Chapter eight: Where's the pizza?

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Jennifer's POV

I looked behind me and saw Josh catching up. We're currently running up and down the beach like crazy people waiting for francis, Jena and sam. I squeled as Josh got closer and everyone came back but we didn't realize. Is grabbed me and I squeled agian. He turned my around and I felt myself get lost in his eyes. 

Before I knew it I was kissing him, patinatly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms were around my waist. We pulled away and I leaned my head agianst his. "I love you Joshy." A smile formed on his face. "I love you too Jenny." I smricked and giggled. "Since when do people call me Jenny?" "Since me!" 

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Your such an idot! Jenny's not a cool nickname." "Neither is Joshy." I pretended to be offended. "Now, it's the name of a king!" He laughed, "and Jenny is the name of a queen." I rolled my eyes. "Idot." He chuckled. "What the hell?!"We turned to see Liam, woody, Elizabeth, Francis, Sam and Johanna. 

Their eyes were widened and mouth's dropped. We qickly pulled out of each other's arms. "It's not what it looks like!" I exclaimed, "it looks like you were kissing!" Liam replied, "maybe it is what It looks like." They gasped. "But cluadia!" I stuck my tongue out and Josh laughed. "Broken up." Everyone smiled, Jena, Sam and Liam ran over and hugged us. 

"Who wants to go on an adventure?" Sam asked and I chuckled. "Where?" "I dunno, we could go to those islands and back." We all noded. "Ok let's go!" Josh grabbed my arm and started pulling me. I turned my head and mouthed 'help me' and they laughed. I put on a golden binkie and some sandels. I put my hair in a ponytail and walked into the living room. 

My mouth dropped, Josh didn't have a shirt on and God is it hot and sexy. He turned and laughed, "sorry." I smiled, "don't be." I kissed him and the door opened. I swear we have the worst luck. "Woah! I think I'll come back later." We pulled away and looked at Josh's mom. That's right, she walked in and thought we were about to screw. I swear, this happens agian I'm just goona lock every door every time it's the two of us.

Our eyes widened and we stared laughing. "No your fine mom!" "Really?" We noded, "well I heard you guys were going on and 'adventure' and I wanted to let you know to call me when you get there so I can order a pizza that takes 45 minutes." We noded and went to meet up with everyone.

We got on our boat things, me and Josh had one and Jena and Sam had one. "Would you rather saw Sam or Josh?" I asked Jena and she laughed. "I'm not saying!" "Does someone have a crush?" She smricked and I smiled big. We got to the island and Josh called his mom. "Uh so tired!" Josh chuckled. It's starting to get dark, I'm tired, Jena is starving, Sam is bored and Josh is just nothing. 

We stared heading back and the only thing keeping us going right now is pizza. We're all just chanting pizza right now. It's the wierdest thing ever. We finally got back and went to the hotel. We walked inside and I looked around. "Where's the pizza?" "Oh you wanted me to order it?" My eyed widened and Josh looked at me. Jena looked pissed and Sam started laughing. 

I started trying to calm down. "There's no pizza?" I asked, "no." I went to tackle her and Josh grabbed me. "We still have left over pizza." I crossed my arms. "It's not the same." He rolled his eyes and handed me pizza. I shrugged. "Other one would be better.

After a bit Michelle had left and the guys went to go somewhere. "So who's the crush?" I asked playfully. "Nobody!" I smricked. "Oh come on!" She rolled her eyes. "Is it Liam?" She shook her head, "woody?" Shook her head, "Francis?" She hook her head, "Josh?" Shook her head, "Sam?" Her face got red and I smiled. 

"you like Sam!" I started yelling and she looked angry. "Stop it!" She yelled and the door opend. Luckily it was only Josh. "You like Sam, you like Sam, you like Sam!" I kept yelling as she chased me. "Shut up!" She yelled as I hid behind Josh. She rolled her eyes. "If you tell one damn soul I will end you!" We laughed and laughed and she left. 

"She likes Sam, she likes Sam, she likes Sam!" We stayed saying together and laughed. "We're telling everyone." I told Josh and he smricked and noded. Someone nocked on the door and I looked at Josh. I opend it and stood there. "Francis." He chuckled, "I'm telling this to everyone, get your ass's to sleep. We've got a lot to film tommorow." I chuckled and noded. I looked and Josh and smricked. "You didn't hear this from us but Jena likes Sam."

His mouth dropped and we noded. "Yup." He walks away and I closed the door. "One down." He chuckled, "you heard Franco, bed!" He picked me up and I started laughing as he closed the bedroom door and layed down. He turned on the TV and keeping up with the Kardashians, was on. I smiled and layed in his arms. "Love you." I mumbled as I fell asleep. "Love you too."

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