3. X x Y

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"Chicken noodle soup?" Thomas scoffed. "Yeah." I glared at him. He looked at me then scoffed again then started eating. "Do you say grace?" Washington asked. "No but you're welcome to. Just not out loud. I don't want anyone to be offended." I smiled at him, looking for a place to sit. "Damn. No more seats." I muttered. I walked to the storage closet and got out a little table. I started setting it up with everyone looking at me. "What are you doing Wyn?" Phillip asked. "There's no more seats so I'm making some." I sighed. "Non non non, you must sit with us!" Laf exclaimed. "I would love to but there's no room." I said standing up right, looking at them. Laf pushed his friends down the bench and made room for me between him and Alexander. "Zere, now zere iz room." He smiled at me. I laughed and put the table back in the closet. "France!" I yelled. The boys looked at me confused, not knowing the name of my dog. "C'mere! Dinner time!" I yelled walking to the kitchen. "Why are you calling my country?" Laf asked. Just then, France came bounding down the stairs. Thomas and James yelped in surprise. "This, is France, my pet dog." I smiled petting him. "Ohhhhh. Neat." Alex said going back to eating. I chuckled and gave France his food. I walked back to the table and sat down, starting to eat my soup.

After about 5 minutes of everyone talking over dinner, I looked at Washington. He smirked, looking between Alex and I. I blushed and looked down at my food. "There's a secret between you two." Aaron chuckled. My head snapped towards him. "N-no." I stuttered glaring at Washington. "Yeah there is. Our little Wyn likes someone." He smirked leaning back in his chair. "N-NO! No! I don't!" I yelped, stuffing my face with soup. "Really now?" Alex asked from beside me. I blushed even more and shook my head. "Come on! You can tell us!" Hercules boomed excitedly. "No." I said stubbornly. "Yes." Washington countered. "No." "Yes." "No." "Yes." "No." "I'm gonna say the hint you gave me." He smirked. "Fine... wait- nO!" I yelped, jumping up and running over to him as he started. "The hint is-." I covered his mouth. "Nothing. The hint is nothing." I chuckled awkwardly. Laf huffed and stood. Hercules, John and Alex started laughing knowing what he was gonna do. I looked at him confused as he walked up to me. He picked me up and dragged me away from Washington long enough for him to say the hint, covering my mouth to prevent my loud protests. "The hint is X." He smiled at me. I stopped fighting Laf and slumped. Tears welling up in my eyes. Some of them falling.

Laf felt the tears falling onto his hand and immediately turned me around. "Wyn? Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?" (What's wrong?) "Je ne voulais pas que quiconque sache..." I sniffed. (I didn't want anyone to know...) "Je suis désolé Wyn.." (I'm sorry) He sighed bringing me into a hug. "It's ok.." I sniffed pulling away. I turned to look at everyone. They all looked guilty. "I-It's fine guys. Is everyone done?" I asked quickly changing the subject. Everyone nodded and stood, walking to the living room. I gathered up all their bowls and carried them to the kitchen sink. I placed them in and filled them all up with water. Once I was done with that I just stared at them. I shook my head and began to clean the dishes. I'm only cleaning these. I thought to myself.

Yeah so I cleaned the entire downstairs. All of which took about 4 hours. I sighed in relief, sitting down at the kitchen table. I had told all the boys to go to bed about and hour ago. I looked at the clock and saw it was 10:30. I sighed again and put my head down. I started to silently sob.

"Wyn?" I heard a voice asked after about 5 minutes of crying. I wiped my tears and looked up to see Alexander. "Hey Alex." I sighed. "What's wrong?" He asked as I stood up, wiping more tears. "Just a stressful day. Taking care of you guys is new and a lot to handle. It's ok. We'll get into the swing of things. And with the whole thing at dinner. I guess that's where I kinda snapped. By the way, did you figure out who it was?" I asked nervously. "Yeah. Good way to mess everyone up. But it's simple. I'm the only one with an X in my name." He smiled at me. "Is that correct?" He smirked. I nodded. "I-I'm sorry if you don't feel the same way it's just- you have this thing that pulls me to you and I know it's only been a few hours but you've just been so nice and caring. Again I'm sorry if you feel unco-." Alex cut me off by placing his lips on mine in a soft passionate kiss. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him closer to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and made the kiss a bit more rough. Then someone gasped from behind Alex. We pulled away and looked to see Phillip standing there.

"Pip-." Alex started. "I understand. Mom isn't coming..." He sighed. Alex looked bewildered. "Pip.. I-I'm sorry. You can be mad if you want to." Alex assured him. I nodded in agreement. "No. I want you to be happy Pa." Phillip said walking over to me. Confused I just watched him step closer to me. He stopped in front of me and stared. I stared back until he pulled me into a hug. I smiled and hugged back. "Treat him right. He's been through a lot." Phillip muttered. "Will do." I muttered back. "I'm going back to bed." Phillip chuckled. I nodded and watched him go up the stairs. I smiled and turned to Alex. Though I came face to face with him seeing as he was right behind me. I giggled and pecked his lips. He chuckled and pulled me into a hug. I hugged back and we swayed side to side slightly.

1055 words!

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