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"Riley, table four's up." Jules yelled at me from behind the bar.

I ran over and scooped up the mixed drinks and placed them on my tray. I made a mad dash to the table of girls who were impatiently waiting for their drinks. One of the girls had a bachelorette sash on and a cheap wedding veil. I laughed the idea of this girl getting married as I watched her flipping her hair around trying to get the attention of any one in the bar who would look at her. I bet she will be filing for divorce in six months.

"Here you go." I said placing each drink in front of the girls. They smiled and cheered. I barely had time to move out of the way before the drinks touched their lips. "Let me know if you need anything else."

"How about a prenup?"  I mumbled under my breath as I turned away laughing to myself.

I took my towel and wiped my sweat from my face. Even in the skimpy bar uniform, I could always find a way to get too hot. The short shorts always rode up and the tight shirts were always itchy. It still beats working at the pizza place.

It had been nine months since the car accident that changed my life. I was feeling a lot better than I had after the first couple of months. My body felt stronger and the aches and pains grew less and less every day. I never had been able to get over the baby I lost and my anxiety struggled to stay under control every second of the day, but I was still putting one wobbly foot in front of the other. The improvement was slow, but progress was progress. That was all that mattered. At least that is what everyone told me.

I weaved and bobbed collecting empty glasses from the tables and brought them back to the bar to be washed. My feet were hurting from the constant pounding they were taking tonight. We were so busy that I barely had time to go use the bathroom.

"Go take a break Riley, I don't think we are going to let up anytime soon." Jules, my manager who also tended the bar, told me as I swung by to deposit a tray of empty glasses.

"Thanks, this place is crazy tonight. I'll be back in 10." I said smiling before throwing my towel on the bar.

"Take the trash out while you're out there." Jules yelled to me.

"The dumpster isn't big enough to shove you in."  I hollered back to him smiling.

"Nice one Riley. I'll remember that when I make next week's schedule." Jules laughed. He went back to wiping some liquid off the counter and slung the rag over his shoulder. 

I rolled my eyes and went to the back and grabbed a couple of bags of trash by the door.  I pulled the employee entrance open and walked down the stairs towards the dumpster. It was almost completely full and I could barely heave the heavy bags into it without falling over.

I wiped my hands on my shorts and took a deep breath of the fresh air. I was relieved to feel the cool night air against my skin. The night was quiet and still. Everything was so peaceful out here, unlike the chaos inside the bar tonight. After everything that I have been through, I appreciated the quiet cool stillness of the night. It was the only time of the day where I felt like I could let my guard down and I didn't have to pretend everything was fine.

I pulled out my phone and checked to see if I had any missed messages. I sighed when the screen was empty. Another pathetic lonely night for me. Even the telemarketers had decided I wasn't worth dialing.  I was throwing a Riley pity party and I was the only one who RSVP'd. 

I took one last deep breath of the cool air and decided I should probably just get back inside before my tables noticed I was missing.  The easiest way to lose a tip in the place was to neglect the tables.  I couldn't afford to lose anything at this point. 

I tensed when I heard a shuffle behind me. I looked around and couldn't see anything in the darkness. My pulse quickened as I looked around trying to find where the noise came from. I must have imagined it.  It had been such a long night and I was really tired. I had worked every night for the last seventeen days and I was losing my mind.

"Get it together."  I said quietly to myself.  "It's almost over."

I screamed when I felt hard arms wrap around my waist. My body stiffened as I was pulled tightly into a warm body standing behind me. I felt hot breath on my neck and my heart dropped.

"It's been a long time, beautiful." The deep honeyed voice whispered in my ear.

I turned my head to look back and my eyes locked on the most beautiful icy blue eyes staring back at me.

"Ezra?" I whispered.

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