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"Lin." I muttered. He continued to walk us to the Limo he ordered to pick us up from the airport. "Lin." I said a little louder. Still nothing. I stopped dead in my tracks while the Hamilton cast and the boys continued walking with each other. Rafa was waking next to Daveed as he talked to Lafayette. I watched them walk to the limo in annoyance. "G-." I was cut off by a gloved hand covering my mouth and someone grabbing my arms. I started to thrash around a hell for help. As my friends were getting in the limo Rafa looked around for me. He saw me and his face drained of color. Tears started to fall down my face as I continued screaming for help. Where the hell are all the security guards?!?! And fucking pedestrians?!?! I though to myself. Rafa grabbed Daveed and Oak and ran over to me as I was being stuffed into the trunk of a car. Once the hand was off my mouth I screamed as the trunk closed. They didn't get here in time... I'm gonna die.. I thought to myself. I rested my head on the bottom of the trunk and just accepted fate. The car started and we were off to an unknown location. Tears spilling out of my eyes as I messed with the zip tie on my wrists. Wait. I learned how to get out of situations like these.. I quickly started to get out of the zip tie. But as I freed my hands, the trunk was opened and something covered my eyes and a cloth was put in my mouth.

A person picked me up as I continued to thrash around. "Stop moving." They growled. I didn't listen. "If you don't stop I'll shoot you in the head." They threatened. I continued to thrash around until I heard a gun click and a cold metal ring on my temple. I stopped immediately. "Good girl. Now I know how to get you to cooperative." He chuckled darkly.

I was sat down in a chair and my arms were tied behind with a belt. And my legs were tied so they couldn't close. I knew where this was going. Someone took the cloth out of my mouth and started to kiss me. I didn't kiss back I tried to pull away. That was until I had a knife at my neck. I kissed back and whoever was about to rape me chuckled darkly. "There's no way your not getting pregnant. You will have my child. And you will take care of it." He seethed in my ear. "Understand?" He demanded. I nodded. That was until I felt my arm get cut by the blade. "Words kitten." He said happily. "Yes sir." I whimpered. My face was slapped. "That's daddy to you." He growled. "Yes daddy." I whispered, cowering down.

Then he raped me.... and this went on for weeks. Maybe months. But no signs of pregnancy.. or being found.. that was until one day when I was tied up against the chair naked. "The FBI is here." My capturer told me as he took of the blindfold. I looked up and saw someone I didn't know. He took a gun to his head and back away from me. He shot himself and fell to the ground. Right in front of me. I watched in horror. I was just raped for god knows how long, the moment the FBI show up my captor kills himself right in front of me. "FBI SHOW YOURSELF!" I heard a woman yell. "WYN?!" I heard Rafa yell. "H-help!" I yelled as loud as I could. Which wasn't very loud. I definitely screwed my vocal chords by screaming so much. "WYN!" I heard Alex yelp. Alex ran in and saw me tied up. The FBI close behind him. "Wyn.." He whimpered running towards me while taking off his hoodie. He untied me and brought the hoodie over my head. It was big on him so it was huge on me. He picked me up and walked out the where I'm assuming Rafa was. Not only was Rafa there, but so were my boys and the whole Hamilton cast. Even some of the ensemble members. The FBI walked around the place making sure it was clear. When they found the body they all looked at me. I wouldn't even look in that direction.

"We found some cameras that have been recording for a month, the amount of time you've been gone Miss Wilson, the footage shows him abusing you, and raping you on multiple occasions. Then the suicide you have to watch. Is there anything we can do for you?" An agent asked me. I shook my head and stared off into space. Rafa and Daveed took my hands while the Rev Set comforted Alexander about me being found. He was taking it super well and super badly. He was having panic attacks thinking it was his fault I was kidnapped. But he was also excited that I was back. "W-who took care of them while I was gone?" I asked. "They stayed at the theater. Everyone in the cast stayed there as well. Rafa wouldn't stop looking for you. He's actually the one who found you." Daveed explained. The whole cast was silent. So was all my boys except the Rev Set and Alex. "Thank you." I whispered. The cast nodded. I pulled Rafa into a hug. "Thank you for finding me." I whispered. He nodded.

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