Chapter 6

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Noah cast a perplexed glance at Melanie's way. She appeared to have run for miles and miles as she was panting. "Melanie are you okay? What are you doing here?". He asked. Melanie calmed herself down and then spoke. "I'm fine, I jog sometimes".

"And do you jog for hours? Because it appears to be". Noah chuckled as he offered a bottle of water to Melanie. She drank some water and smiled at him. "You know, to kill time. So what are you doing here?". She asked as she changed the subject before Noah could ask questions to which she doesn't own answers.

"Ahh..", He pointed at a place, Melanie followed his finger to find a huge car showroom. "Oh, that explains". Melanie chuckled as she gave the bottle back to Noah.

Noah's POV

"Anyways I should leave. My dad is expecting me at home. Bye Noah". Melanie said as she begin walking away from me. "Wait.. Should I drop you?". I asked only to get a response I was expecting. "No, it's fine. Thank you". I watched her slowly vanished in the crowd before completely gone.

I noticed something different about her today. I don't know if I'm thinking too much but I felt something is up with her. She was more shocked than surprised bumping into me. She kept looking behind her while talking to me as if someone is following her. And she didn't tell me that she jogs sometimes. Maybe I'm thinking too much about it but she almost felt like a stranger.

Clearing my mind off these thoughts, I sat in my car and drove to my apartment.

When I entered my apartment, I removed my shirt and shoes. I laid on my bed with my hands down my head. I enjoyed the silence until it was intrude by a ring. I picked my phone. It was Grandpa. "Hello?". "Noah.. I'm sorry about my behavior previously. I thought about this, you're right. We should put our gang to good use. Aid the government and the underprivileged. What do you think about working things out?". Grandpa asked with a hopeful tone.

As much as I knew he is lying and he just probably needed my help in something and I still don't want to become the part of his plan, "Sure grandpa, you are right". I spoke with a deep sigh. "Thank you for your support, Noah. Sorties and I both have ordered weapons with same brand but different quantities, however our order got switched do you think you are capable of taking action?".

I did not want to answer that question. He can't be serious. I stormed off his building clearly saying I don't want to be a part of it anymore and yet he's still capable of asking me this question. Not hearing my response he spoke again. "It's not any move dear, if you don't believe me just open the box and you will get the details. And if you still choose not to buy my truth, then you can call sorties and ask them about the order".

"Okay grandpa but this is the last time. After this I will not be taking any tasks from you". I said and heard him sighed on the other side of the phone. We hung up and I continued lying on the bed.

Watching the ceiling that trails above the beautiful walls I've had in my apartment. The walls that were sprinkling colors in my room. And the paintings. Paintings. I used to love paintings since I was a kid. I bought these paintings to add in my immense joy of collecting different paintings of different artists but now I'm not sure If I look at them the way I used to look at them while buying and Hanging them.

My life was turned upside down when my dad died. I remember him saying "Son, be a good man. Let your being a gift for someone else. Always remember once you've held someone's hand, never let it go". He never wanted me to become the part of these gangs and spread violence. And I will fulfill his wish.

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