5. I made it

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Ok... so I lifted everyone's punishments cuz I felt bad and it's their second day here. Incase you were wondering how that conversation went..

Flash back ooooo sCaRy
I was standing in the kitchen stirring the Mac n cheese thinking if I went to hard on the boys. I heard the Rev Set's hushed voices. Laf joined them cuz he felt bad. Phillip also joined because he felt awkward with all of Alex's enemies. "Wyn, mon amie, zat beeping zing 'az been beeping for a minute." Laf said as he walked into the kitchen reaching over me and pressing the cancel button on the microwave. "Ah shit." I mumbled turning off the stove and started to put Mac n cheese in 10 different bowls. "Why the hell do I have so many bowls?" I mumbled to myself. "Wyn?" Phillip asked from behind me. "Yes pip?" I asked still pouring Mac n cheese in bowls. "Are you ok? You're mumbling to yourself." He observed. "Yeah I'm ok. Just wondering if I went to hard on the guys. It's only their second day here." I sighed turning around and giving some bowls to Phillip. "Put them on the dinner table please." I told him. He nodded and walked into the dining room. "LAFFY TAFFY!" I yelled for him. He walked in with an annoyed look on his face. "What iz zat name?" He grumbled. "Here, put these on the dinner table." I said as I handed him two bowls. He nodded while I got the other three and walked to the table behind him. I set down all the bowls and walked into the living room. "Dinner's ready." I smiled at Aaron, James, Thomas and Washington. They nodded and stood. I walked into the dining room and sat on the bench in between Laf and Alex. "Wait. I thought I couldn't have Mac N cheese?" Thomas spoke up sitting down. "It's only your second day here and you didn't know the rules. It's ok. But next time no Mac n cheese." I chuckled. "Wait. So just Jefferson is off the hook? Or are we as well?" Herc asked. "You guys are off as well. Just don't be dumb." I chuckled. They all nodded gratefully and started eating.
Present time. Oooo ScArY lmao

"Thank you for dinner Wyn." Washington thanked as we all sat down in the living room. I nodded at him and snuggled up into Alex. He wrapped and arm around me as I started episode 1 of season 2 on The Flash.

We were halfway through the episode when there was a knock at my door. I paused the show and walked to my front door. I opened it to see Cayden, my crazy ex. "What do you want Cayden." I growled. "I want a second chance! I know I cheated but I won't do it again I promise!" He lied. It was obvious he lied. All the boy's heads turned towards me. The Rev set and Thomas got up and walked behind me. Alex wrapped an arm around my waist and glared at Cayden. Laf stood behind me with Thomas and Herc either side of him, arms crossed. John stood on my other side and crossed his arms as well. "Who are they?" Cayden growled. "My new roommates and boyfriend." I growled back. "Who's the boyfriend?" He seethed looking around the 5 guys around me. "Alex is." I glared, motioning to Alex. Cayden growled at Alexander and pulled him out of the house. He punched Alex square in the jaw which made him fall to the ground. I felt Thomas' anger bubbling off of him. Thomas walked forward lightly shoving John out of the way and pulled Cayden off of Alex. Thomas punched Cayden in the throat and stomach then threw him to the ground. "Get off Wyn's property. Or I will do so much worse." He growled. Cayden nodded and stumbled while getting up and running away. Thomas turned to Alex and helped him up. "You ok?" He asked. Alex nodded at him gratefully and used him as a support for walking.

They walked inside and Thomas helped Alexander onto the couch. "Sorry for pushing you Laurens." Thomas apologized, looking up at him. John choked on air and started couching. Once he calmed down he looked at Thomas. "I'm sorry what?" He asked. "You heard me." He scoffed sitting down.

We were all sitting down watching The Flash when Phillip spoke up. "Wait. Will Mr Jefferson be punished for punching that guy that was here?" He asked. I shook my head. I heard Thomas sigh in relief.

—A month Later— sorry for the big skip—
Everyone was sat around the coffee table learning how to play Uno. "Uno!" I yelped as I put down a draw 4 card. "The color is yellow!" I said happily. Though my last card was a wild card I wanted to trip people up. "Ughhh why must you do zis to me mon amie!" Laf complained as he drew four cards. I giggled a bit and watched everyone take their turn. James and Aaron also got Uno but it was Alex's turn and he put down a yellow three. "Uno out!" I cheered as I put down my last card. Everyone groaned in annoyance and disbelief. Washington chuckled and put down his hand, which was practically a book. "I mean no disrespect sir, but how did you not win? You won a revolution and built a new country for crying out loud!" Herc complained. "I'm a little rusty." He smiled. Everyone conversed with each other as I put all the cards away. I stood and walked to the game cabinet and put the box in when my phone rang from across the room near Phillip. "Pip can you tell me what the screen says?" I asked as closed the cabinet. He picked up my phone and read the id. "It's your mother. And I can see myself on your screen." He told me. I yelped and stumbled over to him. I took my phone and shushed everyone as I answered it. "Hey mom!" I said happily as I answered and saw her face grow onto the screen. "Hello Winnie!" She smiled. I rolled my eyes. "Mom people stopped calling me that like 10 years ago." I chuckled. "Just because everyone else has doesn't mean I will!" She chirped. All the boys were smiling at me. Some happy, some sad. Alex and Phillip's were definitely the saddest. "Well, why'd you call mom? Other than the fact we haven't talked to each other in months." I teased jokingly. "Oh yes! That's right! So you know how you're an uprising singer?" Mom asked building up. "Yep." I smiled. "And how some of your songs are getting famous?" She asked again. I nodded. "And how our family is one of the most known families in the world?" She asked. "Mom you sound very narcissistic right now." I chuckled knowing she meant no harm. She smiled sheepishly and continued. "We're going to the Grammy's!!" She cheered. "What." I asked. She nodded. "You're lying." I smiled. "Nope. And your one of the nominees." She smiled at me. My jaw dropped. "Really?" I asked. She nodded. The boys were super confused, France was next to me pawing at my knee. "Uh. I got to go mom. Thank you for the amazing news! Love you! Bye!" I yelped as I hung up. I threw my phone down on the couch and looked at the boys. "I made it." I smiled.

"Ok ok ok. So you're telling us that your parents are rich and famous, you write songs and publish them, you have more money than you know what to do with and you live in this tiny house for someone of your wealth?!" Thomas went through what I just explained. I nodded. I was scared that they were going to start using me for my money. "I-I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys sooner. I was scared you were going to use me for my money." I said looking down. "What?! No! Never ever! We'd still love and appreciate you even if you were living on the streets!" James yelped. I looked up at him. "Really?" I sniffed. They all nodded. Even Thomas. I smiled and looked down. "Thank you guys." I sniffed. Suddenly I was brought into a huge hug by none other than my favorite Frenchman. "Oui, I will forever be in your favor for taking moi in." He smiled. I nodded and hugged him back. Soon all the boys were in this hug, even Washington.

1438 words!

Ok ok ok, I have a list of story ideas that I really want to write! But I need your opinion so I'm gonna put a picture and you can read through them! Comment your favorite based on the number next to the idea!
(Note 4,12 and 14 do not have any plot so they are not options.)


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