Chapter 27

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We all sat around the fireplace. It was our last night in Cabo. We were all going around the circle saying nice things about Brie and Daniel.
Nikki just finished and now it's my turn.
"Where do I start?" I asked.
I smiled at Brie and said, "I remember first meeting Brie. I was around 16. She just started wrestling with the WWE, and I was visiting my mom and dad. Call it fate because soon I ran into her-like plowed into her, and she yelled at me for not watching where I was going. I called her a bitch and she was like 'Who do you think you are?' But about a week later, she apologized to me and we somehow ended up laughing about it. Then she introduced me to Nikki. We all ended up hanging out and I got to know them more and more. So two months later, I joined FCW. I wrestled there for three years and moved up to NXT. And one of my mentors was a guy named Daniel Bryan. He became like a brother to me. He 'introduced' or should I say re-introduced me to his girlfriend and her twin sister, who just happened to be Brie and Nikki. Ever since then, we've been inseparable. Brie became my best friend. I tell her everything and she's always there for me. There's not one thing that goes on that Brie doesn't know about. Now she's getting married. To my mentor. Two of the most important people in my life getting married! You two are the perfect couple, and I'm so honored that you want me to be part of your wedding. Brianna, I love you so much and I can't wait to see you walk down that aisle. Cheers to Braniel!"
They all laughed at my speech.
"Love you so much Ella." She told me.
"I'm starting to think Brie is your favorite twin." Nikki joked.
I rolled my eyes at her.
"I love you Nicole." I laughed.
She flashed me a big smile.
"Well I think it's time to go to sleep. We have an early flight." Brie said.
We all walked to our rooms.
I got in bed and fell asleep.

"Wake up. It's time to go to the airport." Eva said.
"Thanks, E," I told her.
We walked downstairs and put all of our bags in the car.
I sat next to Brie and she leaned her head on my shoulder, with a sad look on her face. I know how stressed she was leading up to this trip, and now that it was over, we all had to return to reality.
"I'm so sad to leave." She said.
"Me too. I had a lot of fun, but now you can go see your fiancé!" I told her.
"And you can see your Dean." She told me.
I smiled at the thought of my Dean.
I missed him so much.
"So Valentine's day is tomorrow. You should do something for Dean." Brie said as she wiggled her eyebrows.
"I may give him a card," I told her.
"You're so lame Ella." Brie joked.
After more joking around we finally arrived at the airport.
We got some airport Starbucks then got on the plane.
I was sitting in between Eva and Brie. Getting to know Eva was awesome. She, like myself, didn't drink, so we bonded over that while our girls got absolutely shitfaced.
I fell right asleep.
"Wake up El. We're here." Eva said.
I texted Dean that we landed and he said that he'd be waiting at baggage claim.
We got off and went to baggage claim.
We all said our sad goodbyes, even though we'd be seeing each other again tonight. When we finished saying goodbye, I looked for Dean.
I felt someone tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see him.
I pulled him into a huge hug.
"I missed you," He said.
"I missed you too," I replied, kissing his cheek. We got my bags, he carried them to the car, and we headed back to the hotel.
I was planning on getting a few hours of sleep before we head to the arena, later.

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