Chapter 17:

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I woke up with a pounding headache. My mouth felt like it was filled with sand and the only sound in the room was the gurgling of my nauseous stomach. My stomach was empty, which was a good thing, or I would probably already be in the bathroom vomiting.

The sun was pouring through the dark drapes in the room and the window was on the wrong side of the room. Where was I? This wasn't Aiden's room; I always stayed in Aiden's room when I slept over. The room looked vaguely familiar, but the last time saw it, there was just a bed and a table with a lamp on it. Now it had some other furniture, a chair in the corner, and a dresser. There were band posters on the wall in frames. Who frames their posters? Next to the chair in the corner were three guitar stands. I could see a light acoustic guitar, one that had too many strings, and a dark silver electric guitar. Ezra's guitar. My eyes went wide. I was in Ezra's room. I was in Ezra's bed. What the hell happened last night?

I kept looking around the room for answers and didn't find any clues to fill in the missing pieces of my night. My eyes caught a glimpse of the solid black t-shirt I was wearing. I looked down and realized it was not the one I remember having on when I got to the party. The shirt was far too big on me, except in the chest due to my breasts. My hands flew to my chest and I was relieved to feel I still had my bra on at least.

I pulled the blanket off my legs and was in horror when I saw I wasn't wearing any pants. My panties were still on, but no pants. My thoughts were racing. I didn't remember what happened after I got to the party last night. All I know was that I was in Ezra's bed, I was wearing what I think was his shirt and I seemed to have lost my pants at some point during the night.

Did I have sex with Ezra?

"Don't panic." I whispered to myself.  "Think through this logically and try to look for clues."

I looked back down at my new wardrobe; it was time to panic. All the signs pointed to yes. I was in his bed, wearing his t-shirt, missing my pants, and I vaguely remember something about him standing in front of me at the kitchen table. I could hear Ezra's voice muffled in my ear, but then I remember Aiden's too.

What did I do last night?

I began to remove the blankets and started to climb from the bed when the door opened, making me jump. I pulled the blankets back to cover myself. A shirtless Ezra walked in, carrying a bottle of aspirin and a glass of water. He was wearing dark gym shorts that were hanging dangerously low on his hips. I could see the lines on his stomach leading down lower in a mouthwatering way. His long, lean torso was hard and defined. His ab muscles moved as he began walking towards the bed. As he got closer, I saw he had a cluster of music notes tattooed just above the band of his pants. There was another tattoo right above his chest; it looked like a tribal design. I wasn't quite sure what it was, but the intricate pattern was beautiful. He was flawless.

Without a word, he handed me the glass of water and opened the bottle of aspirin. He shook out two aspirin into his hand and he reached out to hand them to me. I hesitated and he raised a curious eyebrow at me. Breathing in deep, I closed my eyes and grabbed the aspirin out of his hand. A fire ignited inside of me when his hand brushed mine.

"You look like hell." He said, breaking the silence.

"I don't feel so great either." I admitted.

I opened my mouth and placed the aspirin on my tongue. He handed me the cup of water and I quickly took a sip to swallow the medicine down. I had to fight the urge to throw it back up immediately.

"You were completely trashed last night." He stated the obvious. He looked down at me, waiting for a reply. My mind was spinning, trying to run through all the missing details of my night. I didn't remember anything after I got to the party.

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