Chapter 5

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"Dolph wake up!" I exclaimed while shaking him.
He rubbed his eyes and looked at me.
"Did we do anything?" He worriedly asked.
"No Dolph," I laughed, "you were so drunk and couldn't find your room key, so you slept in my room."
"So nothing happened?" He asked.
"No Dolph." I said softly.

"Phew," he said, "Not that I'm against a lil- you know with you. I mean look at you."

"Yeah, you made that very clear yesterday," I joked with him.
"Well," he responded stiffly,  "I'm going to go get ready for the day. Do you want to hang out tomorrow?" 
"Yeah." I told him.
He was about to exit, but I told him to make sure no one was there, letting out a sigh of relief as I laid back into bed.
But of course, I can never get any time to myself because someone began to knock on my door

"Who is it?" I yelled. 

They didn't respond, causing me to yell again.

The person still didn't answer causing me to groan. I slowly rolled out of bed and grogilly approached the door, looking through the keyhole, groaning once again when I saw the culprit.
I opened the door slightly, just so he could see my face.
"What do you want Ambrose?" I hissed.
"Ziggler? Really." He asked.
"What are you talking about?" I asked nervously.
"I know all about your special little night with Dolph. I saw him leave your room." He said. 

"My special night?" I couldn't hold back my laughter, "what would give you that idea?"

"Your one night stand with Dolph? I saw him sneak out of your room," he growled.
"Dean, he was drunk and he couldn't find his key, so I let him stay in my room," I told him.
"Sure." Dean said sarcastically.
"Everybody in this business knows that I'm not one for one night stands at all. So why the hell would I have one with Dolph... One of my closest friends in the business?" 
"I don't know what gets you going," he shrugged.

"Give it a rest Dean. I want to go back to sleep."

"Okay. I wouldn't want to take up any more of your time, but how would mommy and daddy feel if they thought their precious daughter was sleeping around with wrestlers?" Dean asked. 

"Ok tell them. I don't care." I responded, "Like they would believe you over me."
Dean rolled his eyes, "Naturally they wouldn't... But, I have this picture."
He pulled out his phone to show me a picture of Dolph leaving my room, on his phone. My room number was clearly on display.
"You're so pathetic." I groaned
"I'm just hurt you didn't come to me to satisfy your needs," he smirked leaning closer to me.

"Oh please," I chuckled, "if and when I have needs to be met, you'd be the last person I'd call."

"So you're saying there's a chance?" he smirked, looking me up and down.

 'Ugh, Dean. I'm too tired for this. Are you trying to blackmail me? Is that what you want?" 
"Well, since you're so tired, let's just cut to the chase. I want you. So if you agree to go on a date with me tonight, then I won't tell your mommy or daddy." Dean said smugly.
"You want to go on a date with me?" I couldn't help but snicker at his propostition.
"Yeah," he laughed, "Any guy in this company would want that."

Now, I know I'm pretty, but was I really worth that much locker room conversation? I mean sure, my long blonde hair was popular with the fans. I slightly resembled my mom with her blue eyes and feminine bone structure, though I had fuller lips. But still, I'm sure he was exaggerating. 

"What are you talking about?"

"You should hear what everyone says in the locker room," he began, "they're just too afraid to approach you because of your family."

"What?" I asked him, longing for a little more explanation.

"You're like the forbidden fruit of this company," he said. That actually made sense. Growing up, watching my mom in the WWE, I knew that much of her appeal came from her perceived innocence and above all else, the fact that she was Vince Mcmahon's daughter. I guess the same rings true for me. I often forget that no matter how hard I've worked to distinguish myself from my family, I will always be seen as a Mcmahon or a Helmsley. 

"That's dumb," I said, "And what does that have to do with you?"

"I just want a date. One date," he suggested, with his signature cocky smirk, expecting me to give in.

"I'd really rather not."

"Okay, I guess I'll just have to post this on twitter.-"

"No! Fine, I'll go on one stupid date with you, but that's it. You have to delete the picture after," I gave in.

"I'll do you one better and delete it right now," he said, "Because I know you'll be asking- no begging me for one more date when we're done."

"Don't get your hopes up," I said through gritted teeth. He was really starting to get on my nerves.

"Meet me in front of room 348 at 9. I'll be looking forward to tonight Princess." He said, before closing my door.
If he didn't have the worst personality ever, I'd seriously consider going on a date with him, but whenever he speaks I just get so angry. I walked back to my bed, climbing in it, closing my eyes, and enjoying the sweet comfort of the fluffy duvet, until-
*knock knock
"What do you want!" I yelled.
"It's only me." I heard my mom say, muffled through the door.
"Oh," I replied, getting up once again to open it.
"Who did you think it was?" She asked.
"Nikki. She was annoying me." I told her while nervously laughing. She seemed to buy it and shrugged her shoulders.
"Well, I came here to ask if you wanted to have a girls day, and then maybe go to dinner with me and your dad?" She asked me.
"Of course! Wait what time will this dinner be?" I asked her.
"Pretty early, maybe seven." She said.
"Great. Where do you want to go first?" I asked.
"We'll figure it out as we go, but first, you need to change." She laughed, looking at my pajamas.

I rolled my eyes at my beloved mother who reminded me so much of myself, before picking out an outfit for the day.

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