Chapter 10:

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The next day at work, I received a text from JD. I almost didn't answer it because I was still so mad about what happened at the music store.

JD: "Lil Bit, get your butt to Bannon's. Last-minute gig tonight."

I turned to look at Brynn, who was fluffing her hair in the mirror. I didn't want to go alone, but I didn't want to stay in the house either. I needed to blow off a little steam.

"Want to go to Bannon's? JD has a show tonight." I asked her.

"Not tonight. I have a date." Her devilish grin turned up when she looked at me. Did she ever go one night without having a date?

"With who?" A quick thought crossed my mind that she might have stumbled across Ezra at the house. The more rational side of my brain knew that didn't make sense because he was in the band and would be at Bannon's. I'm not sure why that was the first thought that went through my head. I didn't like Ezra, which meant I shouldn't care who he hooked up with, even if it was my best friend or that stupid girl with the nose ring.

"Blake, the guy from the party we went to. He called me and asked me to go hang out with him."

My best friend was ditching me for a guy she blew in a backyard and would probably end up hooking up with again tonight. Brynn really had no morals and she was unapologetic about it. It's a trait I loved and hated about her at the same time. At least she was always honest about why she was ditching me.

"Fine, leave me for your hump and dump." I pouted sarcastically at her.

"You should find yourself one. They are so much fun."

My mind flew immediately back to Ezra and his crystal blue eyes. The way they seemed to always follow me around the room threw me off balance. I couldn't tell if he was just rude or if he did it on purpose to annoy me.

"Aww, little Riley is thinking about it. I have finally converted you to the dark side. Let me guess, Aiden? He looks like he might be a good ride." She winked at me and moved her hips in a circle while making some very inappropriate noises.

"Not a chance. He is like a brother to me. I've known him since I was little, and you know what JD would do." I was not a prude, but I didn't take relationships as lightly as Brynn. She could use and toss a man around like it was an Olympic sport. I was a long term kind of girl, which meant I would follow you around like a lost little puppy until you hit me with a newspaper and told me to go away. Pathetic to a fault, but at least I knew who I was.

"Well, if you won't play with him soon, then I am going to add him to my list." She looked at me with big excited eyes. I shook my head and rolled my eyes at her. I felt sorry for Aiden, Hurricane Brynn was headed his way and he didn't stand a chance.

We finished packing up to go. I had to drop her off at her house before heading back to my own to get ready for the concert.

Brynn waved goodbye to me and blew me a kiss. She skipped up to her dark house and let herself in. My car had suddenly become too quiet and I nearly hit my head on the ceiling when my phone buzzed. Anna had just sent me a text message.

Anna: "Are you coming tonight? Please!" She followed it up with about 30 emojis.

Me: "I'll be there."

I threw my phone on the passenger seat and turned up my music for the drive home. I was not feeling comfortable in my own head, the silence was not good for me today.

When I arrived home, I checked the clock to see how much time I had. It was about 4 PM. I still had plenty of time to shower the onions away and get dressed to go to Bannon's. The tiny bar hosted a ton of bands and acted more like a small concert venue more than a bar. When bands were playing, the tables were moved and there was a decent-sized open floor to watch the bands or mosh, whichever you preferred. I could get in there on the concert nights because they did not card. I had seen too many shows there to count with JD and it was Pantea's Garden's favorite spot to play.

"Mom, I'm home!" I yelled after opening the door and removing my key from the lock.

"In the kitchen!" She replied.

When I stepped into the kitchen, my mouth opened, and I dropped my keys on the floor. JD and Ezra were sitting on the barstools at the island in our kitchen. Ezra was at my house.

Three sets of eyes turned to look at me. I flushed in embarrassment and quickly bent down and picked up my keys.

"Sorry, you know me. I'm clumsy. Can't keep anything in my hands." I turned from red to purple when Ezra smiled, amused by my statement. "I didn't see your car JD, where'd you park?"

"Ezra drove." He said, taking a bite of some chips my Mom had placed out on the counter. "You're still coming tonight, right?"

"I have to get a shower and get ready, but I should make it in time." I rounded the island and gave my Mom a huge hug.

"Peanut, you smell like onions." My Mom said, turning her nose up as she released me from the hug. "You also have pizza sauce on your face." She licked her finger to wipe at my cheek. I weaved and ducked away from her. She practically chased me around the kitchen island.

"Mom, stop. I'll get it." I put my hands up in front of her to stop her from getting any closer. JD and Ezra were falling off their chairs with laughter. I didn't think it was funny.

"Fine." She said, rolling her eyes at me. I got that habit from her and had mastered it by the time I was three. She went back around the island and grabbed three glasses from the cabinet. "Anyone want something to drink?"

"I'll take some water, Mrs. Davis." Ezra cooed in the politest way possible. I was annoyed by the syrupy sweet way he spoke to her. My Mom nodded and filled his glass from the refrigerator dispenser. She sat the glass down in front of him. "Thank you." He smiled while he took the glass and pressed it to his lips

"Please, call me Stacie. Mrs. Davis sounds like an old lady." She wrinkled her nose at him.

"Ok, Stacie." He said, batting his eyelashes. He was unbelievable; he would give Brynn a run for her money. He quickly finished his glass of water and I could not find a way to tear my eyes away from the way the cup sat against his lips. He was an arrogant jerk, but I couldn't stop watching him. It was like the more he tried to rattle me, the more I wanted to push back at him to keep his attention. He was driving me to madness.

"Mom, we've got to get going. We still have to get packed up and run a soundcheck." JD said, standing up and stretching.

"That sounds like so much fun. I miss those days when your Dad and I played." I envisioned old memories of the four of us sitting around the table with my Dad playing the guitar and my parents harmonizing. They weren't half bad. I would never admit it to them. They had me and realized they needed to give up the dream to put food on the table for us. Adding another mouth to feed didn't work on income from band gigs.

"You should come to see us play." Ezra smiled at her with his perfect white teeth showing. It looked good on him, not as good as the dangerous bad boy half-smile he normally gave, but it still looked beautiful and relaxed.

"I'm too old to go to those things anymore. Just promise you will watch Riley and keep her out of trouble." Was I not in the room? Why did everyone think I needed a babysitter? I had to curb my urge to stomp my feet in protest.

I started to open my mouth to complain when I heard Ezra say, "I won't let her out of my sight."

As he glanced over at me, I had the feeling he meant it.

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