5. Where the Fine Line lies

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~The outing : At the cottage~

"Should we store the meeting the fridge?" One of the worker asked.

" just leave it out. We'll be eating it soon anyway" So-Yeon answered.

"Uh... So-Yeon? We forgot the barbeque sauce" another worker came.

"Didn't we keep it in the office fridge. Well, forget about it. I saw a market on our way here. We can go buy one later" So-Yeon said.

Wow, So-Yeon's got it all handled. I volunteered for the food prep team, but it seems like I don't have anything to do. Let's see what I can do to help around here.

"So-Yeon, do you want me the vegetables in the fridge?" I ask

"Oh, y/n, you don't need to help. You're our guest" she said.

"No, no. I'd love to help out"

"That's so sweet of you. Then do you see those water bottles over th-"

"Excuse me, did I interrupt?" A voice came from behind.

"Oh, hello? I thought you'd arrive later in the evening. You came  early!" So-Yeon said to the person.

I was left confused.

What? I thought he wasn't coming......?

Tae appeared wearing his regular suit.

'Why would he wear a suit at an outing? Is he trying to show off that he's busy or something?' I thought.

I knew he wasn't showing off, but I hated every single thing about him at the moment.
When he found me, he came closer. But I pretended I hadn't noticed.

"Work ended earlier than I expected. Sorry if I was interrupting. I just wanted to have a good time with you all, so I decided to just come at the last minute" he said.

I thought Tae wasn't coming.

"Seems like you're all busy. Is there anything I can help you with?" He asked.

I didn't know he was coming! What should I do? Oh, right! The rumours! If I avoid him now-. Yes! Act normal!

"I guess you two can go then" So-yeon said.

"I'm sorry?" I said.

"Y/n, can you get the barbeque sauce at the supermarket. Tar knows where it is. We've got a lot of people to feed here, so make sure you get enough!" She said

"Oh, me?" I said pointing at myself.

So-Yeon handed me the card.

"Thank you!" She sang out.

"No problem!"

My Ex is so into me ||J.Jk √√Where stories live. Discover now