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I can't believe what I did. That was not the plan. The thing is that now he remembers everything, so is there really a point on pushing my feelings away?..

"Why are you looking at me like that?"- he asked me and I came back to reality. I didn't realize I was thinking while looking at him. My arms were still around his neck.

"I wasn't"- I played it off a little embarrassed and let go of him. He only chuckled at my reaction.

Then we heard the door closing. Someone was now outside with us. As a reflex, I pulled Yeonjun with me to hide behind the wall. I didn't want people to see us. It would be weird.

"Why? Why? Were you afraid to kiss me in front of them? Hu?"- Yeonjun asked offended to the point it was kind of funny.

"Do you really want to explain your fans why you were kissing a girl that it's not them?... I've seen ghosts all my life, but I'm pretty sure Kpop fans are scarier"- I said and he rolled his eyes, knowing he couldn't disagree.
When I spied on who came outside, I quickly hid behind the wall again as my body froze. HanJae.

"Why are you scared? Is-"- Yeonjun asked me as he saw my reaction, but I put my hand on his mouth so he wouldn't talk and Hanjae wouldn't listen to us.

Hanjae finally went back inside without noticing us.

"Why are you like that? Is he your ex? Wait...you dated someone when I wasn't around?!"- He got hurt by the thought.

"Don't be ridiculous...but whatever you do.. don't go near him"- I warned him.

"Why?..wait, does he belong to the ghost world? Because the day I fainted I'm pretty sure he gave me an evil smile before I crashed on the ground"- He said.

"I don't know...but he is not normal"- I said.
I was looking at my surroundings when I looked at Yeonjun again and my eyes were surprised. He had the necklace/key around his neck.

"Where did you get that?"- I grabbed it, being very close to him. He looked at me with a grin and pecked my lips because of the lack of space between us.

"Did you just ignore me?"- I said and he pecked my lips again, while just smiling.-
"Just give me that"- I said.

"No!"- he refused.

"Do you remember how you even have that?!"

"Yeah, I stole it from you"- he said mocking me.

"Exactly"- I said moving my hand to take the necklace, but he moved away.

"Nop...if you want this, you need to kiss me."- he bluntly said.

"Didn't you do that just now?"

"Nop...I want a kiss like the one we had in front of that mural."- he said.

"Okay, keep it. I can steal it from you in your sleep"- I said making myself difficult.

"Really?..."- he said getting closer to me.

"Yeah... really"- I started to get nervous.


"Stop talking with that tone"- I nervously said as the amount of space between us was going away.

"I'll stop talking"- he said and his forehead was now on mine.
I wanted to keep being difficult but it was getting hard.

He finally kissed me, but rather then a passionate kiss or a sweet kiss, it was just a seductive one. He smiled and then the kiss became more happy. Just like the ones the couples normally do. With smiles in between and hugs. I was actually smiling too.
He grabbed me by the waist, as my arms were around his neck, and he picked me up to spin me around.
I finally landed after a few laughs and pecks and I remembered the feeling of happiness there is to be around him. For a year, I felt like I didn't have that. Now I know why...he wasn't here.

"There you go"- He said putting the necklace in my hand.

"I guess you liked the kiss"- I mocked.

"Yeah, but...I was going to give it to you anyways. I felt like a thief with that. To be honest, I just put it on my neck to see if you would notice"- he said and I chuckled.

"Well, if you wanted me to notice you, you should have tried blonde hair"- I remembered.

"What?"- he got confused, because his hair is darker now and I laughed, starting to walk away. -"hey, wait, I wanted to flirt with that line!"- he tried calling my attention while following me.

"What?"- I chuckled.

"I was going to say that I didn't only steal your necklace. I stole your heart too"- he said with a smile and I couldn't help it but to laugh.-"hey, I'm being sweet!"- he got offended and as tradition we were now bickering on each other.

The night came along and we were back at the place we were staying in. I had just brushed my teeth in the girls room and was now going to bed. It's pretty dark in the hallways. The only lights turned on are the street lamps, which are giving us light from the windows, and an old lamp in the corner of the living room.

Suddenly the lamp started flickering which is never a good sign. I started feeling cold out of nowhere and like I couldn't breath. There is definitely something here. I look around and I see it. A woman with a blue color to her skin like she had froze to death. My whole body shook in fear.
She looked at me for a while and suddenly moved her arm up to point to something. The movement sounded like ice breaking.

I looked at where she was pointing and it was the boys room.

"Him"- the ghost said.

"Who?..."- I asked.

"Him"- she repeated.

"Who?"- I asked again. She then disappeared out of nowhere. I sighed and take a step forward to go to the room. Then she appeared rigth in front of me. Almost touching my face with hers.

"The son of the devil"- she said with the most creepy voice in a slow pace.
I froze on fear too. She then moved away from me and looked at me. - "The son of the devil!!"- she screamed out of nowhere and every furniture in the room moved, the pictures on the wall fell down and the lamp in the corner of the room exploded.

I put my hands on my head and squat down from fear and protection. It was a very powerful and angry ghost, but I was scared of the ceiling falling on me.

Suddenly someone screamed my name and the ceiling lights of the living room were on.

"Y/N!"- someone screamed my name and came to me. It was Yeonjun. When I looked up everyone single one of my classmates were watching me.

"What happened?"- The professor asked once he saw the living room- "did you party here?? This is not your house! You can't ruin places like this!"- he got angry.

"Y/N was the only one here"- someone from my class told the professor and all eyes got back on me.

"Y/N...did you do this?"- the professor asked me but my mouth couldn't move. Everything happened so fast. A moment ago there was ghost here, now everyone is looking at me. I have no excuse for this. - "I see... everyone go back to the rooms... Clearly she is just as scared as you"- the professor protected me.

Everyone left but Yeonjun stayed.

"Are you okay?"- he asked me really worried.

"... I...hum...yeah...I..."- I couldn't say anything from the nerves.

"It's okay, let's take a breather"- He said, guiding me to the garden.

"Ghosted"- Yeonjun FF ✓Where stories live. Discover now