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Yeonjuns POV

I woke up suddenly and my body is troubling to look for air. I feel my body trembling like crazy, and I hear machines around me beeping and being loud. All of the sudden, I see all these people around me, which I think are doctors and nurses. One of them put something on my face and I feel myself going back to sleep.
To be honest, none of this seemed real.

After some sleep, I woke up again, but now breathing normally.
A woman quickly came to my side once she saw me open my eyes. I knew right away who she was.

"Mom..."- I said.

"Yes, yes, it's me. You remember me?"- she asked and I nodded.
She put her hand on her chest and sighed. I guess she felt relieved.

"I'll go call the doctor"- she said.

When she came back, a doctor was by her side and started to examine me.
He started by asking me a bunch of questions like if I remembered why was I there, if I remembered what I was doing with my life before the accident and those kinds of questions to check up on my memory.
Surprisingly to him, I knew every answer.

Then the doctor passed to the physical exams.

"Everything seems fine, surprisingly"- the doctor said.

"Well, when he woke up he didn't seem fine"- my mother said.

"Well, it was only because he was breathing with the help of the machine, so his body wasn't doing much, but when he suddenly woke up, his body tried to breath for himself and overreacted a little...he is totally okay, by the end of the week he can start with physiotherapy"- the doctor notified us and I felt a little happy.

I stayed in the hospital for some time because of therapy and all of these medical procedures. My friends would come a lot and it really helped me recover.
After a whole month, I finally could leave the hospital and start practice again.
The doctors couldn't really explain, but it seemed like my recovery process was very quick and unique.
My friends studied with me too and helped me finish school thankfully and I also decided to enter college too on music production.

After a year since I woke up, it seems like my life is better. At least the days are. The nights are usually scary.
Almost everyday, these weird dreams of me killing someone who looks exactly like me come to me at night.
There is also this girl...I can only see her back but I can hear her say I promise. I also see these handmade bouquet of flowers and a necklace.
By the end of the dream, there are to lovers kissing each other drowning in their own tears until one of them fades away.
It always happens like this and I always wake up feeling sad. Sometimes my eyes even get watery. Nothing ever changes.
The doctor said, that my dreams could be memories, but all of this seems to out of this world to ever make me believe it was real.

On the good side though, my company has talked with college I want to go and they agreed to put me in. Big hit is powerful I guess since I didn't finish school with beautiful grades. I was in a coma for 3 years so I wasn't surprised, but at least I finished it.

On that day, Yeonjuns mother made me leave the hospital. I tried coming back but they wouldn't let me. My mother, as a working doctor there, said I couldn't go up to Yeonjuns floor. It was forbidden to me.
Seems like Yeonjuns mother made a threat to the hospital. Either I wouldn't come near her son or she would sue the hospital for not treating her like the VIP she has been paying for. The hospital got scared of a woman like her and passed me the message through my mother.

So for months I was haunted by what really happened to Yeonjun, but after some time, I started to think what if he had survived...
My thoughts were only negative about our encounter again. He wouldn't remember me, his mother wouldn't like me and, most importantly, my gift could harm him.
I don't want him to be a part of the ghost world again and, wanting it or not, I am connected to it. It would only harm him since we saw what it did to him the last time.
So maybe it's for the best that we don't see each other again.

We made a promise, but I think it will only do more harm than good...

On other news, I entered college on design and art and after a few moths, they asked me to paint a wall on hallway in college. I'm currently finishing it. Feels good to be recognized by this talent.
Jiso got into another college so we don't talk as much as we used to.
Mina on the other hand is always bothering me to keep her company. Yes, I'm friends with a middle age woman, but she is fun to be honest and she actually understands me.
On the other hand, Felix and I are very close with each other now too. We are even attending the same college. He has already debuted so we can say he is a very busy man, but we hung a lot in school. He also found out about me and the ghosts.
He saw me talking to a bush once...I was talking to a ghost, but off course he didn't know that...so, I shared my secret with him because I didn't want him to think I was crazy.

With all this, a year has passed since the last time I saw Yeonjun and still have no news on it, but everything I draw seems to be about him. If it's either flowers, like the one he gave me, or even Yeonjun himself. Guess my healing process it's still going on.

"Ghosted"- Yeonjun FF ✓Where stories live. Discover now