Chapter ten: the double date

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Nobody's POV

Jena looked at jennifer and her mouth dropped. "Hey sexy lady." Jennifer laughed, "hey boring ass." She laughed too. "Ready?" Jen noded and they went to the hotel lobby. "Woah!" Woody exclaimed causing Liz and francis to look up. "You look very sexy over their jennifer, but Jena, thats boring as fuck." 

Jena rolled her eyes. "I get it I didn't pick a very sexy outfit this time. Chill!" They laughed. The boys came walking in and their mouths dropped, "wow Jena you look amazing!" Sam exclaimed and hugged her. She smricked and jennifer rolled her eyes. "You look amazing too." She chuckled, "thanks." 

He kissed Jen's head and she smiled. "Can we go now, I'm hungry." Jen whined and everyone laughed. "Yeah, we wanna beat the paps anyway." Jennifer smiled. "Then let's go!" They chuckled and left. 

They got in the cab and the cab driver's mouth dropped. "Ok would you rather be eaten by a canabal Santa or be killed by a mockingjay?" Sam asked and they stared at him. "What the hell? What kind of question is that?" Josh asked as the girls started laughing and the driver smiled. "One that finick would ask!" "He would never as that! He'd ask, would you rather get killed by a trident or a shark."

Sam pouted, "you took all the fun out of it Jena!" He whined. "Oh shut up you big baby!" Josh smiled. "Ok Jen, would you rather be katniss and date peeta or be you and date me." Her eyes widened and everyone gasped in shock. "I'm not answering." They laughed. "I hate when you do that."Josh chuckled. "I know." She rolled her eyes as they pulled up at the restaurant. They got out and walked inside. 

Jennifer's POV

We sat down and looked at the menu. After we kept talking untill the watier came. "Are you ready to order?" We noded. "Uh I'll have a salad and lemonade." he nodded, "I'll have stake." Josh answered. "Same." Sam replied. We looked at Jena. "I'll have salde." He noded. "Wine?" They looked at me. 

"I don't care. You guys have fun." They noded and got some wine. I sighed, "I'm sorry." Jena told me. I shrugged, "it's fine." "So how do you guys think you'll take care of the baby?" I looked at Sam. "What do you mean?" "You and nick shared a house, you both live in different parts of LA. Like what would you do with the living situation." 

I sighed. "I didn't think about that." I mumbled. "I can move in." I chuckled. "Yeah sure. You moving in? "I'd do it for you." I smiled. "Ok." They came back with our food and set it down. "So you two." I said with a smrick. 

"How'd it happen?" They rolled their eyes. "We were playing truth or dare and I dared him to ask out his crush." My mouth dropped. "Wow." They chuckled. "Howd you two happen?" "Uh we were at my house and Nick was being an asswhole and Josh kissed my and asked me to go out with him." They smiled. 

We kept talking and laughing. This is definitely my favorite date I've ever been on. We heard frimiler voices and looked over. Cluadia and nick came walking to the table next to us. Nick looked over and his mouth dropped. "Jen what's wrong?" Jena asked. I shook my head. "Nothing." 

They noded, "ok would you rather die in the hunger games or die in the war?" Me, Jena and Josh looked at Sam like he was crazy. "What kind of question is that?" Josh asked. "One snow would ask." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah ok." He laughed. "Your so moody anymore!" I crossed my arms. "I am not!" 

Everyone looked down. "What?" "You are kind of moody." Josh replied. "Fuck you." I muttered and he laughed. "It's cute." I shook my head. "Jen what's wrong?" I sighed. "Nothing." "Jen, your acting like you do when we even mention nick." Sam replied and Josh turned to see what I had been staring at. 

He saw cluadia and nick. He looked back at me. "Jen." I sighed, "I'm goona go get more salad." They sighed as I got up and walked away. Nick followed me but I didn't notice. "Hey." I looked up. "What do you want?" "To say sorry." 

Cludia's POV

I followed my boyfriend and walked past Josh who looked anyoed. I stoped when I saw him stop. "What do you want?" Jen snapped as she looked at him. "To say sorry." "I don't want your sorry!" I stood their confused. "Jen please!" She shook her head. "I'm tired of your sorry! I'm tired of you taking my money, I'm tired of you calling me names and making me hate myself! Because of you my dad and brothers hate me!"

He sighed, "you've left me twice! You called our baby a bastered, and left. You have no right to be in its life, Josh is their father, biological or not!" My mouth dropped, he's having a baby? Tears filled my eyes. "Jennifer, your going home with me! Your my girlfriend!" She got tears in her eyes as Josh came over. 

"No I'm not!" He looked pissed. "I want my child!" She shook her head as I ran over. "Nick let her go!" I pleaded. He looked at me. "Please, leave her alone!" Josh and Jennifer were shocked. He stared at me. "You lied to me! The least you can do is let her go!" He let her go. 

"How'd I lie to you?" "You promised you were over her! You said their was nothing tying you together, Josh told me their was something keeping you two together but you promised their wasn't! You said you didn't love her, you said that the two of you were never talking again!" Everyone was shocked. I'm now crying "I thought you liked be me!" 

I stood their and he was shocked. He smacked me. "Get out of my life." I gasped. "What the hell did I do to you now?" "JUST BEING YOU!" I scoffed. "fine." I left and walked back to my house. I hate nick.

Nobody's POV

Josh hugged her. "Hey let's go get Jena and Sam. Jen noded and they walked past nick. "We're leaving." They noded and walked outside. They had the same can driver. He could tell something happened. "Hey you ok?" Sam asked jennifer. She shook her head. "No, because of him I'm going to have to tell the world way sooner than I wanted." 

They sighed. "Hey I'll be their." She nodded with a soft smile. "What would I do without you Joshy?" "I have no idea." She layed her head on his shoulder. "Thank you, for everything." He smiled, "love you." "Love u too." Jena and small smiled at their friends and hoped Josh could be their forver. And keep nick away, may the odds be ever in thier favor.

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