8. My Exes are in love with me

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Jungkook looked confused but still walked up to the stage.

"Do you have any clue who would have written this letter?" The MC asked.

"I think so...."

'No, it's not for you! No!' I screamed internally.

"What's the guy doing up their?" The women asked


The moment, the girl walked out of the bathroom and called one of the waiters.
"Excuse me, I requested for that event. Andn he's not the man who should be up there" the girl continued.

"Hm? But he was the only man who raised his-"

"I don't even know him!" The girl exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, I guess there was a misunderstanding.I'll stop the event right now" the staff apologized

What should I do? If they stop the event right now- he'll be humiliated in front of everyone. Is there any other way I could get him off the stage without embarrassing him? It'll be better for me to tell him directly. If I approach him where there's no lighting.

"But I don't think it'll be a love letter" said Jungkook.

"Then what do you think it's about?" The MC asked.

"It'll probably be something like let's do good on this project we're working on together, and stop being mean to me" Jungkook said.

'They do sound like something I'd say to him' I thought.

I kind of feel bad.

"Do you really think so? Because it says here- that although you are friends now, you had a crush on this girl for a long time" the MC said

"How did Y/n know?" Jungkook said unaware
"I've been lying to her to hide it all this time"

Oh deer. So the girl So-Yeon told me about was-

"How great is this ex of his? How can he say no whenever I ask him out? How could Jungkook be so sincere to this girl?" So-Yeon said.

That really was me?
The blush on his cheeks. His watery eyes with long eyelashes. And his lips trembling slightly. Anyone who has been in love could tell that his whole body was telling how sincere he was with his feelings.
I should calm down and fix this.

"How many times do I have to tell you he's the guy sitting over there? I can't stand this anymore. I'll just go up and say it" the girl was pissed.

"Ma'am, can I talk to you for a sec?" I called her.


I would've never imagined doing this. But Jungkook is being so brave up there. I can't embarrass him!

"Excuse me, can I use the microphone?' I asked.


"I think there was a misunderstanding. The letter you're holding isn't mine" I continued.

My Ex is so into me ||J.Jk √√Where stories live. Discover now