Chapter 54:

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I left the kitchen and went upstairs to go lay down. Between the morning sickness, work troubles, and Ezra, I was drained. I pulled back the blankets on my bed and tried to close my eyes. My thoughts were still racing and I turned, trying to get comfortable with no luck. My body was tired, but my head wasn't cooperating. I needed someone to talk to. I grabbed my phone and dialed Brynn. I needed my best friend right now.

"Where the hell have you been?"  She didn't even bother with the pleasantries.

"Can you come over?" I cried.

"Yeah. I was just going to go visit Aiden, but I can cancel. He won't mind. Be there in a few." She sounded so sweet. She was ditching her boyfriend to come bail me out.  It felt like our roles had been reversed over the past two months. She was the solid one and I was throwing myself off the cliff for some boy who didn't care about me.

True to her word, Brynn was at my house sitting at my kitchen table in minutes.

I grabbed a Mountain Dew from the fridge and handed it to her. She opened it and took a sip. Her eyes looked back over at me and she began to analyze my appearance. 

"You look terrible. I mean, epically pushed through a meat grinder and stomped on by elephants terrible." She said, turning her head. "Are you ok?"

"I'm in trouble." I cried. I laid my head in my hands on the table.

"What kind of trouble?" She asked me. She looked concerned and sympathetic. I looked up at her with tears in my eyes and I moved to grab my stomach. I looked back up at her, ashamed. I still hadn't been able to get the words to come out of my mouth.  Speaking them aloud only meant it was really happening.

"Did you get the clap?" She asked. "They have medicine for that."

"It's not the clap, Brynn." I said, rolling my eyes at her. 

"Oh shit."  She spat her drink out on the counter. Her eyes went wide when she suddenly got it. Aiden didn't tell her. I'm not sure why, but he kept my secret for me. "Is it Ezra's?"

I nodded my head. I wasn't sure why that was the first question she and Ezra both had. Brynn, of all people, knew I didn't sleep around with random guys.          

We sat at the kitchen table and I told her everything that happened over the last couple of weeks. I told her about the morning after pill and how Ezra reacted to finding out.

Every detail poured out of my mouth and I saw her body tense when I told her Aiden was there when I took the test. From her reaction, Aiden hadn't told her any of what happened the other day. Brynn didn't even know Ezra was the one who hit Aiden. My complicated drama was bleeding into everyone else's lives.

"Ry, I wish you or Aiden would have told me. I am your friend. I have always been there for you. I'm not going to lie. It stings knowing you both didn't tell me what happened."

"Brynn, I am so sorry. I'm really scared and I keep messing everything up. Please don't be mad at Aiden either. He was just trying to help me. I tried to call you first, but he was the only one who answered." Brynn's stance loosened a bit, but I knew it was still bothering her.

"Have you seen a doctor yet?" She asked me.

"No. I don't know where to go."

"There's a clinic a few miles down the road you can go to. I've been there a thousand times.  Not for this, but I'm sure they are probably really good about these things." She said, pulling out her phone and texted me the name and phone number. "Give them a call and set an appointment. I will take you."

"Thanks." Brynn wrapped me in a huge hug and I squeezed her back tightly. Having her support meant the world to me right now.

"I'm totally staying with you tonight. You need me."

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