Chapter 1

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"To meet her, or just go straight home?". That was the question which was disturbing 22 years old Rustam Gadirov's brain on the day of dismissing from the millitary service. He was going to see the woman whom he had been chatting with on internet for the last 4 months. He chatted with her about everything. About his army days, troubles that he made..... He never had a relationship with anyone before that. He only had a few sexual encounters with the hookers and flirtations with the schoolgirls during high school years. The hesitation did not let him alone. He was afraid of the fraud,to get into the troubles again.
It was first april and he was already going an hour of 4 hours road straight to capital Baku. He went to the millitary service 2 years late - at 20 years old. He was not accepted to the university for 3 consecutive years because of his low examine points. He was born in a small village called Guramba in north-east part of Azerbaijan. Not to be accepted to the university was a shame for his family. After that his family did not like him at all.His 2 years younger brother Rashid was accepted to the university at his first attempt. Rashid was the family's favourite son ever since childhood. He was discipline, well-bread, never had quarrels with his peers unlike Rustam. He was gloomy,open-minded about the people around himself, always told straightly what he was thinking about other people. But, Rashid was cheerfull, always kept good relationships with the other people.That year was Rustam's third attempt. Therefore, he could not make it. His father Abdulgadir had already spent a plenty amount of money for keeping him from going to the millitary service in order him to be accepted to the university. That was the last time. After the third unsuccessful attempt Rustam went to the military service at 20 years old. His father had a small business in Russian Federation and was quite respectful man in his neighborhood. Abdulgadir did not even come to Azerbaijan when Rustam was drafted into the army. Rustam was visited only once by his mother Sharaf. He had a lots of troubles during his service time. He had a plenty of fights, quarrels with his soldiermates and officers during 18 months of time. Once even he was stabbed with a knife above his eyebrow. He did not tell about all of these to his family, never called them and never come to home during that time.

So, Rustam had no idea what he was going to do with his life after the millitary service. He began to use the internet when he was serving and started to chat with a 42 years old mature russian woman Sara who was married to Azerbaijani man.She complained about the tyranny of her husband. To her words he held a powerful position in construction sector and had a great fortune. She also said she had an only 24 years old divorced daughter who works as a ticket seller at a tourism company. Rustam told her the things which he could not say to his friends.This was the first time which Rustam talked to a woman in a friendly manner. He began to like it gradually. The feeling of abandoned by his parents and miserable attempts to get into the university made him sad very rapidly. Therefore, talking to Sara about the life issues on daily basis made his soul comfortable. Rustam had no friends in there. Almost everyone in the army unit hated him as much as he hated them too. The only soldier whom he had a friendly relationship with was dismissed from the service 6 months prior to his dismissal. His name was Rashad. He also was a trouble maker. Two times a boxing champion of Azerbaijan among the teenagers. A cold blooded person who never paniced.  He knocked out a military worker with one left punch which the latter lied in the hospital for two months. Rashad's father had spent almost 5 thousand manats in order to prevent his arrest.Rashad was an only whom Rustam could get along with. When they were together the other soldiers could not mess with them. After Rashad's dismissal they tried to get advantage of Rustam's loneliness , but could not succeed.

So , When he was heading towards the capital Sara called him twice, but he rejected her calls. She reserved a room in hotel and they had planned to meet there. They already had sex online in internet. Rustam asked her to reserve a room and she did so. But, Rustam was hesitant about meeting her. That was the first time that he was going to meet a married woman who is twice his age. He had ackward feeling inside. He already had got into the troubles in the past and lost his parents' respect. He did not want it anymore. Rustam's father Abdulgadir had bought a flat in Baku after he went to the military service. His brother Rashid was styding at the university and he stayed in there with his mother Sharaf. Rustam knew his father had bought that flat for Rashid. He was the one whom Abdulgadir was proud of as a son. Even though Rustam's mother and brother knew he was coming home after 18 months of service, they never called to check up if he was coming or not. Only Rashad called and asked where is he and when he would be in Baku. Rashad was planning to meet him at the international bus station.

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