1. The reunion

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'Do you have to go? You promised you'd stay with me. '

'Sorry Y/n. I'll call you when I get back 'Taehyung apologize and left


'Y/n, what's wrong with you? ' I heard a voice coming from behind. It's Jungkook
'Stay out of my sight. I don't want to see you again' he continued

'Can you give me a chance to-'
I quickly woke up from bed. It was all  dream .
That was very nostalgic for some reason.

"Lee Y/n !!!" My father came knocking my bedroom door
" You are still in bed?"
"Get up now!" He annoyed yell at me.

"Mm. Dad Just 5 more minutes" I replied with groggy voice.

"What do you mean 5 more minutes! You have a presentation today ! It's already 9:30! "

Presentation? I don't remember about any presentation.
Oh no! I totally forgot about it !

"Agh! Lee y/n you must be out of you mind !" I mumbled to myself

" Dad could you get my car ready? Please" I shouted
"I'll be out in 15 minutes"

Lee Door Locks depends on today's contact. We'll survive if I get the contract with WoodRail. If not,we'll go bankrupt. Indeed it's D-Day!

How could I have slept on such an important day ?
And what did last night's dream mean ?
I've never had dreams like that before.

"Y/n hurry up! Or you'll be late!" Dad shouted

" Just a minute ! I need to get dressed!"

I carefully chose my clothes last night. But where are they?
I chose a shiny suit with gold trim. Which matched with my short breezy Bob. I checked myself in the mirror. This will do for a presentation.
It's not bad!

'I look pretty good ! Heck,  I look awesome!'
After talking to myself out loud , I end up bursting in laughter.
" Okay it's perfect. Let's go!"

~At WoodRail~

'Oh my goodness! What a huge building !' I gasped

Girl get ahold of yourself and focus! I've got to find the meeting room.

"Excuse me, miss" the security called out. " What is the purpose of your visit?" He asked.

" Oh, just a moment please" I replied. I looked for the visitor's pass in my purse.
"Here it is!" I took out and show it to him. " I'm from Lee Door Locks. I'm here for a meeting" i said.

" Oh! Lee Y/N ! Are you the manager of Lee Door Locks ?" He asked. "I've heard so much about you from the director" he continued. "Here, this way please." He showed me the way." I'll guide you through the VIP hall."

My Ex is so into me ||J.Jk √√Where stories live. Discover now