Chapter 41

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I helped up Paige, and shook her hand.
"Congrats champ." She said.
I gave her a huge hug and patted her back as she exit the ring.
I looked down at the championship belt in my hands in disbelief.
I fell to my knees again in tears and kissed the championship.
It was wet with my tears, but I couldn't care less. I finally stood up again. This time, thrusting MY championship in the air. The crowd began cheering as loud as I've ever heard them
I exited the ring, and the crowd was chanting my name over and over, which brought even more tears to my eyes.
"I love you!" I yelled at the top of the ramp. I was practically balling at this point.
I gave my belt one more kiss before walking backstage.
It was a dream come true, and when I got backstage, all my friends were waiting for me.
The twins, John, Daniel, even AJ and Paige, Randy, Dolph, my mom, dad, Nattie, Eva, Naomi, Seth, Roman, and the person who caught my eyes almost immediately.
I ran and jumped into his arms, wrapping my legs around him.
"I'm so proud of you baby." He said kissing me passionately.
I just couldn't stop crying.
When he let me go, I walked straight into my parents' arms.
"I'm so happy." I cried.
"We're so proud of you sweetheart," my dad smiled.
My mom nodded along with tears in her eyes.
Next I walked straight to Paige and AJ and hugged them both, "There is no one else I would've rather fought, than you two."
"I'm so happy for you El." AJ said, and I let out an ugly sob.
I literally could not contain my emotions.
Next I walked to the twins and I hugged them.
And then to Seth and Roman. They pulled me into a huge group hug almost crushing me.
Then Dolph and Randy.
"You did it!" Dolph sung.
"I knew you would baby girl." Randy smiled.
"I'm going to go to the trainers. I love you all so much." I cried.
I walked to the locker room with my championship on my shoulder.
I barged into the room with a huge smile on my face.
"Congratulations Ella." He said as soon as he saw the title.
I smiled at him and said, "Thank you so much."
"I'm glad you wore your mask." He laughed.
"Me too." I laughed.
"So are you here to say 'I told you so'?" He asked.
"Oh thanks for reminding me," I laughed, "I told you so. But that's not what I'm here for."
"Oh what's wrong?" He asked.
"I got kicked in the face and my mask broke." I said.
"Oh," he started, "that explains the bloody nose. Let me examine it real quick."
He shined a flashlight on my bloody nose.
"Ok, so just a cut," he started, "So I'll cover it up with a little bandaid, and you'll be all set for tomorrow."
"Great." I smiled.
He covered up my nose and pat me on the cheek.
"Congrats kid." He smiled.
"Thanks doc." I laughed.
I exited the room and standing right outside was Dean.
"My girl is the champion." Dean sang.
"Stop you're gonna make me cry." I replied.
He pulled me in for a hug, and the tears began to flow.
"Are you crying?" He asked.
"Yes." I spoke into his chest, "You smell so good."
"Thanks princess." He laughed.
"Can I sleep with you tonight?" I asked. I don't even care how desperate I sounded. I just wanted to cuddle with my baby and my championship.
"Of course." He replied.
"Thank you," I smiled.
"You ready to go back now champ?" He asked.
"Yes. I am exhausted." I said.
"No kidding." He replied as we started walking out of the arena, "you kicked ass in the match."
"Thank you Dean," I yawned.
"But seriously, I was so proud, I almost starting crying too." He laughed.
"It was an emotional moment." I smiled.
We finally arrived to my car and he drove us back.
Sometime during the ride, I dozed off, but in what seemed like seconds, I was woken up.
"We're here." Dean said softly.
I opened my eyes and smiled at him. I unbuckled my seatbelt and carried my championship belt like a child. Dean tossed the valet my keys and we walked into the hotel, up to my room.
I unlocked the door with my left hand, holding my belt in the right.
Dean held the door open for me and I walked in. I immediately shook my shoes off, then set my title on the couch.
"Dean turn around." I said, so he did exactly that. I tore off my shirt and pants and removed my bra.
"Do you want to wear my shirt to sleep in?" He asked.
"I don't know," I laughed, "is it clean?"
"Hey, you yourself said I smelt good, and I showered really quickly after my match." He said.
"Fine toss it to me." I said.
He took off his shirt and tossed it behind him without turning around.
Oh my gosh, I've never seen a nicer back.
Wow, I'm fucking weird.
But the shirt landed on the floor and I picked it up and slipped it on.
It was really big and smelt really good.
Dean took off his jeans and he was left in his boxers.
He climbed in the bed first and I climbed in right after.
He laid on his back and I rested my head on his shoulder. My arm was sprawled across his stomach. One of his hands was underneath my neck and the other was to his side.
We stayed like this for a while.
I could feel his heart beat and just breathed in his scent.
I felt him kiss my forehead and whisper, "Goodnight princess."
I snuggled up as close to him as possible and never wanted to let go.
It was a perfect ending to a perfect night.

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