9. Oakland Represent

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"WYN WYN WYN WYN WYN WYN WYN WYN WYN WYN WYN WYN!" I woke up to John jumping on my bed to wake me. "I'm zo zorry mon amie. I tried stopping 'im." Laf panted from the doorway. "It's fine. Why are you waking me up?" I asked looking around for Alexander. He wasn't anywhere in my room. "Daveed and his friends are here!" John exclaimed jumping off my bed. "Shit.." I muttered. "Tell them I'll be down soon." I explained stumbling out of my bed and into my closet. I heard John and Laf leave my room so I could change. I pulled out my black bodysuit and red pants and ran to my bathroom. I quickly changed and put on some black flats, brushed through my long brown hair and then walked downstairs. "Ok. I'm here." I sighed walking in. I saw Daveed, Rafa, Lin, Anthony and Oak sitting talking with all their twins. Yes I'm calling them twins now. "Ma!" Phillip exclaimed. He jumped up and ran to give me a hug. I chuckled and hugged him back. Alexander was a blushing mess from my outfit like he was at the mall. I sat down next to him and started to converse with Rafa.

"So, where is everyone else?" I asked. "Oh, Leslie couldn't make it, he was busy with life at home, the girls are being girls, and Chris is spending time with his wife." Oak explained. "Ah, I see. Well, shall we go out to get lunch?" I asked. "Yeah!" All my boys exclaimed excitedly standing up and running upstairs to change and get shoes on. "I guess that means we're going." I chuckled. "You really love them don't you?" Lin asked out of nowhere. "Yeah. I do. They've adapted to this new world so easily. I'm pretty sure the could've done it on their own if I'm being honest." I chuckled leaning into Rafa because he started giving me a side hug. "That's amazing to hear. How's song writing going?" Anthony asked. I looked over to my right at Daveed with a huge smile. He sighed and nodded. "Fiiine." He groaned. I beamed and shot up running to the dining room where my lap top is. I ran back and opened up 'Perfect' with Rafa looking over my shoulder. I set my laptop down and got Perfect ready to play. I looked over at Daveed to make sure he was ok. He nodded and leaned back, closing his eyes. I started to play the song.

At the end everyone was looking at Daveed and I with their jaws hanging open. I was beaming while Daveed was hiding his face in my neck. "I- wha- h-how?!" Anthony stuttered. "You got Diggs to sing!" Rafa exclaimed. "You're an amazing singer Wyn." Oak complemented. "You wrote that?!" Lin exclaimed. I nodded. He reached over and played the song again.

"Ma! We're ready to go!" Phillip exclaimed running downstairs with everyone behind him.  "You guys ready?" I asked Diggs, Rafa, Oak, and Lin. They nodded and we all stood. "Wait. Where are we even going?" Lin asked. "Just follow my van." I chuckled as we walked to my garage. "Everyone in." I said as I opened the door. "I wanna be up front!" Thomas exclaimed. "That ok with you?" I asked looking at Washington. He nodded and got in the back. Thomas hopped in the front. I turned around to look at the cast. They all looked somewhat shocked. "What?" I chuckled closing the door and walking over to them. "You got them in that car in less than a minute!" Lin exclaimed. "Yeah?" I chuckled. "Oh, we have two more seats, if anyone wants to sit in the van. There in the back with everyone else though." I told them. "ME!" Anthony and Lin screeched running to the van. When they got in I heard everyone cheer their names. I chuckled and turned back to Rafa, Daveed and Oak. "You know where the Olive Garden is?" I asked Daveed. He nodded. "Allons-y alors!" I cheered, running to my van. "She knows French!" Rafa exclaimed. I chuckled getting in the car.

French is going to be underlined until ***

"If these idiots don't stop talking." Thomas grumbled, after about 5 minutes. I chuckled and looked over at him. "Be nice." I smiled looking back at the road. "Yeah Thomas! Be nice!" Lafayette interjected. "Uh guys? English please?" Aaron piped up. "No!" Thomas, Lafayette, Alexander and I yelped while laughing. "Pleeeeeaaaaassseeeee." Lin begged. "Sorry not happening." I smirked, looking back at them through the rear view mirror. Washington and James were completely ignoring the whole situation while Aaron looked upset that he couldn't understand us. Pip and John were pouting. Lin and Anthony looked super confused, while Alex Laf and Thomas were laughing their asses off. "We're here!" I exclaimed.

We walked in with Rafa and Alexander at my side. "Reservation for Wilson." I smiled. The teen looked up at me and paled. "Y-yes ma'am. Follow me." She muttered. Our group followed her back to the outside patio where there was a whole set up for us. We all sat down, Pip on my right, then Alex, Lin, John, Herc, Laf, Daveed, Thomas, Oak, Anthony, Aaron, James, Washington, and Rafa closing in on my left. "How much did this cost Wyn?" Rafa whispered. "About 100 dollars." I shrugged. "What?!" He exclaimed. "About 100 dollars." I told him. "What's 100 dollars?" Pip asked. "This set up. But the food is free. Don't worry about it." I smiled. Everyone nodded and continued talking with one another.

Suddenly Daveed looked at me. "Wyn. Tell us one thing we don't know about you." He smiled. "Oh... ummm. Uh, I was born in Oakland and I have a whole section of my closet that's just Oakland sweaters and hats." I shrugged. Daveed stood up and walked over to me. As soon as he was next to me Rafa and Daveed hugged me. I giggled a bit and hugged them back as best as I could.

The rest of that day was perfect.

Nothing could ever change my mind.

But sometimes you gotta get back into the real world..

1036 words!

There might be some angst in the next chapter.. I don't know \_(•_•)_/

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