Chapter 20:

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When I pulled into my driveway, I saw JD's car on the street. I groaned, it was bad enough I would have to go in and fake a smile to my Mom, but it would be hard for me to fake JD out.

Debating my next move, I gave up and turned the car off and walk to the front door. It was unlocked and I took a deep breath before turning the knob and walking in.

"Mom, I'm home." I called out in a fake cheery voice and plastered a stupid fake smile across my face. I tried to run up the stairs to my room, but she walked out of the kitchen to greet me.

"Hey Peanut, did you have a good night?" She asked, returning a smile.

"It was ok." I said, nodding my head up and down robotically.

JD walked out of the kitchen, shoving a chocolate chip cookie in his mouth. "Come back down. Mom made cookies." He was talking with his mouth full.

I lifted my head to the ceiling and closed my eyes. There was no way JD was going to let me go upstairs without a fight. Everything I had been through in the last 24 hours had drained my energy. It would be easier to comply with his request than to argue with him.

I turned around and walked back down the stairs towards the kitchen. JD had already pulled the barstool out for me. My Mom poured a glass of milk and sat it in front of me. The plate on the island was overloaded with chocolate chip cookies, the familiar smell wafting through the air. JD grabbed another one and shoved it in his mouth.

"They're warm." He said, smiling with chocolate all over his teeth.

"That's disgusting." I turned my nose up at him, which made him laugh.

"I heard JD's show was good last night." Mom was beaming and so proud of her eldest son. He was her favorite. I was just the tiny thing always in his shadow. JD could do nothing wrong in her eyes. The only time he ever messed up in his life was because of me. She didn't come right out and blame me for it, but she knew why he did what he did the night he got arrested. My Mom and Dad didn't like to talk about it. It was just another reminder of how I seemed to make all the wrong decisions.

"It kicked ass," JD said. He turned to me, excitedly, "Did you hear about the fight at the party last night?"

"What fight?" My Mom asked, concerned.

Here we go.

"After I went to bed, there was a fight in the kitchen over some girl." JD explained. "I heard the girl was getting it on with some guy on the kitchen table when her boyfriend walked in. The boyfriend beat the crap out of the guy." JD took a sip of his glass of milk to wash another cookie down.

My mouth was hanging open. Where did he hear that version of the story?

"Some guy said the girl was begging for both of them to give it to her at the same time and film it."

"JD!" My mom scolded him for being so crude.

"That's total bullshit." I countered defensively.

"Riley! Language!" My Mom looked over at me shaking her head in disappointment. She looked at me like her Mom sense was tingling. She turned her head and asked, "Did you see what happened? You were there last night, right?"

"No, Ma, Riley was upstairs sleeping when it all went down." JD was so sure of his answer. My Mom's body language relaxed when JD told her I was not around when it happened. If JD said it, then it must be true in her eyes. Based on my past party history, I am surprised she didn't automatically assume I was the girl. I silently thanked Aiden and Ezra for keeping the secret from JD, even if I didn't deserve it.

"Well, thank God for small favors. These girls nowadays, I wonder what their mothers would say if they knew what they were doing. It's so shameful. I'm glad I'm not that girl's mother."

I shrunk down in my chair. I wondered if my Mom would have been so judgmental if she knew the real story, or even if she knew that the girl people were talking about was me. I felt so small and frail. My self-esteem was taking quite the hit over the last couple of days and I couldn't take much more.

"I have to go get ready for work. I've got the late shift tonight." I got up and pushed the stool back under the bar.

"Hey Riley, Anna's birthday is next weekend. Camo is playing at Bannon's and we scored some free tickets. Anna loves them. I have an extra one for you too." He pulled ticket stubs out of his pocket and flashed them at me.

"I don't know, JD. I think I have to work all weekend." It wasn't exactly a lie, my schedule wasn't posted yet, so I wasn't sure. The main reason I didn't want to go was to keep my distance from the dark-haired boy who has invaded my world. Even if Ezra didn't go, JD would ask me to go back to that house and I would run into him there. I couldn't escape him unless I hid myself away.

"This is a concert of a lifetime. They don't come into town very often and to such small venues.  You have to go. Anna begged me to get you to come with us. You know she doesn't have a lot of friends who are girls who like our kind of music. She needs you."

"I don't know JD, I've got a lot going on right now."

"Please, you love Camo too. You've always wanted to see them live. Please do it for me." He stuck his bottom lip out and pretended it was quivering. JD always won and he would push until I gave in. If I didn't say yes today, then he would text me a thousand times until I finally had enough. He was right. I have wanted to see them in concert since JD introduced them to me six years ago.

"Fine. I'll go. You owe me."

He smiled triumphantly, "I'll have Anna text you. She mentioned getting together to go shopping for something to wear at the concert."

"You owe me big." What did I just sign up for? I shook my head. I wish I knew it involved a girl's day out before I agreed to go.

"Isn't having me as a big brother reward enough?"

"Can I trade you in for a pony?"  I asked.

"Aww, you two are the best little brats a Mommy could ever ask for." She put her arms around us and squeezed us together. "Maybe it's not too late to give you some siblings." She laughed.

"Yuck, Mom, please no!" I said, sticking out my tongue in disgust and plugging my ears with my fingers.

We were all laughing when my Dad strolled in and took a cookie off the plate. He popped it in his mouth, just like JD. My brother, Mom, and I looked at each other and then turned to look at my Dad before we all started cracking up again.

"Did I miss something?" He asked, confused.

"Kurt, the kids were just telling me about how much they want a little brother or sister." My Mom said, smiling at him and raised her eyebrows. He grinned back at her and walked over to her. He pulled her close and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"If they insist." My Dad smiled. JD and I turned to look at each other in complete horrific disgust.

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