𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯

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[Name] pov...

Its is now 1 hour into the cupcake making activities. We are now decorating various cupcakes. Even Akaashi is participating.

"Is that suppose to be a sun?" I ask looking at his cupcake.

"Yes, what's yours? a heart?" He points at my red blob on my cupcake.

"It's supposed to be. Its better than your so-called sun." I tease.

He gets a dollop of frosting with his finger, putting it on the tip of my nose.

I gasp, reaching for some frosting myself and putting it on his cheek.

I drop my cupcake on the table before speed walking away, knowing he would try to get revenge.

We chase each other around the living room. I manage to avoid his finger that has some frosting on it.

Right when I think I'm safe, he pins me against the wall and puts frosting all over my cheek. His face looks like he's holding in a laugh.

I chuckle and wipe my cheek with a napkin.

My phone vibrates. I check who it is and my heart drops. I instantly recognize the number. My slight smile on my face disappears and I walk of the kitchen to my bedroom.

I open the message and it reads...

From: +34 *****-****-***
hi my love,
Its been too long. I want to talk. I miss you. I'm in Tokyo for a couple weeks, maybe we can hang out?

From: +34 *****-****-***
Listen, I know I'm probably the last person you want to hear from. But I really feel terrible about what I did to you. Can we just talk, please?

I don't even know what to think. I just want to pretend that I didn't see his messages, but I know deep down that urge to respond will eat me up inside.

I put down my phone and decide to respond the messages later. Hoping I forget about it all together. I stay in my room. I completely forget about (bff/n) being over as well as Akaashi. I decide to take a nap. Before I can do anything else, I fall into a deep slumber.

————— Timeskip: 2 hours

I wake up and feel someone sitting on the end of my bed. I recognize the figure as the  setter himself, Akaashi.

"You're awake." He says softly.

"Yes, sorry I was really tired, I guess." I state.

"Your phone kept blowing up, by the way. I didn't look at it or anything." He hands me my phone.

"It's my ex. He's in town and wants to talk to me." I explain, looking through the other messages he left.

"Oh. Are you going to go?"

"I don't think so. I don't want to see him. Honestly, I have no idea why he wants to talk. He says he misses me?"

"That's peculiar." The dark-haired male says.

"Exactly. I am just going to say no. I am not going to deal with his unresolved feelings." That's honestly what I think. He hurt me and I am not going to let him feel better about what he did to me.

I get out of bed and go to my closet. Opening my drawer of random things. Pulling out the hoodie and my box of our memories. I hate how I cannot throw these things out.

"I think it's time to throw things out. It's pointless to have them."

"It's fine if you want to keep them, you were with him for a long time and I wouldn't judge you if you did, (f/n)."

"It's time."

I go to the kitchen and get a plastic bag. I put all the things in the bag and tie is closed. Akaashi accompanies me outside because it was dark.

I drop the things in the dumpster and go back inside the house. I see (bff/n) and my brother sitting next to each other in the couch watching some tv. Giggling and playfully hitting one another.

Akaashi and I in my room talking and eating our cupcakes.

"That's your first memory?" I laugh and tease him.

"Yeah, what about you?" He chuckles. I don't hear him laugh often so whenever he does, I smile.

"I can't seem to remember, to be honest." I say as I take another bite of the sweet, warm cupcake.

"You have a little...there." Akaashi spoke as he gently wiped some frosting off my lips.

"Thank you." I get off my bed and over to dresser, being caught off guard.

I forgot to mention that both Akaashi, and (bff/n) are staying the night since it's Friday.

I lay on my bed, thinking about what I'm going to do about my ex.

"Don't stress yourself over this, (f/n). You don't want to see him. So just say no." Akaashi says laying down next to me.

"Can you do it for me?" I ask reluctantly.

"Give me your phone." He says.

I hand it to him and just let him type whatever. He sends the message and turns on his side facing me.

"There, done with that." He states, putting down my phone.

"Thank you, I wanted to ask you something." I am actually quite curious.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Do you remember the night you slept over, when there was a really bad storm?" I inquire.

"Yes, I do."

"If you want to tell me, why are you afraid of lightning and thunder?" The last thing I want is to make him uncomfortable.

"I don't know, I've just always been scared of it." He says nonchalantly.

"So when you're home alone or just alone in your room when there's a storm, do you just not sleep?" I'm observant and have noticed when he looks more tired than usual.

"Yeah, basically." He responds.

"That's not good at all. Why haven't you said anything?" I ask in a concerned tone.

"I don't want to be a bother, and plus I can manage on my own." He answers, laying back down on his back.

"Sleep deprivation is not managing, Akaashi." I sort of scold him.

"What else am I suppose to do? I literally cannot fall asleep." He says.

"How about next time I'll call you?" I tell him.

"(f/n), you don't have to do that."

"I am going to do it." I know he's not the best at asking for help so I just need to do it.

"Fine." He agrees.

a/n-oooo how are we feeling about the ex lover? 😳 I have a plan for these next couple chapters. Anyways, i hope you're all doing okay and are safe.
                                        - aris <3

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