Chapter fifteen: moving

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Josh's POV

I smiled as Jen helped me Put away some of my stuff. "Are you excited?" She asked. "For what?" I grabbed some more clothes and put them away. "To film." I noded slightly. "A bit." She nodded too and we looked at each other. I hugged her and she closed her eyes. "Hey why don't we go work on Ivy's room?"

She nodded and we walked down the hall. I sighed and looked at all the boxes. "How 'bout you decorate and I'll put stuff together?" She nodded and tried to bend over and grab some fake butterfly's for the wall but failed. She looked anyoed and I handed them to her. She smiled and stared putting them up. 

I bulit the bookshelf first, then the dresser, then the crib. Wereb so luck weren't painting in here. "Done!" Jen exclamed and I smiled. "Can I post it?" She nodded and I took a pic. "Ok would should I tag?" "Um nick, bryana, Jena, Sam and our family's." I noded and did it. "I love you Joshy." I smiled and kissed her head. "Love u too." 

"wait! Aren't we supposed to keep the baby In our room for the first six months?" I noded and she groand. "Hey, it's not that bad. The crib took like ten minutes to out together." She nodded. "Ok." She mumbled and I chuckled. "We should get ready to leave." I noded and we started packing our clothes and stuff for Hawaii.

"when does our plane leave?" I looked at my phone. "At 4!" Her eyes widened. It was 3:14. We qickly got dressed and went downstairs. We opend the door to see Jena about to knock. She smiled and I chuckled. "Need help?" We noded and got our stuff in her car. We noticed it wasnt her car. Instead it was a limo. Confusing. We got in and our moths dropped.

Jen's POV

Mom!" I exclamed and hugged her as we got in. "Wow." I rolled my eyes at Blane. "Shut it!" He laughed. "How are you guys?" I shurgged, "good." Josh smrick. "Oh we're good." Everyone looked at him. "Josh!" He laughed, "stop!" He shook his head. I smacked his arm. "Hey!" I ignored him. 

Bear woke up on Ben and saw me. "Aunt jen!!!" I smiled as he crawled over to me. I hugged him and he tried to lay on my lap but failed. "Why?" I chuckled. "I'm sorry bear." He crossed his arms and pouted which made us all laugh.

"Daddy why can't I lay on aunt jen?" The two year old asked. He chuckled. "I'll explain later." He noded and I layed my head on Josh's shoulder. "I don't wanna go." I mumbled and Jena sighed. My parents nor brother's know we broke up for a while or about the Liam insadent. "Jen he won't get close to you." Jena told her. "Wait, Liam isn't even in the rest of the movie what is he coming to Hawaii?" Josh asked and I looked up forgetting my family was here. 

"I have no idea, I whish they could just kill off gale right now." The three laughed, "imagine that. The whole series would be ruined. Pluse Susan would kill us if we did." Jen noded. "What happened?" They all looked at my mom and brothers. I sat in silence and Josh sighed and told them. 

They were shocked. "Can we not talk about it?" I mumbled. "Yeah." Josh replied and I smiled softly. We pulled up at the airport and walked in waiting for everyone else. First Liz and woody came and I smircked. "Jennifer." I smiled. 

"Elizabeth and woody sitting In a tree!" Their eyed widdend, Josh and Jena joined in, and my family started laughing. "K-i-s-s-i-n-g!!! First comes love, second comes marriage, third comes a baby in a baby carrig!!!!" We exclaimed and they looked pissed off. "Shut up!" Liz exclamed and I shook my head. 

"It's my job to be anoying!" "Oh shut up!" I flicked them off and they laughed. Next Sam showed up and kissed Jena. "Hey." She smiled and rolled her eyes. "Hi finick!" He laughed and she giggled. "Hello!!!" We looked over and saw Francis. "Hello." Josh answered. "Is Liam coming?" I asked softly and Francis shook his head. We all smiled, "then let's get our ass's to Hawaii!" I exclamed and we all went to the plane.

When we got to Hawaii we filmed the scene were I slapp woody. Bear begged everyone to come watch us film the scene so bear, my mom, and Blane came to watch. Ben though had to do something. "Action!"

"Where's peeta?" Haymitch sighed, "in the capital, they got him and Johanna." "You son of a bitch!" I yelled and slapped him. "You promised your save him over me! Your a liar!" I yelled as he made me lay on the floor after giving me a shot in the back. 


I started laughing as woody smiled. He helped me stand up and I smiled. "That was great! I'm suprised Jen got it the first take!" Francis called and I rolled my eyes. "Oh shut up Franco!" I yelled and he rolled his eyes. 

I looked over to see bear with his head barried in blane's chest. "That was scary!" I sighed and walked over. "Bear." "Why'd you slap woody?" "Bear I had to for the scene." He looked at me and I took him. "Hey what do you say we go find Joshy and get some ice cream?" His face lit up and Blane laughed. "Yeah!" I smiled and set him down. 

We went running to my hotel room and found Josh watching a movie. "Josh!" He looked over and smiled. "Hi." "We want ice cream." He laughed and noded. "Let's go then." We walked outside and went to get ice cream. Josh is definitely the best thing that's ever happened to me.

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