15. Unforgettable Day

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That day made me wonder how beautiful the world is. It was so bright and warm it confused me for a while whether it actually happened or just my dreams- I always had this idea on my mind. If I experience too much happiness, misfortune could be waiting for me right around the corner. But before my worries even had time to interrupt, he took a huge step and came right next to me.
"I didn't cook much, so if you need anything else,  just tell me" said Jungkook

How could I need more?
"Ok, be honest with me. Where did you order all this food from?" I asked teasingly.

"Didn't you notice me cooking all this time? We even made this together"

"All I did was flip the eggs and stir the soup. Whenever I tried to help, you told me to go away!" Said I.

"That counts as cooking together. And don't come into the kitchen"

"Are you saying you can trust me?" I asked.

"No! It's just that I don't want you to do any chores"

He seems like a professional when he's cooking but he turns into a little baby when he says something like that.

"But do you think we can finish all this?" I asked.

"Hm, we might need a bit more"

But this is a lot!

"Eat before food gets cold. Don't worry about not finishing it" he continued.

"Okay. Thanks"

Jungkook said it was a few seasoned vegetables and some dishes that just need to be roasted. But from the table full of food, I could tell how much effort jungkook had to put in over the last few years. Before I could recognise, I had finished all the food. It was all too good to leave leftovers behind.

"Wow! I can't believe I ate all this!" I exclaimed.
I guess I ate like a horse. Or should I say I ate like a warrior? I ate without saying a word. Too into my food I stained my shirt "Agh! Do you have any wipes?" I asked.

"I do. Why?"

"That's--" I was too focus on the eating part,. I didn't realise I spilled so much on my clothes.

"You are rather talented to have spilled this on yourself"

"Stop teasing me. It's because your food was so good"

"The dress might stain. I'll get you something for you to change into. You should take that dress off" he said.

"Excuse me?"

"You need to wash this right away or you won't be able to get this stain out. Or I can take you home right now, and you can take it to the cleaners"

What should I do? I don't want this dress to stain, but it feels a bit embarrassing to get changed here. I tried his clothes on but this is a bit- "Um, Jungkook. The pants you gave me are too big. Can I just wear your shirt like a dress?"

My Ex is so into me ||J.Jk √√Where stories live. Discover now