mind set on staying away for my sake, I was lost.

I woke up the next morning with the worst hangover I'd ever had, and I chugged a full glass of water as soon as I got out of bed at around noon. It was a Saturday and I had nothing to do, so I thought I'd go down to Kimmel's and hang out there. Kimmel's was the place everybody hung out on Saturdays, so it seemed like a good idea. I took a shower to try to remove some of the alcohol smell I still had on me, and I put on a summery yellow dress with flowers on it that I hadn't worn since I was 17, it felt tighter around the boobs but looser around the waist. I looked at the mirror and smiled, I looked really good. I put on some light make-up and I blow-dried my hair and let it fall on my shoulders. Then I said goodbye to my mom, Carl and Sophie, and headed to the bar.

I walked for a couple of minutes and before I knew it I was already there. The place was considerably full, full of people I knew, and that looked at me like they'd seen a ghost as soon as I walked in. The place went silent, and I froze. Because everyone was usually there on Saturdays, everyone was there that day. Including Harry, who was the first one to walk towards me and unfreeze me.

"Hi, Stella." he greeted, and then took me by the arm and walked me to the bar. I sat on one of the chairs ". Are you okay?" no, I was getting tired of that question.

"I'm fine." I said. He sat next to me.

"Look, about last night..." I didn't feel like talking about last night.

"I don't want to talk about it."

I hadn't eaten anything since the night before, so I ordered a peanut butter sandwich and a coffee. Harry looked at me like I'd hurt him, and I felt bad for him. Yes, I did feel like I owed him an explanation. Right after the incidents of the night before, we got in his car and I told him everything that had happened, and then the car went silent. And at the end of the night, right under my porch lights, he tried to kiss me and I pulled away. I didn't owe him a kiss, so I didn't feel guilty for not kissing him, but I did feel guilty for the reason I didn't kiss him; Dennis.

"Did I do something wrong?" he was too nice, too nice for me to just brush him off like we weren't making out less the 24 hours before.

"No, Harry. You're perfect." and he was, he was so perfect. "It's just..." he interrupted me.

"It's that vampire, isn't it?" he was also smart. I nodded.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay." he looked like he was about to walk away, but then he thought of something else he wanted to say to me. "Just be careful. I don't want you to get hurt." I put my hand on his arm, trying to comfort him.

"Don't worry about me. I can handle it." he nodded, and then he walked away.

And he left me alone, and as soon as I got the chance to eat one fry, Merissa Dawson sat next to me. She looked like she wanted something from me, like I owed he something. I sighed.

"Okay, are you ready to talk now?" she asked, with both hands on her hips.

"About...?" I already knew what she wanted to talk about. She wanted to talk about Dennis.

"About your relationships with vampires." she whispered, like she had said something outrageous. I took a sip of my coffee. "You've been through a lot, and that's why I haven't bothered you with questions despite really wanting to, but I thought now would be a good time to ask." I didn't blame Merissa for wanting to know, after all she was my best friend and she had seen me kick out a vampire of the bar, I would've had questions too.

Immortal Love Book #1. AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now