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Yeonjuns POV

I woke up slowly and the ceiling that made my view looked familiar. I look around and my mother is rigth there along with the rest of TxT. My eyes can only look for Y/N. I'm getting more aware now and I know I need to find Y/N! I remember everything now! I remember her! I remember everything that happened that day!

"Where is Y/N?!"- I get exalted.

"Darling, calm down!"- My mother told me.

"Mom, I remember her! She was with me in my ghost life! We were together!"- I tried to explain to her, but she just looked at me with not a serious and angry face-"Mom, I'm serious!"

"That was just dream"-She seriously told me.

"No, no, I've been having this dream for too long to not be real!"

"Oh yeah, so what are you suggesting? She sees ghosts and she saw you when you weren't even dead?"-My mother confused me.

"No, I-...I'm sure...she...saw me...didn't she?"- I doubt my believes. Was it really just a dream?

"Is he talking about THE girl?"-Beomgyu whispered to Soobin, making me look at him and frown trying to understand what he said because I couldn't hear it clearly. Soobin just shrugged his shoulders and gave fake smile when he saw me looking them.

"How do you even know a Y/N? Where do you know her from?"-My mother asked me while I'm starting to think she is rigth, and my dream is just a dream.

"She is...hum..she is just a girl from school"-I answered trying to find focus.

"You look tired rest a little more, you clearly look confused."-My mother said and I lay down a little more. She is rigth..There is no way my dream can be true...but why do I feel like it is?...I'm going crazy maybe.

"What happened though?"- I asked.

"You fainted and someone brought you here"-Soobin explained and that was when the memory of Y/N holding me in her arms came to mind. That happened I'm sure. I even put my hand on her face...how embarrassing...and then I looked at Hanjae...HanJae...I remember looking at him and he smirked at me before I fell...


 After I took Yeonjun to the hospital, I called Soobin rigth away, since he was the only one from TxT I had the number of. I called him because the hospital was going to call Yeonjuns mother, but I couldn't encounter her, yet at the same time I couldn't leave Yeonjun alone so I hoped that Soobin could be keep him company. Thankfully, Soobin came faster than Yeonjuns mother. I also called Felix because I was scared and alone, but he didn't pick up...I think he ignored me.

"Hey!"-He said worried.

"Hey, they say he is okay, just fainted and hit head hard on the ground. Thanks for coming!"-I explained to Soobin and grabbed my jacket to leave before Mrs. Choi came.

"Wait! You're not staying?"-He got confused.

"I can't...but do me a favor...keep me updated with YeonJun..."-I said with a heavy heart for leaving him, but Soobin understood.

"Don't worry"-He said and we both gave a faint smile. Then I left.

After an hour I left the hospital or so, Soobin told me that Yeonjun remembered me in his ghost life, but his mother confused him and maybe he doesn't believe it anymore. I got sad...but relieved...Maybe it's for the best..He also said Yeonjun would get out of the hospital even today...Yet, rigth now, I find myself in front of the JYP building. 

I was hesitating to go inside. I don't think Felix wants to see me...I have a pass so I can enter fine, because I'm Felix's friend...was..I guess...the question is should I go in?

"Oh, Y/N?"-Someone saw me. Bang Chan.


"Why aren't you coming in?"-He frowned and I bit my lip nervous- "wait..are you the reason why Felix is acting weird today?"-He asked me, but I sighed.

"Is he..that bad?"-I asked.

"He is practicing 5x harder than usual..he has been dancing all day, barely talked or smiled and hasn't eaten anything yet...I was actually going to buy him food now and make him eat...but I guess it would be more effective if you two solved whatever happened between you."- Chan said giving me a smile and convinced to go inside. 

I was at the door of the dance room and Felix was dancing. He looked angry and revengeful with his dance. He really is amazing. The music stopped and so did he to look for air. I took the moment and knocked on the door lightly to enter rigth after.

"What are you doing here?"-He said annoyed by my presence.

"Felix...Can we talk?"- I asked.

"I'm busy"-He said ready to leave, but I grabbed his wrist.

"Please, I have no one else. I know you had feelings for-"

"You knew?!"- He interrupted me, clearly feeling insulted.


"You knew and you let me be by your side, everyday, to raise false hopes?! wow...I never thought you were selfish like that..."- He said and a tear formed in my eye- "To you, my feelings never mattered...just as long as you're not feeling lonely again, everything was fine, rigth?...Fuck what the others feel"-Felix said with the biggest reflection of disappointment in his eyes. 

The tear that I was holding in the corner of my eye, was now running down my face. I was selfish, he is rigth...but he did make everything better for me and I adore him for that...I too want to have the same feelings for him, it would be easier, but my heart seems to be occupied...  He released himself from my grip and walked to the door, but he stopped before leaving.

"What I feel for you was the best thing that  happened to me...yet the worst...Because of you...my heart broke everyday because I couldn't break your walls and enter your heart...and I kept blaming myself for that...That I wasn't good enough or that I was to much to handle...But still...I couldn't leave your side...I'm doing it now...Please, don't come here anymore"-Felix said with his back turned to me and with a breaking voice, ready to cry, but I was already doing that...

After that, I went back to the auditorium to paint the scenario again and maybe cry a little to relieve my mind. I'm so tired from today. Even thought I was holding the brush on my hand ready to paint, my sight was getting blurry from the tears in my eyes.

"Y/N?"- someone called my name and I knew rigth away it was Yeonjun. I didn't notice his entrance. -"Are you okay?"- he asked me, touching my shoulder and I couldn't hold it anymore. I needed comfort. I have been strong for too long now and I'm tired of today... so I let my body move by itself... I suddenly turned around and my arms embraced Yeonjun while I was crying on his chest. 

"I'm sorry"-That's all I could say in between my tears of frustration and sadness. 

He was surprised, but after some time he embraced and caressed my head at the same time. I could only hug him tighter.

 I could only hug him tighter

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"Ghosted"- Yeonjun FF ✓Where stories live. Discover now