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Almost a week has passed from what happened in the auditorium. People still talk, but I still need to do the scenario so I'll have to put up with all the gossiping either I want it or not. Yet, first, I'm heading to HanJaes house to talk to his father. Maybe HanJae is the reason why all those strange things happen there. Let's hope the psycho isn't there.

I knocked on the door and the man seemed a little surprise.

"Hello"- I greeted him.

"Hi...hum...come in....I'm sorry, I didn't think you would come again"- HanJaes father apologized for his reaction on seeing me.

I entered and he made coffee while I waited in the living room. He came back from the kitchen with the brown liquid and put it in front of me.

"So, is there anything you need to investigate more in the house?"- He asked me.

"Actually sir,...this is about your son, HanJae..."- I carefully said.

"My son?.."- he got confused.



"Well...your son goes to college with me and...everytime I see him, I get this weird, yet consuming, energy from him."- I tried explaining.

"I see..."- He confessed to me.

"You do?"- I asked.

"To be honest, HanJae was never a normal child...Ever since he came here after we adopted him, he would crave weird things on the wall, play with fire and even burn... sometimes he would kill animals...I caught him decapitating his cat and when I ask for it somedays later, he lied and told me the car had been ran over by a car...as he grew up things got slightly better but...I always find him doing weird things in his room...not the teenage kind, but...spiritual things like rituals..."- Hanjaes said.

"Have you talked to him about it?"- I asked.

"We don't talk that much. He is a reserved kid...I don't think he is bad, but just had bad influences"- he said

"What bad influences?"

"I don't know...all of this makes it seem like he is part of a cult or something..."- he father worriedly said.

"Do you know what this cult is about?"- I asked, but he shook he head as a no. Whatever it is, it's dark. No cult gives me those terrifying visions.

"But he does own some weird things...come, I'll show it to you"-The man said and took me to HanJae room. He opened a drawer and there were things like a daggers and papers with things handwritten in latin. Maybe spells...?

"Who are you, Hanjae?..."- I asked myself.


After meeting with HanJaes father, I went back to the auditorium to paint the scenario, but this time it was late so there were no actors or dancer or whatever there. It was just me, the paint and the canvas.
I was holding a navy blue on my brush and focusing on the lake, when I heard a noise behind me in the chairs of the audience.
I look behind and there was nothing. This looks familiar... except Yeonjun is not here.
I squinted my eyes a little bit more and there was HanJae.

"If you're here to rehearse, you can just come, but I'll still paint."- I played along as if I knew nothing.
He gave me a devilish smile and swoop his hand. For a reason I was afraid of that even though he was so far from me, so I closed my eyes as a reflex.
When I opened them from the scare, HanJae was gone.
I frowned and let my heartbeat relax for a moment.
I looked at my canvas, or the scenario as you may call it, and it's ruined.
There were giant red letters saying: The key or both you and him die!!
My eyes were widened at what was in front of me.
Definitely HanJae made this. I'm starting to think that he is not in a cult, but actually has some kind of magic in him. Otherwise he couldn't do this or what he did the last time to me.
But... HanJae wrote "him" and the key...
Can HanJae be talking about the necklace and about Yeonjun?...

My thoughts were interrupted by someone.

"Who wrote this!!?!"- Yeonjun said when he saw my canvas, clearly worried.

"Probably a joke..."- I tried to play it off while going for the white paint still nervous and caught up on thoughts.

"Who would joke like that? Aren't you scared?"- He asked me.

"Why would I? Maybe this message is not even for me. There are a lot of people in this play"- I lied.

"But what if it is for you?"-He asked worriedly.

"I'll die a little I guess"

"This is serious...Does Felix know about this?"- He asked me.

"Felix?...No..."-I got confused.

"Oh, I thougth you guys trusted each other"- He said out of nowhere.

"What's your point?"-I asked.

"you two...you are a thing aren't you?"- He wondered, changing the topic completely.

"Yeah...A thing of best friends"-I answered him.

"Really?!....I mean...really?"- He said like if he was happy with that information- "How did you two become so close?"

"Well...First of all, we were outsiders at school so we stuck together, because we felt more comfortable with each other than with other people."

"But you don't seem to open up with anyone else...Why is Felix the only person you rely on?"- He asked me.

"Let's just say he was the only person my age who stuck around even after knowing something about me"-I said.

"What is that?"

"You ask a lot o questions did you know that?"- I said with sarcasm in my voice and he just chuckled.

"Anyways...I guess if Felix can't protect you with this...I will...I'll protect you..."-He claimed. Just like that time in that highschool hallway. I couldn't help, but to look at him with big eyes. It's like, sometimes, there are moments that I feel like this Yeonjun remembers the things he said or did to me as the other Yeonjun I knew. May that be the food I like, the way he looks at me or the words that come out of his mouth. I get emotional everytime this happens...-"Are you okay?"- He asked me because I was just looking at him and I quicly came back to life.

"Yeah..."-I said and turned around to the scenario, but I moved to suddenly and the ladder I was in to paint was not stable, which messed up my equilibrium. I was sure I was going to hit the ground, but the floor never touched me. I opened my eyes and there he was... again... Yeonjun... Once more he held me in his arms. We locked eyes and the butterflies in my stomach, that I thougth were dead, flew around once again.

I came back to the bitter reality and got off of his warm arms. 

"I need to go"- I said nervously, because I can't fall for him once again. But he stopped me. He grabbed my wrist and turned me around to look at him.

"Why do I feel like this everytime I'm with you?...And why did I already feel like this when I set my eyes on you for the first time?"-He asked me genuanly confused.

"I need to go"-I said, because I know that if I stay one minute longer my heart will give up figthing these feelings. But he never let go of me. Instead he pulled me closer to him and put my hand on his chest since he was still holdin my wrist.

"Why do I feel like this?"- He asked me, locking his eyes with mine as I felt his heartbeat drumming on my petit hand

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"Why do I feel like this?"- He asked me, locking his eyes with mine as I felt his heartbeat drumming on my petit hand. Tears wanted to leave my eyes. This is the first time I felt his beating heart. He is not a ghost anymore. He is real. He is alive. All sorts of feelings came to me...Hapiness, confusion, fear...

"Please...tell me..."- he said, but I couldn't put a word in my mouth as I was shocked happy and sad, not knowing what to do.

"Ghosted"- Yeonjun FF ✓Where stories live. Discover now