Chapter 11:

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I spent the next two hours scrubbing myself raw to get rid of the smell that lingered on my skin from work. I washed my hair with my favorite shampoo that smelled like peaches and cherry blossoms. I had an internal debate on whether to shave. I would probably just end up wearing jeans to Bannon's anyway. My laziness lost when I realized I would probably be staying the night at JD's. I didn't want shark skin legs if I slept in my shorts again.

I turned off the water and wrapped one towel around my hair and the other around my body. The steam from the shower had fogged up my mirror and I had to wipe it to look at myself. I frowned when I saw how tired I looked. This would require makeup tonight.

I grabbed my makeup kit and began to put concealer on to hide the bags under my eyes. I drew a thin line of black liner around my eyes and highlighted the lids in silver. Add some mascara, a little light pink lip gloss, and I looked like a whole new girl.

I took the towel off my head and decided it would be too hot to keep my hair down. I parted my curly hair in the center of my head and created two braids. It wasn't the most original hairstyle, but it was what fit my mood tonight. It was a go-to style for me when I didn't feel like straightening or blow-drying my hair. It was just easier to manage with my long, tangled curly strands tied securely back.

I opened my closet door, looking for something to wear. I decided on simple and casual and pulled out my favorite old ripped-up jeans that hugged my hips in a very flattering way. They sat low enough to expose some skin if I wore the right shirt.

After digging through my closet three or four times, I settled on one of my many band t-shirts Brynn had made a fashion project out of. She had ripped the sides underneath the armpits and then fastened them back together with large safety pins. She had made me try it on for her and then admired her work. She added another cut at the neckline to expose more cleavage. I pulled out my leopard print bra to go underneath the shirt since when I moved just right, you could see it peek out.

I pulled on my boots and took one last look at myself in the mirror. I cleaned up pretty well and was proud of my thrown-together yet very bold look. It was much more daring than I normally would have attempted on my own. The shirt hugged my full breasts and fell in just the right spot on my body to show off the skin around my hips. The safety-pinned sides worried me a little; there was a lot of exposed skin. Brynn or Anna would have told me to rock this look with confidence. I was not a confident person, so I would have to fake it tonight. JD would not like what I decided to wear to his concert, but I didn't really care. He would have to deal with my outfit choice, just like I had to deal with his choice of friends.

I grabbed some pajamas and clothes for the next day. I dumped my old bag on my bed and stuffed the clean clothes in. I would worry about my dirty laundry tomorrow when I got home.

I ran down the stairs of my house and into the kitchen, where my Mom and Dad were sitting quietly.

"I'm leaving," I said as I rushed by both of them and kissed them on the cheek. "I'll be back tomorrow."

My Dad looked up from his tablet and his mouth dropped open. "Are you really going out like that?"

"Is there a problem?" I asked him. My Dad usually didn't comment on my choice of fashion.  Something about this outfit must have bothered him.  Maybe I didn't look good. I should probably go back up and change into something a bit looser.

"Kurt, leave her alone. She's 18, and JD will take care of her." My Mom smiled at me when she saw me hesitate and look back up the stairs, unsure.  "You look amazing, Peanut."  My Mom added, trying to give me the confidence boost I needed so desperately.

My Dad opened his mouth again and shut it as soon as my Mom shot him a warning glance. He turned back to his tablet and mumbled. "Be safe, sweetie."

My Mom sent me a look that said. "He knows who's boss around here."

I silently thanked her as I dashed out the door. I was running a little later than I expected and needed to hurry to avoid missing the show. I climbed into my car and turned the ignition. The music blared through the stereo and I turned it down, surprised at how loud I had it up on the drive home from work. I had no expectations of how this night would go, but I was ready for anything. I put the car into drive and sped the whole way to the concert.

When I got there, I waited in line by the door to get in. There was a huge crowd tonight. I was excited for JD; it looked like it would be one of their bigger shows. When I reached the doorman and bouncer, they waved at me to step up. I paid the $20.00 cover charge and stepped over to the bouncer on security detail. Since this wasn't my first rodeo, I raised my arms, waiting for the standard pat-down. The big guy smiled and began to frisk me. He lingered a little too long when he reached my breasts, the tops of my thighs, and around my butt. I rolled my eyes. Why was it always the pervs who were on frisking detail?

"You done yet?" I asked impatiently as he felt me up. He squeezed my butt one more time with a smile. He was really trying to make sure I wasn't sneaking anything in my way too tight jeans that barely were loose enough to hold my phone.

He looked me up and down again and nodded, "You can go in."

I shook my head and made my way through the entrance and into the packed bar.

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