Chapter 18:

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The sun shifted, reflecting off one of his framed posters. A flash of purple passed over my eyes, causing me to snap out of his ruthless seduction. I pushed him back from me, surprising both of us with the sudden movement. His face was filled with shock and he raised his eyebrow with the piercings in it. Ezra looked like he had never been rejected before. I caught him off guard.

"Wait..." I said with not enough strength in my voice. "You were with the purple-haired girl last night. I'm not the type of girl who does this."

He leaned back from me, letting my hands free. His hand swiped through his messy hair and it fell back into his face. He looked annoyed. "I wasn't with her last night. I stayed with you. She wanted me, but I wasn't into it and passed her to Mark. She didn't seem to notice. Besides, who are you to judge me when you were about to have sex on the kitchen table with that guy."

"Wait, table with who?" I was so confused. I didn't remember anything about another guy.

"I don't know who he was. Some guy came from the kitchen and told me I should go watch. He said there was a guy who was about to fuck a hot blond in the kitchen. He said he was going to go grab his phone so he could take a video. I told the guy to go to hell and I would bash his face in if he went back in the kitchen. I called over to Aiden in case I needed backup. I didn't know it was you when I went in. When I came in, you were in your bra and underwear, laying on the table, barely conscious. I fucking lost it. Aiden had to pull me off the guy so I wouldn't kill him. You were so out of it. I carried you up the stairs and you know the rest."

Ezra's temper was flaring back up as he relived what happened last night. He clenched his fist and I saw the muscles on his chest start to tighten. He looked like he was just as angry at me as he was the guy I was with.

The flood of tears rolled down my cheeks. I didn't know or even understand the situation I put myself in last night. It was all my fault for trying to fix my problems by drinking. Nothing good ever came out of it.

"I'm so sorry." I apologized with tears streaming down my face.

"You should have fucking found me when you got here so I could keep an eye on you." Ezra's tone shifted like he was trying to hold back his anger.

"Ezra, can you spare me the Riley needs a babysitter lecture?" I begged.

"The one time someone is not watching you, you end up half-naked with some guy between your legs!" Ezra raised his voice and stood up from the bed to tower over me. His words cut through me like glass. He didn't even know how much they hurt me.

I was about to scream at him when a knock on the door interrupted our conversation.

"Shit." He muttered under his breath.

Ezra ran across the room and tossed me a pair of dark gray sweats to pull on. He grabbed a white shirt and slipped it on over his head. I followed his lead and quickly pulled the pants on and then covered myself back up with the blanket. Ezra walked over to the door, unlocked it, and cracked it open. When he saw who it was, he opened it the rest of the way.

I saw Aiden's spiked hair before I saw him. Ezra moved to the side and let him pass. Aiden looked between us, trying to assess the situation. Ezra looked like he just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar and my cheeks were wet from my humiliation.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Aiden puffed up in a protective stance. "What did you do to her?"

"I didn't fucking do anything to her. I told her what happened last night." Ezra said defensively. Aiden's tense shoulders relaxed and he nodded in understanding. He looked relieved that he was not the one who had to tell me.

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